This is what I've settled on, I'm just wanting to double check my
timing, dosages, and conversions to ml before getting started. I
was going to start about 2 months ago but I got a new job and
had to move.
Sust250 2x/week for 10 weeks
Aromasin 12.5mg(.5ML) EOD
Clen starting at 20mcg(.1Ml) increment 20mcg/day and work up
to tolerance not to exceed 120mcg(.5Ml)
Clomid 100/100/50/50 ~3Ml/3/1.5/1.5
Nolva 40/40/20/20 ~2ML/2/1/1
Everything I have is in liquid form, so I want to make sure that my
conversions from mcg to ml look correct.
Is there any advice or preferences on how to take Clen while at
work, do you guys just take bottles of water to work with the
proper dosage already in them and just drink them while there? I
don't think having my dropper and bottle of Clen at work would be
a wise idea.
Aromasin, I've seen some start it with the first pin and some
recommendations to start on the second week, I can see starting
on the second week since that's when things should really start
kicking in, any opinions on this?
Anything else I should be looking out for or anything I'm leaving
out? If you want stats and my intro post I can repost it in this