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Thread: First Cycle need some advice please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Talking First Cycle need some advice please

    hi...i am planing on doing my first cycle in a couple of weeks, after x-mas. i am gona take 250mg of Sustanon and 200mg of Deca a week for 12 weeks. i will stop the Sustanon at week 10 and then finish the rest with the Deca. what do you think? i will take clomin after wards to help bring back my test level. this is my first cycle and i am young so i think that the dosages are sufficient now i am 5 feet 8 inches tall and i weigh 170lb with a bodyfat % of 6. i am buying the Sustanon for $16 per ampule and the Deca for $23 per amuple.

    well let me know what you think about the price i am payin and the cycle.
    Last edited by 10sne1; 12-17-2001 at 03:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Over there.

    Re: First Cycle need some advice please

    Originally posted by 10sne1
    hi...i am planing on doing my first cyclein a couple of weeks after x-mas. i am gona take 250mg of Sustanon and 200mg of Deca a week. what do you think? i will take clomin after wards to help bring back my test level. this is my first cycle and i am young ( 16 ) so i think that the dosages are sufficient. i started lifting seriously when i was about 11. i am 5 feet 8 inches tall and i weigh 170lb with a bodyfat % of 6. i am buying the Sustanon for $16 per ampule and the Deca for $23 per amuple.

    well let me know what you think about the price i am payin and the cycle.
    Forget the price, you are too young to be doing AAS. Nothing personal, but if you do it now, you may very well have lifetime side effects...

    Keep working out and doing it naturally.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    i have already made up my mind that i am going to take them. i am asking for advise about my cyle.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Re: Re: First Cycle need some advice please

    Originally posted by XBiker

    Forget the price, you are too young to be doing AAS. Nothing personal, but if you do it now, you may very well have lifetime side effects...

    Keep working out and doing it naturally.
    You took the words out of my key board...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    ok guys i would really appreciate it if we stuck the the subject... my upcoming cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Don't do it. period.

    if u are going to do them ANYWAY, wait untill your juice is about to expire, that should give u another year at least.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    your cycle isn't the subject, the subject is that your too young...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Yes 2 aspirin with a glass of water..WE are only trying to help you not to fuck up your life....

  9. #9
    hes right guys let him do his cycle as he planned.
    hes young and very smart ,why else do you thing he wants to lose his hair,have his nuts shrivle up to the size of raisins,and stop his natural growth process,have a limp dick and did i say stop his natural groth process,because when your done and if you dont keep doing it for the rest of your life your going to shrink right down to the puny little nothing you started out as,with no chance of growing anymore.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    to young

    Though you have probably made up your mind, YOU ARE WAY TO YOUNG to start AS. You are still growing and you naturally have a higher testosterone level due to your age. Train hard and you will see growth. BUT DO NOT DO STERIODS. You can risk permanent side effects. FOR LIFE!!!!! I know you want to get big but take your time. Even with AS, you have to invest a lot of time, sweat and pain every day in the gym. You don't go from 175 to 225 of pure ripped muscle just by sticking your ass with illegal substances. Trust me and everyone else who will tell you on this post. Train naturally and train hard everyday. Eat right, stay motivated and you may not even want to juice in a few years. I am 34 and am just now starting to use. This was not a decision I came to lightly. I did A LOT of reasearch before I made this commitment. If you want medical literature to back up what we are telling you about being to young, trust me, we'll send it to you....GLADLY. Before you ever decide to use AS, push your body to it's genetic limit. Then, when you are in your twenties and have a clearer head, then make your decision. THink about these side effects: BITCH TITS- go to and look at the pics they have and tell me if thats what you want to have. Pustular acne. This isn't just normal acne. This is quarter to half dollar sized pus filled acne pockets that love to spread out all over your back and can scar for life. Alopecia=hair loss. DO you want to be balding at 18???? Not a pretty site for the ladies. Hey, not everyone gets these side effects but do some research on this site and read for yourself. Make the wise choice. Don't do roids. Wait and you will thank yourself for it. JMO

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Sporting the FULL-ON ripped mode
    too young, man.
    i waited till my mid 20s before i even came close to doing crazier things with my bod. just hang -on, why are you so bent on trying to damage yourself this early in life. listen to these guys, they speak either from experience, or they know someone who has gone through the good and the worst of these.

    go to mc Donalds and kill a few dozen burgers. you have lots of growin to do.


  12. #12
    ptbyjason Guest
    Stay natural bro. You have a long time to wait before you even think about cycling. I am in my mid 20s and am still natural. There is not a thing wrong with waiting, and to be honest if you start taking things now, it will only hurt you.

    Cycle Advice: Just start eating more

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    new york
    how old is he, i think im missing the age here

  14. #14
    ptbyjason Guest
    Originally posted by nymattyk
    how old is he, i think im missing the age here

    Maybe that was what he edited. He is 16, just for the record.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    cumon guys

    Alright its obvious thats hes far too young ...
    but look if we dont help him someone with less knowledge may...and fuck him up.... worse than if hes well advised.

    ok bro try a cycle of Anadrol 50 , Insulin , HGH, T3, Testosterone Enanthate , Deca and Dont forget to stack sone DNP and Lasix to cut u up at the end ) jokes.

    if you cant afford that on your pocket money
    try Deca 200mg/w for 8 weeks
    with some clomid post cycle

  16. #16
    ptbyjason Guest
    I understand where you are coming from, but I'm not recommending anything. I would rather not have that on my conscience. Just my opinion.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    If your mind is made up... primo should be your only choice. It will stunt your future growth the least.

    ****Honestly, at 16 the only thing you should be supplementing right now is whey protien.****

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    so i take it you guys arent gona help me?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    We are helping you, you just don't want to listen. There is a guy on the boards named Mike. He started AS's at 16, you need to hear what he has to say! It's hard hearing what you dont want to hear, but PLEASE listen.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    I pretty much think it's obvious that you really are not going to get any help here. If you haven't already taken into consideration what people here have told you, then do what you want and suffer the consequences. But if you are wanting to have children in the future, find a local sperm bank to donate to so you can have some for your wife who you won't be able to have kids with naturally.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Dude, I'm 19 years old from Toronto, and I wanted to get on steroids just like you. After a few weeks talking to these guys they convinced me not to go on any AS, and they were right. And I'm 19!!!!! Your only 16, even to me that sounds crazy. Just stick around this board, read what people have to say, read up on the side affects which lots of these people have experienced first hand! The only thing you need to really do to get big, is fix up your diet. If you need help with that, these guys on the board or MORE THEN HAPPY to help you out to eat better, and which okay supplements to take, like Whey Protein, Glutamine(maybe), etc...

    Steroids...not for you...not yet. I know how you feel though, because the urge is there for me too. I think it's soo easy to just get steroids and inject them and i'm HUGE. There is a lot more to it then that. That's why you should stick around and just read up on all the info available. What's the worse that can happen??? Your not going to get any smaller, your just gonna grow and grow, and eventually, when your ready, that day for AS will come, but with time!!!

    Go natural for now, i've been working out for two years, started in January of 2000, it's just about been two years now, and I've got pretty good gains so far. Two/three more years for me, and I might not even want to go on steroids. It'll be the same for you, your too young, workout for 2 years, and you'll be surprised at how big you'll actually become going natural!!!

    That's my two and a half cents!


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    do you really think it would be that bad even ifi just did one cycle?
    i duno it is just so hard becasue i have tried so many supplements and they work for me but i still want to try steroids. in the last year i gained 38lbs and lowered my body% fat and that is only with like andros and creatine and stuff like that. it just makes me wonder what i could accomplish with some gear. my diet is very strict i have it all written down and everything so i think that i wouldnt be waistin the gear.

    ohwell keep writtin back to me i wana hear wut you have to say

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Outside your bedroom wind
    What else is to be said?

    38lbs in the last year!? Well, just keep doing that...and by next year, you will be THAT much better. Bro 40 pounds of muscle is SUPER HARD to gain, and you did it. So be proud and be able to say it is all natural. You are in high school and have more things to worry about than fucking with AS. Stay clean bro, you'll thanks everyone here in a few years when you are ready.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Last edited by hartyman; 12-31-2011 at 07:08 AM.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I hate to be the fly in the ointment here... but I'm curios. Isn't Anavar supposed to be pretty safe for teenagers? If not... excuse my ignorance.

  26. #26
    At 16 your natural test levels are kicking into full effect!! 38lbs holy shit!! I haven't even gained that on a cycle!! Listen to these guys, I did my first cycle at 19 and had some prostate trouble that haunts me to this day and I'm only 24! After that I waited until I was 23 to start again. YOU WILL FUCK YOURSELF UP, that's not bullshit! Not the media hype that you'll have a heart attack on the football field or all your hair will fall out, but your growth plates will close and you still have another growth spurt that WILL come on in another year or two. I don't want to see anyone in their teens messing up their body, the most pathetic thing is a 260lb man who's solid muscle & ripped who can even get his wife pregnant because he cycled his balls away!! You might look huge, but you truley are not a man anymore. Just some food for thought! Seriously rethink it bro, I know you'll do what you want anyway, but they are right about permanent damage. It's not a drug like weed or X that you can recover from like nothing, there is an art to cycling and one slip up can cost you $3000 to have gyno removed & that's just cosmetic, the acne they're talking about, one of my bros got it and can't take his shirt off at the beach anymore. He has these HUGE craters all over his back, now he's ripped and no one will ever know. I'm not making this shit up either! Do the right thing! Peace....

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I have the perfect steroid for you: wheyproteinenon
    It comes in big plastic amps and is resealable. Its an oral too!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    ROFLMAO !!!


    I have to admit, Excess is right, this shit is amazing, tastes great, and must be one of the best over the counter steroids in the world!!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by 10sne1
    do you really think it would be that bad even ifi just did one cycle?'s another problem brother....I have yet to meet somebody who said "I'm only going to do one cycle to see what it does" that stuck to that promise. Bottom line is...they work!! They work well in fact. But at your age, the risks FAR outwiegh the benefits...this is another fact. We're not trying to be pricks bro...we've all been 16 and we know that your ready to tear it up...we're just looking out for your best interests and that, TOO, is a fact. I wish you all the best safe.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east

    Listen to these guys

    38 lbs in a year is ridiculous. I'm what most would call a hardgainer. I eat 7000 calories a day just to maintain 250 lbs. I was a runt at 16, 6'2" and 160 lbs. It took me two years of eating everything I could get my hands on and working out religiously to gain 35 lbs. I stayed natural until I was 23, 6'3" and 225-230. That seemed to be it. I wasn't growing so I started. Somedays I still regret it. Now that I've studied nutrition and physiology for 2 years, I know I wasn't at my limits yet.

    At your age, your gh and testosterone levels are already high enough to grow naturally. You may use just enough to shut your natural production down and then when you come off you won't even have the high levels you have now.

    Not only that, you'll feel a lot better about yourself because you know you didn't "cheat" to get where you are. You aren't even close to your genetic limits. Find out what you can really be!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    yea but if i use them while my test already gettin high then wouldnt it just be like crazy high. and using clomid after wuold help bring back my normal test level wouldnt it? i dunt think of steroids as cheating. i have tried alot of over the counter work out supplements and i dunt feal bad about my self.

  32. #32
    ptbyjason Guest
    You are not understanding bro. This is not a thing about feeling guilty about using steroids. This has nothing to do with you taking creatine, protein, andro (which should have been illegal to sell to anyone under 18 in the first place, but that's another story) or any other supplement in the past. Let me put it bluntly. Doing steroids at your age will fuck your life up. It may not right now, but down the road you are looking at some very serious health problems. You need to here Mike's (one of our moderators) story about how he started taking steroids too young and how bad it messed him up. I won't give all the details unless he has already put it on the board. I will look for it for you so that you can see the true danger of what could happen to you.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by 10sne1
    yea but if i use them while my test already gettin high then wouldnt it just be like crazy high. and using clomid after wuold help bring back my normal test level wouldnt it? i dunt think of steroids as cheating. i have tried alot of over the counter work out supplements and i dunt feal bad about my self.
    What exactly do you want? Do you want us to agree with you and tell you "'s ok to use steroids at your age"? That's NOT gonna happen!!!

    So I assume you want us to put together a cycle for you that will give you awsome gains and make you huge....correct? Basically you want US to do YOUR homework for you. It's obvious from your posts that you have put very little effort into reseraching this thoroughly....I hope to HELL that you put more effort into your workouts. Do whatever you want kid...nothing we say matters anyway.

  34. #34
    ptbyjason Guest
    Ok 10sne1, here is the post from this thread

    Originally posted by Mike
    Alright bud - i like your sttitude you're very open minded - please listen to me when I tell you that starting now could be pretty harmful to you. Think bout it and wait a couple years - atleast as long as you can - start experimenting with your routine and diet and see if you can switch it up and play around with it till you cant grow anymore - then start. The only problem with AS too young is NOT stunting your growth contrary to popular belief. I started when I was 16, had a heart attack at 24 (am 28 now), have had severely high blood pressure since I was 16 that seems to be uncurable - medicated it is about 190/115, no meds it is resting at about 215/135, I have done extensive tests - had an MRA done, protein analysis, blood panel, urine tests...everything. Never came up with anything - it was steroid provoked hypertension - doc says if it doesn't come down 30 doesn't seem like an attainable age for me. Trust me - you gotta be safe brother - research lots and when you're ready to cycle - hit me up if you want to - I will set ya straight. Not trying to scare you just give you unbiased information so you can see ALL sides of the story.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    i do research it i read the book anabloics 2001 and 2000 from cover to cover! i just dunt see why it is so bad for me to use it and not so bad for you to use them.

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by 10sne1
    i do research it i read the book anabloics 2001 and 2000 from cover to cover!
    Then what do you need us're the expert.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Your body is not fully developed yet... the introduction to outside test is detremental to an undeveloped body. It will trick your body into thinking it is done growing; therefore, stopping your growth, inclluding you heart and penis (my two most important organs). Your cock will probably grow anothe 2 inches before you hit 20.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    north of the South, east


    And that is what you are,
    The reason you do not understand is because you don't want to. The reason you don't understand is your 16. Taking AS will not make your test levels "super high", it will shut down your natural production. Do you really want to mess yourself up that badly? Do you think reading Anabolics 2001 and 2000 makes any difference? I don't remember seeing a section on the side effects of steroids on kids. Did any of you other guys read that section? Reading those books is not much research. They won't really teach you a damn thing! But, like Pete said, Its your life to fuck up if you insist on it!

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    who is that mike guy that everyone is talking about? what is his name so i can talk to him?

  40. #40
    soul shaker Guest
    his screen name is Mike and he'll help you out. to add alittle, i started when i was 20, alittle young and only do a cycle a year, but when i'm off, i diet crazy hard and work even harder in the gym, and every year i'm getting bigger naturally. then when i'm on, it adds some more. take your time. i was just at the doctor and my blood pressure is up, and i may need to be medicated. and i know what it's from. be careful.

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