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Thread: HGH sitting at customs

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin23q View Post
    Yeah normally my source relabel and repackages them professionally to something else that's legal here in Australia. The replacement ones are on their way but I'm just worried about the federal police to come and search my house or send me a court order. I guess I'll just wait and see.

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    I would think you'd have to order enough gear for them to think your distributing... That's a lot of money for fed police to waste on personal use when they can send a seize letter and keep it moving

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jay9582 View Post
    I recently ordered from the Ukraine and received an email that my order was partially shipped. Then I got an email the same day that the rest of my order was shipped later that day. I received the first part of my order in just two weeks. It's now been two weeks since then and I still haven't received the second package. Normally I wouldn't think too much of not receiving an order after 4 weeks but if they were shipped the same day is there any reason I wouldn't receive them at least within a couple days of each other?
    No I've ordered gear from there and they sent it out in 3 packages... Each package is shipped from a different warehouse in a different country... Depending on each countries mail system it could be weeks apart. All three shipped the same day and the first two came 10 days apart and the last one came 14 days after the second... I wouldn't stress

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jay9582 View Post
    I don't need the HCG now. But I did want to order more sust. But I'm wondering if I should order to a different address.
    You're getting worried for no reason... I ordered 3k worth of gear and they separated it in 3 packages and one package had 1500 buck worth of gear and that was the package that came last... Just give it time I doubt a tiny package would get seized.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Edwin23q View Post
    Try to use at least 3 different addresses.

    If you have a trusted contact there, I would advise to relabel them.
    Since I've done this nothing has been seized.
    Inspected every time but never seized.

    There are some very clever ways to get around customs if you use the right methods.

    If a delivery sits at customs longer than 3 days then expect a seizure letter from them.

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    Our customs isn't nearly as strict as yours

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Australian customs is very strict. Just stay locally, all these international shipments for cheaper but at the end of the day you could get charged when you could of went locally and payed extra but for piece of mind.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Down Under
    Just got my 4th customs letter.....yay lol.

    Stick to a local trusted source, only major issue here in Australia is most of the stuff floating around is rubbish, ordering online oversea's is so tempting! Stick to local.

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