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Thread: Having trouble with the negatives/downsides of using GHRP, CJC, and IGF

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Having trouble with the negatives/downsides of using GHRP, CJC, and IGF

    As with anything if there is an upside there usually has to be a downside but I am having a hard time understanding and/or finding a downside to using these compounds.

    I know it sounds weird but I would be much more comfortable with these peptides if there was a clearly defined problem that could arise.

    From all my reading all I've gathered is that there is a POSSIBILITY of Prolactin based sides when using higher doseages of GHRP and using GHRP-6 avoids that issue but other than that there seems to be no real issues. Obviously when reading about using straight HGH there are issues that can arise but these peptides are no where near the potency of actual HGH so none of those issues seem to be issues.

    So...yea...point blank....what are the negatives of using these if any and if there aren't any then why not use these consistently throughout the year? Is the only downside really that you have to be ok with taking a pin 3x ed and most people dont want to do that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Take a peek at my log, short answer no real sides besides hunger and the multiple pinning.

    Head to my log for full details

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Down Under
    IGF needs to be cycled 4 weeks to maximum of 6 weeks on with same amount as off.
    CJC without DAC you can run everyday 3x all year round and some!
    GHRP's same as CJC (above), everyday all year round.
    CJC with DAC you need to cycle, 3 months on with minimum of few weeks off, prevent the body for blunting it's own GH. 3 months is what I personally would go as the maximum.

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