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Thread: Cycle starting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Ok we'll I got the final shipment of everything for my cycle so I'm going to start up tonight here's how it looks

    Test e 500/w week 1-14
    Dbol 50mg Ed week 1-5
    Tren 100 eod week 6-13
    Hcg 250iu e3d week 1-16 and also shooting IM
    Adex .25 eod week 1-14

    Pct is clomid and nova 2 weeks after last pin
    Last edited by allskill87; 03-04-2013 at 04:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by allskill87
    Ok we'll I got the final shipment of everything for my cycle so I, going to start up tonight here's how it looks

    Test e 500/w week 1-14
    Dbol 50mg Ed week 1-5
    Tren 100 eod week 6-13
    Hcg 250iu e3d week 1-16

    Pct is clomid and nova
    You haven't mention an ai, prolactin, bp, or cholesterol control in here

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic

    You haven't mention an ai, prolactin, bp, or cholesterol control in here
    Sorry when I type it on my iPad it cuts off and I can't see what I write I edited it adding my ai as adex.25 and I also have prami on hand for prolactin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Looks ok now. I assume your Tren is the short ester?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Looks ok now. I assume your Tren is the short ester?
    Yeah sorry it's tren ace. I do have one question about hcg mine came in amps should intake the solution mix it w the powder thn put in a vial? And keep it in the fridge?
    Last edited by allskill87; 03-04-2013 at 04:36 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Yes. But i would use Bac Water and not the SC that it comes with.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Yes. But i would use Bac Water and not the SC that it comes with.
    Oh why do you use bac? N can u buy bac water at a store?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Bac Water is a lot more stable therefore lasts longer. No, you have to order online. Dont ask for a source, Google it. Amazon carries it mi believe..

    Or, you can make it..

    Homemade Bac Water

    99ml Distilled Water
    1ml Benzyl Alcohol
    1- .2 micron syringe filter
    1- 100ml sterile vial
    1- 20ml syringe

    1. Boil water, then add BA.
    2. Pull water/BA mixture into syringe.
    3. Attach filter to syringe with a needle and insert into sterile vial.
    4. Insert another needle into Vial to release air pressure as you filter water/BA mixture into sterile vial.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    Bac Water is a lot more stable therefore lasts longer. No, you have to order online. Dont ask for a source, Google it. Amazon carries it mi believe..

    Or, you can make it..

    Homemade Bac Water

    99ml Distilled Water
    1ml Benzyl Alcohol
    1- .2 micron syringe filter
    1- 100ml sterile vial
    1- 20ml syringe

    1. Boil water, then add BA.
    2. Pull water/BA mixture into syringe.
    3. Attach filter to syringe with a needle and insert into sterile vial.
    4. Insert another needle into Vial to release air pressure as you filter water/BA mixture into sterile vial.
    Alright cool I know the banner on top has it just wasn't sure if I could get OTC. Soo if I mix 5ml with the hcg that makes it every 1ml is 1000iu's so I'd have to do 1/4 a ml for 250iu e3d correct?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    2ml of BW with 5k hCG = 250iu at .10 on your slin pin.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    2ml of BW with 5k hCG = 250iu at .10 on your slin pin.
    I was planning on doing in I'm with my test

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Take some B6 and vitamin E with that! Shown to reduce prolactin issues to the point where you *probably won't even need to use the prami

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn
    Take some B6 and vitamin E with that! Shown to reduce prolactin issues to the point where you *probably won't even need to use the prami
    I was thinking of adding b12 but idk if that would be to much to inject or nkt. What dosage of b6 n vitamin e

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Mutton was the one that did a write up on this. He used 300mg of B6 2x daily. It is a CNS stimulant so you may feel tingles or numbed. If so then back it to 500/day. That's what he did. Vitamin E I read around 1,000iu a day.
    Other things that will help with prolactin are SAM-e, ginsing extract, Maca powder, zinc, and ginkgo bilboa. Although I don't know dosages for those offhand.
    He ran it with the B6 alone and didn't need caber and prami at all. I'm waiting to hear back on his bloodwork post cycle but on cycle he was good to go

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn
    Mutton was the one that did a write up on this. He used 300mg of B6 2x daily. It is a CNS stimulant so you may feel tingles or numbed. If so then back it to 500/day. That's what he did. Vitamin E I read around 1,000iu a day.
    Other things that will help with prolactin are SAM-e, ginsing extract, Maca powder, zinc, and ginkgo bilboa. Although I don't know dosages for those offhand.
    He ran it with the B6 alone and didn't need caber and prami at all. I'm waiting to hear back on his bloodwork post cycle but on cycle he was good to go
    Alright cool sounds good, I've never had any problem with prolactin but if only ran tren once.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Does anyone know if I'm correct, 5ml of bac water mixed w the 5000iu of hcg is every 1ml is 1000 iu so for a 23g pin I'd need to do 1/4 of a
    ML to be 250iu

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Why in gods name would you use a 23G instead of a slin pin or 29 or something? But yes, on any size 1/4 ml would be 250iu then

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Take some B6 and vitamin E with that! Shown to reduce prolactin issues to the point where you *probably won't even need to use the prami
    There was a thread on this I will say over a year ago.With guys trying the B6 and vit E.They really didnt like the results.But like everything else it may work on some and not others.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn
    Why in gods name would you use a 23G instead of a slin pin or 29 or something? But yes, on any size 1/4 ml would be 250iu then
    Haha I'm not going to be using a 23g I'll be using a 25g which is what I'm using for my test and also tren, I was just naming number really. But thank you, that looks like what ill have todo

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    There was a thread on this I will say over a year ago.With guys trying the B6 and vit E.They really didnt like the results.But like everything else it may work on some and not others.
    Ya I would have thought 600mg of b6 is too much

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