Oh my god guys.............................................. ..................... watching movies is now epic. Holy fvcking shit...... holy shit....................... I don't even have anything else to say other than holy shit.
Oh my god guys.............................................. ..................... watching movies is now epic. Holy fvcking shit...... holy shit....................... I don't even have anything else to say other than holy shit.
are u sure its noopept your taking?
Another question relating to taking Noopept!
You're taking 3 dosages at 30mg daily = 90mg daily, IIRC, Are you eating with all three dosages?
And if not, have you noticed any different effects when taking with/without food?
Just started today myself how long before it helps you sleep better you think?Originally Posted by Atomini
Ok will be def ordering a batch of the choline also, i seemed to have a found a reputable company here in oz, which im happy. When i received my noopept from them yesterday, they also sent me a list of there goodies attached. All i can say is WOW i have been researching products i didnt even know how to spell, let alone know even existed. I don't mind being a guinea pig at times, testing out products that i no nothing about, never know i may be able to find one that is just as mind blowing as this combination if not 10 x better. Exciting times for 2013 lol. I had a thought last night also, stacking noopept + phel in sublingual form.
Last edited by boz; 01-31-2013 at 06:56 PM.
No, I am still doing 30mg twice daily for a total of 60mg per day. I tried 90mg/day only once or twice.
I am now exclusively dosing it sublingually. No more oral administration because i've noticed a massive increase in potency/effects when sublingually dosing it.
For more specific and detailed info on sublingual dosing, see this thread here http://forums.steroid.com/showthread...TRATION-DOSING and scroll down to the important part about administration techniques and their efficiency.
See my answer above in regards to sublingual dosing.
I started seeing improved sleep and wakefulness during the day within a few days of use.
About 3 - 4 weeks or so now.
After today, i've realized Choline is an absolute must when using Nootropics. I also won't be surprised if the Choline supplementation shoots Adderall's effects through the roof too.
Hmm not really, whenever I had administered it orally before, I always took it either right before or right after a meal.
These days I just let it absorb under the tongue sublingually until its totally absorbed, then I go eat a meal. So, the food would never have an effect on it since it is being absorbed right into the sublingual membranes straight into the bloodstream.
Any chance you can get off the adderal?Originally Posted by Atomini
This is something i hope to be able to document, I plan on starting dosage at 40mg daily, at roughly 06.00(20mg) (Fasted 8 hours) and again at 14:00(20mg) (Fasted 16 Hours) before eating at 16:30 as schedule dictates.
I presently function normally on 4-5 hours sleep daily, with unexplained amounts of energy which i have attributed to Intermittent Fasting, so im looking forward to gauging the effects that this substance has.
I may even consider adding a third dose, (20mg) at around 20:00 after the first week, to see if it adds any benefit to sleeping as my sleep time is between 00:00 - 05:00am.
I will be keeping a detailed log of my experience.
Absolutely not. Adderall has changed my life for the better. I have suffered with ADD my whole life, all throughout childhood. Because I was under 18 at the time, my parents had all of the say over the treatment options in regards to my inhereted condition (ADD and ADHD for the most part is genetic, my cousins have it, my brother has it too, etc.) and they didn't want to go the medicated route. So I struggled all throughout elementary school, high school, etc. and got shitty marks in most subjects but incredible marks in other subjects that actually caught my attention and excitement. This is a big characteristic of ADD and ADHD sufferers. ADD and similar conditions are believed to be linked to sub-performance of the dopamine, norepinephrine, and glutamate processes in the brain responsible for self-regulation functions, leading to self-regulation disorders compromising the sufferer's attention, self-control, behaviour, motivation, and executive function. Things like Adderall (amphetamine) and Ritalin (methylphenidate) primarily works by increasing the output of dopamine, reducing the reuptake of dopamine (and norepinephrine) which improves the levels and utility of these neurotransmitters in the brain.
In laymans terms, individuals (like me) who have ADD, our brains are not functioning at the same capacity as a normal individual. Adderall and different ADD medications bring us up to the level of function of what would be considered normal or slightly above. Another characteristic of individuals who suffer from ADD is that they will perform horribly in certain activities or subjects, while perfoming exceptionally well in others. This, once again, is the result of the dopamine pathways in an ADD sufferer's brain that is very different from a normal person's brain. What is going on in such a situation? Well, some activities/subjects (in school, for example) will stimulate that dopamine release required for the additional motivation, but in ADD sufferers this happens to an EXTREME amount. This is why they will perform exceptionally well in a particular area, while other areas they will do sub-par and horribly in. The reason for the sub-par performance in other subjects/activities is because, once again, due to the difference in dopamine and neurotransmission pathways in an ADD patient's brain vs a normal brain. Other activities/subjects will not stimulate very much dopamine secretion (if any at all) in an ADD sufferer's brain, and they therefore are unmotivated, uninterested, and therefore cannot focus and the end result is that they just perform like absolute shit. The root of it all is improper neurotransmission in comparison to a normal functioning brain. This is what I had to struggle with for a quarter of a century.
That is until about a year and a half to two years ago, I approached my doctor about using Adderall for my ADD issue. Because I was now well over 18 years of age, I had the say over whether or not I wanted the medicated route, and guess what: I FVCKING WANTED IT after being deprived of it for so long, and suffering academically as a result. So he prescribed it for me in an instant, and after handing me the script he said to me "just letting you know, I don't just hand out prescriptions this fast, but I know you know your stuff, perhaps better than I do, and that you're on your way to becoming a doctor - so you deserve this". I picked up my script at the pharmacy on the way home, and after getting used to it over a 3 week period or so, it improved EVERYTHING. I had the focus, motivation, drive, and determination that I only had for only one or two little things in the past. Now I had it for EVERYTHING.
Now,I understand that there are many individuals who have tried Adderall (or Ritalin) for their ADD/ADHD and that they didn't enjoy it. But my problem with these people is that many of them will make idiotic statements like "ADDERALL IS POISON!!! NOBODY SHOULD BE USING IT!!!". Excuse me? Calling it poison? One could easily call AAS 'poison', but i'm sure you'd disagree! When it comes to Adderall or any ADD assisting medications, it all depends on how you use it and not every medication is for everyone. I'm sure most here would agree with me on that same statement if I said the same thing about AAS. Everything has the potential to do harm or good. From all my years studying life sciences, work as a personal trainer, involved in the gym and fitness world, etc., I can unequivocally say: everything is bad for you, and at the same time everything is good for you.
I was perscribed adderall because I was diagnosed with ADD at approximately 7 years old. As I mentioned, I only started using it a little over a year and a half or so ago, and it has benefited me beyond imagine with things i've struggled with my whole life - all from moderate use. I only use it when I need it (on average, 2 - 3 times per week at just a single 20mg dose). I wish I had access to Adderall in my younger days during elementary school and highschool. I struggled SO horribly with focus and motivation, both on the immediate level (such as during classes and studying) as well as on a large general level (such as focus on overall goals in life in general). I don't even take it every day, and there are some times when I may go a week or more without having to use it. It might not have helped some others who don't enjoy it, but I feel it has helped me immensely, and i'm sure that a lot of other people in the same situation as me would say the same thing.
Do I agree with doctors automatically giving the parents of an ADD diagnosed child things like this and then force the kid to use it? No. The decision to use this to help oneself should be a conscious one made by the person themselves. If that means waiting until the child hits 16 or something before he/she can make their own decision on whether they feel they'd like to try using Adderall/Ritalin/whatever to help them, then so be it. But then we get into this issue of parents and the whole "DON'T TELL ME HOW TO RAISE MY KIDS" crap, and i'm not going there.
If Noopept ends up benefiting me in the long run the same way Adderall does (or better), then I may consider dropping the Adderall. But until such a day comes to light, Adderall will be an integral component of my every day normal function
Or unless/until they identify the gene that is responsible for ADD and I can cure it with gene therapy. But one can only dream...
Yea stay on it, I was just wondered if noopep could replace it somehow. I know adderal is good stuff. Helps a lot of peopleOriginally Posted by Atomini
Yeah in the long term if Noopept can fill in for the capabilities of Adderall, I would not mind stopping or at least really reducing my use. The stuff does cost an arm and a leg (like $4 - $5 per 20mg capsule at the pharmacy to fill my script, a 60 capsule refill costs me like $230 or so and i'm not on any insurance plans so its coming out of pocket).
I would happily pay a few thousand dollars for gene therapy (if they hypothetically isolated the gene that is responsible for ADD) to cure it and therefore as a result stop the need to use Adderall.... but how much would you like to bet that it will be a cold day in hell before gene therapy is a mainstream treatment in medicine for ANYTHING?
The idea is that they WANT me on something like Adderall, so I keep running back to the pharmacy to give them $230 every few months or whatever. Gene therapy would kill the pharmaceutical business. Sadly, that's the reality of it...
Any cure all therapies or drugs are suppressed. SadOriginally Posted by Atomini
My god, the Choline really was the missing link... the missing piece of the puzzle here. I'm surprised these companies don't market a powder that contains a both Choline and Noopept in it together for convenience.
I am right now for the past 2 - 3 hours working on a big paper/project (we're talking 5,000 words minimum) and the words are just flowing, the ideas just come to me.... there are no pauses to think but for brief split second moments (and yes, for your information the giant post above that I typed up about ADD I typed up at the same time as working on this paper right now).
Be like the fountain that overflows... not like the cistern that merely contains... Noopept has really opened my mind, it's incredible.
Atmomini, What's the dosage on the choline when your taking noopept? Are you taking them together or separately?
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Cerebralhealth.com, Scroll down to Epiq Noopept
Expensive in pill form, just make your own.
1 - 2 grams per day of Choline. I'll likely be sticking to 2g/day. Today in particular I did not take it with the Noopept due to the cirmumstances in picking it up at the post office long after I already dosed my Noopept for the day, but I will be from now on. There should be no problems doing so.
So your going to take them at the same time from now on?Originally Posted by Atomini
That's right!
I'm hoping to heave back from lov to see how his sleep has improved and still off the ambien.Originally Posted by Atomini
Just ordered some. Interested to see how it goes read pages and pages of what you had to say. Would you recommend not run I it while I am running clen? Not sure how the two would react together
Hope it helps you keep chiving on!Originally Posted by ChiveOn
LOL it doesn't matter in the least man. Guess what i'm on right now while using this stuff?
- Testosterone Propionate 25mg EOD (100mg/week)
- Trenbolone Acetate 50mg EOD (200mg/week)
- Anavar 100mg/day (700mg/week)
- Albuterol 24mg/day
- T3 200mcg/day
- Cabergoline 1mg/week
- Adderall (Dextro/Levoamphetamine) 20mg/day Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Trust me my dear brother, you WILL be fine![]()
Good haha. I'm mid cycle with sust among other compounds. I am very intrigued and I will post my experience when it comes in next week. Been reading for hours on forums now. First I've even heard of racetams so I'm hoping I didn't get bunk shit
Also, went with the choline bitartrate
Hey choice you got the iPhone app?Originally Posted by ChiveOn
Of course
Ok KOCO!Originally Posted by ChiveOn
Guys, I have an awesome testimonial here from a really good friend of mine who I got to jump on the Noopept bandwagon and just today not too long ago. He is a fellow brother in arms, and he has major depression, anxiety, etc. etc. and I know exactly where he's coming from on this.
His case may be a special one because of his condition. But regardless, it's a testimonly of how strong and effective Noopept and Racetams actually are (even way beyond that of just better cognitive performance in learning, memory, etc.). He told me the following:
"OMGWAFFLEES this stuff is amaazing!! I feel amazing, like feeling high with no high bad sides, I laughed for the first time in 2 months! and im smiling hand having a great time!! All my depression I had was gone and I feel so alive right now!! Its like the best of being high, cocaine and extsasy without those harsh chemicals! My friend and and are having such a good time right now! Dude thank you so much. I've felt depressed and suicidal for the past 3 months!!! It's all gone. Thank you so much! I'm sure it's only going to get better. I feel so alive right now I came to the gym to tear it up and see what the pump is like. Right now I feel like I could do anything I used to feel like this and it's back but even better and this is only after 1 low dose of 37mg!!! The black cloud has been broken over my life!!!! Even water tastes better!! Thank you so much man! Your like the brother I never had."
A little later:
"Dude it was like being blind and then being able to see for the first time, it was that incredible. I literally had not laughed in months and I laughed so hard today at something my friend said even right now thinking about it I'm smug and smiling about it. This never happens to me...ever! You have changed my life man. Without you I might have been dead soon by suicide or something but you and this drug has given me new hope. I literally had no hope anymore and didn't want to ever wake up. Now I'm calm and collected and feel like myself again 6 months ago! I can't imagine what I'm going to feel like in two weeks or more and adding the chlorine. It's like the most intense change I have ever felt in my entire life!
If all it did was take away depression that would be enough. This is the only thing that worked! I'm listening to music right now! Have not enjoyed music in months! It's giving me goosebumps !"
Well looks like the jury is in on this one. However, his case may be somewhat special, though it's not that far off: I've already mentioned to you guys that there really is no comedown, as its something that works progressively and is for the most part, its effects are cumulative and slow-building. It is very much like AAS. Nobody experiences gains in the first week or two within starting their cycle! HOWEVER, with that being said, there are some immediate effects that even I too did experience within 30 minutes of taking my very first dose when I first started use. Some individuals may be more responsive and sensitive to Racetams, and will experience immediate effects along side the cumulative slow building effects. I seem to be one of those to some degree (but I haven't yet seen all of everyone here's experiences just yet). In my friend's case I think that his depression, PTSD, anxiety and such had caused his nervous system to break down and become so wrecked to such a point where something like this would cause a HUUUUUUGE major and massive change in such a quick period of time.
It's like taking someone who has a wasting disease and is in a coma and dropped to a weight of like 110 lbs. What do you think is gonna happen when they wake up from the coma and you give them AAS to help them rehab? They'll EXPLODE with growth even witin even days of starting. It's still a little more of a longer acting thing than Noopept but its the same general idea.
I experienced everything he did, only not to an extreme as I wasn't depressed or anything but yeah, noticeable stuff. And he didn't even use Choline with it yet! Looks like we have two revelations today.
Gentlemen, THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO AS A CAREER!! I want to help people's lives better through human performance enhancement of ALL aspects! Phyisocal, mental, emotional, everything. because that is what I believe it is to be human - to make yourself more than you are! Yes.
You've got me really pumped man I'm excited to see this in action. I was all excited to start my first go with clen next week but now I'm really just counting down the days until this gets delivered lol
Bro I'm burning that my first batch of noopept was bunk, Fuken bulknutrition.com.au didn't even return my emails.
Anyway, can't wait for Monday to get my next batch from a trusted source. Already got the choline.
Next week I hope will be the start of a good week, unless I'm a nonresponder, that will surly be a bummer.
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