I originally posted this in the HRT forum and a few people suggested i post it over here to see what u guys might have to say...
hi all
my stats are...
46 yrs old
185 lbs
currently about 11% bf
i have done a couple cycles of tren with really good results and without most of the dreaded tren side effects.
i recently had my test levels checked and it was running 350 so my dr. started an injection of 150mg of test cyp per week and a small amount of estrogen blocker once a week. after a month of injections my test level jumped up to 1050 and my estrogen lever was 50. so currently the plan is to stick with the 150 mg per week of the cyp and bump up my estrogen blocker a bit to lower my estrogen levels.
what my question is is if i start of cycle of equapoise and possibly add another 350mg of test cyp on top of the 150 im gettign from the dr. what will that do to my blood work results that he has me taking once a month??
thanks in advance