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Thread: HGH Home Testing

  1. #1
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    HGH Home Testing

    This is a re-post from another forum that I confirmed (by other Bio Chemist) is a acknowledged way to test your HGH batch. Posted by Clit_Shredder:

    As a molecular biochemist that routinely works with Peptides I can tell you guys a simple test that you can do at home to see if your HGH is the real deal. Also, for those of you that have red welts, itching, and sore spots at injection sites, I will explain here briefly what is likely going on.

    You all know the HCG test with the pregnancy strips so I won't go into that. To test you HGH,
    1. Reconstitute it.
    2. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
    3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min.
    4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day.
    6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkiness then the HGH is fake.

    Posted below is a COA obtained from a large manufacturer. Note the contaminants that are commonly found in HGH powders and their threshold limit values per WHO regulations. HGH is produced through recombinant gene expression in E. Coli bacteria. These bacteria produce a lot of toxins in the manufacturing process that are painstakingly removed from the HGH whilst maintaining HGH in its active form.

    Depending on the quality of the isolation process varying amounts of these toxins will be present in the powder. Even the most expensive HGH preparations will contain at least some of these toxins. These bacterial produced toxins are likely the cause of many of the skin reactions reported here as they are triggers for the body’s immune response. They are nothing to worry about so long as they are not present in any lethal quantity which they are nowhere near.

    Hope that clears things up for everyone.

  2. #2
    I've heard about this before but it seemed after some testing it proved inconclusive.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    This is a re-post from another forum that I confirmed (by other Bio Chemist) is a acknowledged way to test your HGH batch. Posted by Clit_Shredder:

    As a molecular biochemist that routinely works with Peptides I can tell you guys a simple test that you can do at home to see if your HGH is the real deal. Also, for those of you that have red welts, itching, and sore spots at injection sites, I will explain here briefly what is likely going on.

    You all know the HCG test with the pregnancy strips so I won't go into that. To test you HGH,
    1. Reconstitute it.
    2. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
    3. Put your HGH vial (which you are sacrificing) into the boiling water for 2 min.
    4. Look to see if the solution turns milky/cloudy white.

    If your HGH is real it will turn cloudy/milky white after this procedure.

    5. Let the vial set aside at room temperature for one day.
    6. If the solution becomes clear again and you don't see any milkiness then the HGH is fake.

    Posted below is a COA obtained from a large manufacturer. Note the contaminants that are commonly found in HGH powders and their threshold limit values per WHO regulations. HGH is produced through recombinant gene expression in E. Coli bacteria. These bacteria produce a lot of toxins in the manufacturing process that are painstakingly removed from the HGH whilst maintaining HGH in its active form.

    Depending on the quality of the isolation process varying amounts of these toxins will be present in the powder. Even the most expensive HGH preparations will contain at least some of these toxins. These bacterial produced toxins are likely the cause of many of the skin reactions reported here as they are triggers for the body’s immune response. They are nothing to worry about so long as they are not present in any lethal quantity which they are nowhere near.

    Hope that clears things up for everyone.
    Best test is to do what I do and get it straight from the pharmacy with a script, that way you don't have to test anything, lol

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    its been posted before its BS
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    its been posted before its BS
    ^^^Agreed. This crap has been circulating a long time. There are other iterations of the home test. It's all nonsense.

  6. #6
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    Sep 2007
    Yep bs !! If people in china are smart enough for it to bs your blood work I'm sure becoming cloudy or wat not can be faked as well... who's to say a peptide won't do this...

    Seen this post a year or so ago

  7. #7
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    I wish it was this easy to test.

  8. #8
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    Re-post from another forum written by Clit_Shredder. Note to thread: "I also confirmed this with a friend who is a BioChemist". Just additional information to read about.

    HGH denatures irreversibly however and so heat denaturing without any noticeable renaturing of the native and active protein structure would show that the HGH was in fact real. Yes, the HGH could be substituted with other heat sensitive proteins that don't reversibly renature, but these proteins are exclusively used in research. I can tell you from experience that such proteins are far more expensive than HGH. This would make sense since they are just as difficult to extract in active form, and are not being used by hundreds of thousands of people for medical purposes.

    So, bottom line; if you have a protein that denatures in heat irreversibly, it is either HGH, or an enzyme/protein that is at least as expensive (more likely a lot more expensive).

  9. #9
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    Where's Bonaparte and Atomini when we need them. I'm still not buying into this. I've seen too many knock offs that find ways around these tests through false positives or false negatives to believe anything other than a spectral analysis or some other analytical chemistry test or blood work done to measure IGF-1 levels.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Where's Bonaparte and Atomini when we need them. I'm still not buying into this. I've seen too many knock offs that find ways around these tests through false positives or false negatives to believe anything other than a spectral analysis or some other analytical chemistry test or blood work done to measure IGF-1 levels.
    Bonaparte has responded to this when it was posted before.
    The test is bs.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1

    Bonaparte has responded to this when it was posted before.
    The test is bs.
    Thanks Gixx.

  12. #12
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    Sep 2012
    Ok let's find the thread and post it. Many of us cannot afford U.S grade HGH. I myself just ordered Jintropin from Ukraine. Why? cause its affordable BS HGH.

    Also call it BS but I so spoke to a BioChemist friend and she stated yes the test would work for a simple home test. Hey it's something to consider. My Rips tested positive for HGH. Call it BS but its good to go for me. So anyone calling it BS should post some info for the rest of us to consider. Easy to talk, harder to write.
    Last edited by testluva; 02-06-2013 at 01:14 AM.

  13. #13

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Even if legit GH turns permanently cloudy when heated, that does not mean that anything that turns permanently cloudy when heated is legit GH.
    Any other long peptide sequence should have this characteristic (turning white when denatured). Hell, I could put raw egg whites in a vial and they would pass this test.
    Quote Originally Posted by xXthehulkXx View Post
    I finally got my bw back. I tested some generic greens. The test the op claims to verify it is growth, passed. It did stay cloudy for the 24 hrs. The bw results prove it to be bunk.
    Igf level was- 64 ng/ml, norm is 117-329
    Growth serum was- .2 ng/ml, norm is 0.0-2.9

    Needless to say, op, that this home test does NOT prove anything. Just like all the vets have been saying.
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    i just like to add that i boiled up a vial of legit gh my freind gets from his doc.didnt turn cloudy at all.not sure if i can say the brand but its well known. it was pal even said he had BW done n hr after he pinned and it was high .so i guess that boiling test thing might not be very accurate .just my $.02
    This whole idea of this gh "testing method" is so stupid it makes my head hurt.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Agreed ^^ not this bs rumour again

    Its nearly as stupid as generic being real hgh

  15. #15
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    Ok I got it now. I'll just stick to my Jin from Ukraine. Thanks everyone for the discussion.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Ok I got it now. I'll just stick to my Jin from Ukraine. Thanks everyone for the discussion.
    If you find something you think is important, post it. We all learn from discussions.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin23q View Post
    Best test is to do what I do and get it straight from the pharmacy with a script, that way you don't have to test anything, lol

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    Make your mind up! One day you import it next day you have a script.

    Stop lying.

    jing jai

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Make your mind up! One day you import it next day you have a script.

    Stop lying.
    but still cant mention the brand name but gets it from a pharmacy.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post

    Make your mind up! One day you import it next day you have a script.

    Stop lying.
    ROFL , here you go again.
    I won't even bother responding to anything you post. You clearly have issues, lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin23q View Post
    ROFL , here you go again.
    I won't even bother responding to anything you post. You clearly have issues, lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
    You're the one with issues, you're clearly a liar.

    jing jai

  21. #21
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Xl, its generic crap. Unlabbelled junk if lucky filled with peptides.

    You should seek pharm grade Edwin and stop trying to bs everyone, if you like it you carry on but no need to make stories up

  22. #22
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    Tested my Blue Tops (Rip) today. In 30 seconds they turned milky white in boiling water. After 18 hours at room temperature its still cloudy/white. They denatured in heat and didn't renature at room temperature.

    I went down to my pharmacist and ask if this a basic test that will work. "Said yes"
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    Last edited by testluva; 02-07-2013 at 10:24 PM.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva
    Tested my Blue Tops (Rip) today. In 30 seconds they turned milky white in boiling water. After 18 hours at room temperature its still cloudy/white. They denatured in heat and didn't renature at room temperature.

    I went down to my pharmacist and ask if this a basic test that will work. "Said yes"
    You just won't let this go huh?

    Inject your product. Have a serum test for IGF-1 before you start and a second a few weeks after. If your IGF-1 increases significantly from baseline you can be more confident.

    I don't care what the pharmacist tells you.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    You just won't let this go huh?

    Inject your product. Have a serum test for IGF-1 before you start and a second a few weeks after. If your IGF-1 increases significantly from baseline you can be more confident.

    I don't care what the pharmacist tells you.
    Basically I'm getting feedback from my BioChemist friend and my Pharmacist who have education on this matter. I'll do my BW test next week. I do have baseline on my IGF-1. This home test is just a basic test in chemistry theory as to your product. It's not a advance lab test. We all know that. This title is labeled "Home Test" not lab test.
    Last edited by testluva; 02-07-2013 at 10:47 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva

    Basically I'm getting feedback from my BioChemist friend and my Pharmacist who have education on this matter. I'll do my BW tested next week. I do have baseline on my IGF-1. This test is just a basic test in chemistry theory as to your product. It's not a advance lab test. We all know that. This title is labeled Home Test not lab test.
    Right. I get that. Short of sending your product to a lab for electrophoresis or fractionation analyses - which are costly - the best clinical measure is an acid-ethanol extraction of IGF-1 plasma samples, by radioimmunoassay using a polyclonal antibody for insulin growth factor-1.

    Elevated circulating GH increases the concentration of GH-dependent peptides such as IGF-1, IGF binding protein-3, and acid labile subunits (ALS). Thus, an observed increase in IGF-1 would occur as a result of increased circulating GH levels.

    Just because a peptide denatures or not isn't definitive. One of the fundamental reasons GH is counterfeited is because conclusive tests are costly, not readily accessible by most and these make shift tests at home are far from conclusive. IMHO I think you're wasting your time with it and some of the most knowledgable members here have told you this. I'd give more credibility to Gixx, Boneparte, and the many other members who've weighed in on this. We all know that the vast majority of medical professionals are unfortunately ignorant on these topics.

    I'd hate to see new, influential members thinking this simple home test is definitive proof and waste their money on bunk GH.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Right. I get that. Short of sending your product to a lab for electrophoresis or fractionation analyses - which are costly - the best clinical measure is an acid-ethanol extraction of IGF-1 plasma samples, by radioimmunoassay using a polyclonal antibody for insulin growth factor-1.

    Elevated circulating GH increases the concentration of GH-dependent peptides such as IGF-1, IGF binding protein-3, and acid labile subunits (ALS). Thus, an observed increase in IGF-1 would occur as a result of increased circulating GH levels.

    Just because a peptide denatures or not isn't definitive. One of the fundamental reasons GH is counterfeited is because conclusive tests are costly, not readily accessible by most and these make shift tests at home are far from conclusive. IMHO I think you're wasting your time with it and some of the most knowledgable members here have told you this. I'd give more credibility to Gixx, Boneparte, and the many other members who've weighed in on this. We all know that the vast majority of medical professionals are unfortunately ignorant on these topics.

    I'd hate to see new, influential members thinking this simple home test is definitive proof and waste their money on bunk GH.
    Yes I agree the senior members have a lot of credibility on this board but they post there real life experience to share with other and don't copy and paste chemistry paragraphs like you. If anyone reads your posting above you can see its not your writing. The top half was written by someone else and is not consistent with your lower paragraph sentence. You shouldn't pretend to be a chemistry expert by representing it to be from you. You should quote your source of information when making a statement like that above.

  27. #27
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    i for one appreciate copy n paste stuff like that as i would never find that on my own

    thank you muscleink

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dtob
    i for one appreciate copy n paste stuff like that as i would never find that on my own

    thank you muscleink
    Yes I agree but not misrepresent like he wrote it when debating a topic. He should state his quote source.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva

    Yes I agree but not misrepresent like he wrote it when debating a topic. He should state his quote source.
    Sorry if my 18 years of medicine and published research is incomprehensible for you. I will use smaller words for you next time.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk

    Sorry if my 18 years of medicine and published research is incomprehensible for you. I will use smaller words for you next time.
    Ok so educated me in your medical practice and education? Nursing? Physical Therapist, chiropractor, or maybe a physician? Maybe I misunderstood your medical experience in chemistry. Your making a big deal over a simple post on home testing HGH. I apologize if I commented on your rude response to my posting Dr. MuscleInk. You don't need to respond like your the Mr. Big man on HGH.

    Let us know what your profession is? Maybe I need to be educated on who you are in the medical field and especially since you published research in a website blog.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva

    Ok so educated me in your medical practice and education? Nursing? Physical Therapist, chiropractor, or maybe a physician? Maybe I misunderstood your medical experience in chemistry. Your making a big deal over a simple post on home testing HGH. I apologize if I commented on your rude response to my posting Dr. MuscleInk. You don't need to respond like your the Mr. Big man on HGH.

    Let us know what your profession is? Maybe I need to be educated on who you are in the medical field and especially since you published research in a website blog.
    I'm certainly not making any proclamation about being an analytical chemist although I have been trained in immunohistochemistry and histopathology as part of my vocation in neurology. I am quite familiar with the neuroendocrine system, age related changes and various pathologies related to neurological function and disorders. With respect to growth factors, I've conducted empirical studies on growth factors, insulin mediated pathways and the relationships between cellular propagation and apoptotic processes in disease states.

    Sorry, I don't blog. I publish in peer reviewed medical journals.

    Not sure where we are going with this. I wasn't trying to antagonize you testluva. If you want to hang your confidence on a home test for GH, that's your prerogative. I was simply raising some concern over the credibility of such tests which were denounced by other members here.

    On this issue, our opinions diverge.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Ok so educated me in your medical practice and education? Nursing? Physical Therapist, chiropractor, or maybe a physician? Maybe I misunderstood your medical experience in chemistry. Your making a big deal over a simple post on home testing HGH. I apologize if I commented on your rude response to my posting Dr. MuscleInk. You don't need to respond like your the Mr. Big man on HGH.

    Let us know what your profession is? Maybe I need to be educated on who you are in the medical field and especially since you published research in a website blog.
    id love to know what your credentials are in comparison to muscleink's ?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Ok so educated me in your medical practice and education? Nursing? Physical Therapist, chiropractor, or maybe a physician? Maybe I misunderstood your medical experience in chemistry. Your making a big deal over a simple post on home testing HGH. I apologize if I commented on your rude response to my posting Dr. MuscleInk. You don't need to respond like your the Mr. Big man on HGH.

    Let us know what your profession is? Maybe I need to be educated on who you are in the medical field and especially since you published research in a website blog.
    Lmao you're barking up the wrong tree bud.

    Maybe your bio chemist friend needs to go back to school for some refresher courses or continuing education?

  34. #34
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    losing the plot,remember?
    a very cheap way of testing your HGH home is the SDS-Page. Just need the paper, some commasie blue gel and the kDa references. If your sample is around the 22kDa field and thick then you have 99.5% positive match for hgh. there are no peptides mimicking the hgh effects that are close to the 22kDa. you'll then have to worry just about the contaminants. surprisingly a big part of the chinese hgh are positive for hgh but still cause big water retention. it means the manufacture mixes the hgh with some water retention chemical. the whole idea the chinese can't make ugl hgh is false, the question is if they will sell the clean one.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by swithuk

    id love to know what your credentials are in comparison to muscleink's ?
    It's all good!

    My apologies for coming across as arrogant. I deal with ego-fanatical docs daily and their god complexes irritate me. Like every other member, I'm here to learn and educate, not come off as a pompous ass.

    Testluva ad I had a chat on PM and everything is good. I appreciate the feedback and input on this thread. These discussions are insightful.


  36. #36
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    It's all good!

    My apologies for coming across as arrogant. I deal with ego-fanatical docs daily and their god complexes irritate me. Like every other member, I'm here to learn and educate, not come off as a pompous ass.

    Testluva ad I had a chat on PM and everything is good. I appreciate the feedback and input on this thread. These discussions are insightful.


    I love it when you take the forum to school mate, thanks for your genuine input.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    It's all good!

    My apologies for coming across as arrogant. I deal with ego-fanatical docs daily and their god complexes irritate me. Like every other member, I'm here to learn and educate, not come off as a pompous ass.

    Testluva ad I had a chat on PM and everything is good. I appreciate the feedback and input on this thread. These discussions are insightful.

    dont apologies mate . you didnt come across as arrogant at all . just very well informed

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheven View Post
    a very cheap way of testing your HGH home is the SDS-Page. Just need the paper, some commasie blue gel and the kDa references. If your sample is around the 22kDa field and thick then you have 99.5% positive match for hgh. there are no peptides mimicking the hgh effects that are close to the 22kDa. you'll then have to worry just about the contaminants. surprisingly a big part of the chinese hgh are positive for hgh but still cause big water retention. it means the manufacture mixes the hgh with some water retention chemical. the whole idea the chinese can't make ugl hgh is false, the question is if they will sell the clean one.
    Sheven, ok i like your post on home testing with the SDS-page. Can you elaborate more on this? maybe posting some references or links to do this test. I see from your previous post you have a lot of knowledge on this subject. Please share it. Thanks

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I'm certainly not making any proclamation about being an analytical chemist although I have been trained in immunohistochemistry and histopathology as part of my vocation in neurology. I am quite familiar with the neuroendocrine system, age related changes and various pathologies related to neurological function and disorders. With respect to growth factors, I've conducted empirical studies on growth factors, insulin mediated pathways and the relationships between cellular propagation and apoptotic processes in disease states.

    Sorry, I don't blog. I publish in peer reviewed medical journals.

    Not sure where we are going with this. I wasn't trying to antagonize you testluva. If you want to hang your confidence on a home test for GH, that's your prerogative. I was simply raising some concern over the credibility of such tests which were denounced by other members here.

    On this issue, our opinions diverge.

    Bro i always love your comments, its so sophisticated
    And intellectual . I just love it although i didnt understand half of the words LOL

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Granovich

    Bro i always love your comments, its so sophisticated
    And intellectual . I just love it although i didnt understand half of the words LOL
    I'm just here to learn like the rest of us!

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