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Thread: Raise Rbc levels.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Raise Rbc levels.

    I have been marked as "overtrained as hell". That's exactly what my doc told me and he is saying that I am not allowed to train in a at least a month. My Rbc levels are way too low and I have big problems with even walking because of the lack of oxygen. My Creatine Kinase levels are over 3000 and that's pretty high.

    So I want to raise my rbc levels and get back in shape. I am a soccer player with a lean physique. My thoughts have been on Eq and Gentamicin. The doc actually mentioned Epo, but I am not sure if he was serious or not.
    Any thoughts of what I should take to my football to the next level after I am done with this period of overtraining?

    Replies is much appreciated guys!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Let's begin by saying overtraining alone cannot be the sole reason for having extremely low RBC. Poor nutrition is definitely a great contributor to this process. Did you at all eat red meat on a regular basis? Most soccer players I know don't.

    Your doc was serious about EPO. Why do you think athletes dope w/ EPO? This is the very purpose why professional athletes do what they do with EPO....

    EQ would be one solution regarding exogenous hormonal intervention; however, it will have its own set of sides if administered at high dosages without the presence of Test.

    Pharmaceutical grade Primobolan Depot administered at 100mg on a weekly basis for about 10 weeks should deliver results without any significant damage to your endocrine system. As a matter of fact, Primobolan Depot was partially developed in order to treat Anemia, which is caused by low RBC levels. I would prefer Primobolan Depot for actual medicinal reasons over EQ any day. You should talk to your doctor about this as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    And your doc doesn't suspect that your anemia may be caused by a renal condition?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    And your doc doesn't suspect that your anemia may be caused by a renal condition?
    This is a huge factor, and I was just about to mention the same thing. Anemia has quite a few different causes, and overtraining is one of the least likely.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2012
    Great answers!

    For about two months ago I did almost stopped eating meat and especially red meat, but the problem is that my hemoglobin levels have been pretty low for a couple of years and not just for the last couple of weeks. I think that I need to do something on my own now, the doc has tried to help me for over 6 months and my health have just been worse over these months. Maybe I have a problem when it comes to training, because I train "too much" than my body can handle, but nothing makes me so happy than to workout. I would need to take some kind of steroids and I can't wait for my doc to take of my health anymore, I think this is a case for what steroids are made for. Both Epo and Primobolan are very expensive, that's the reason I was thinking about Eq instead. My diet is pretty good, exept the fact that I don't eat so much red meat, I eat around 300-500 of chicken everyday but I know that there isn't much iron and b12 in chicken compared to red meat.

  7. #7
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    Honestly, for anemia treatment alone, I would opt for maybe 50mg of anadrol for 4-8 weeks, along with a bunch of red meat. HPTA recovery from that should be pretty easy.

  8. #8
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    GTA, Canada
    ^ this. Vitamin B12 is also essential for treatment of Anemia. Essentially, any anabolic steroids hould help in stimulating Erythropoiesis, but Anadrol does this exceptionally well.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Weah View Post
    I have been marked as "overtrained as hell". That's exactly what my doc told me and he is saying that I am not allowed to train in a at least a month. My Rbc levels are way too low and I have big problems with even walking because of the lack of oxygen. My Creatine Kinase levels are over 3000 and that's pretty high.

    So I want to raise my rbc levels and get back in shape. I am a soccer player with a lean physique. My thoughts have been on Eq and Gentamicin. The doc actually mentioned Epo, but I am not sure if he was serious or not.
    Any thoughts of what I should take to my football to the next level after I am done with this period of overtraining?

    Replies is much appreciated guys!
    Do you want to list your cbc results as well as your iron profile and b12 and folate levels? Also, did your doc check your stool for microscopic blood (to evaluate intestinal causes of blood loss)? He would have given you little cards on which you would smear small amounts of feces and then bag them. He would either test them in his office or send to a lab for results. Did he check your renin and epo levels. Also vit d levels tend to fall with kidney disease if not supplementing. What was your vitamin d level? Parathyroid level?

    There is a bit of a diagnostic dilemma for you bc your CK levels were high meaning you likely have a lot of muscle damage. With muscle damage comes myoglobin release, which is directly toxic to the kidneys and can cause chronic our acute kidney damage depending on how long it has been going on for. So if you have kidney damage it would be hard (not impossible) to know if you had a pre-existing kidney condition or if the muscle damage caused it.

    Either way with a CK level of 3000, if you have markets of kidney damage you should probably be in the hospital getting IV fluids with mannitol and possibly bicarbonate. The absolute cutoff where ppl must be hospitalized for myoglobinuria is when the CK is above 5000. 3000 is pretty close and definitely warrants consideration of the above.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    Gentamicin????why do u need an antibiotic???

  11. #11
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    Hemoglobin 12,9 - 13,4 - 17-,0
    Leukocytes 4,0 - 3,5 - 10,0
    erythrocytes 3,91 - 4,25 - 5,71
    hematocrit 0,38 - 0,40 - 0,50
    b12 - 361 - 170 - 650
    iron - 14,2 - 9,0 - 34,0
    total iron - 54 - 49 - 83
    Vitamin-d were actually in the upper area, I supplement vitamin d-3 daily.
    My doc told me that the iron levels were good, but that is perhaps because I started taking iron pills 5 days before the blood test?
    I found a blood test from 4 dec and my Ck were 3911.
    The others things I can't find. I haven't taken a test for my stool. My doc just think it's overtraining, but I am not sure.

    I am from Iceland, so maybe the blood test is different from USA.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnymctrance View Post
    Gentamicin????why do u need an antibiotic???
    I have read that it can raise rbc levels.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Please help me out here guys, I really appreciate your answers

  14. #14
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    You're really not that low. Just take a break from training and start eating lots of red meat and dark leafy vegetables and you'll be up to normal very soon. If that doesn't cut it... well there's always anadrol.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 02-01-2013 at 10:38 PM.

  15. #15
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    Oct 2012
    The problem is that my asat and alat levels are really bad and that's maybe the biggest concern my doc has. Anadrol is definetely liver toxic and I think that isn't too good in my situation.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    You're really not that low. Just take a break from training and start eating lots of red meat and dark leafy vegetables and you'll be up to normal very soon. If that doesn't cut it... well there's always anadrol.
    Maybe I should try out Anadrol. Can you please help me out with some suggestions of how to dose it and should I take Nolva during or after the cycle etc?

    Thanks man

  17. #17
    I doubt your doc was serious about the EPO,,,assuming your in the USA?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    I doubt your doc was serious about the EPO,,,assuming your in the USA?
    Why? It is commonly prescribed for anemia among the elderly here. Dialysis clinics dish it out like candy.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why? It is commonly prescribed for anemia among the elderly here. Dialysis clinics dish it out like candy.
    I live in Iceland, and I think that my doc was serious about it

    Bonaparte? Did you see my question about the Anadrol?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post

    Why? It is commonly prescribed for anemia among the elderly here. Dialysis clinics dish it out like candy.
    I think bc his hemoglobin was 13.7, which is barely sub-normal and he's not having any symptoms consistent with anemia.

  21. #21
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