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Thread: drawing and injecting

  1. #1

    Exclamation drawing and injecting

    hey guys
    today i planned to start my test e cycle
    i was planning to do 500mg a week cycle
    so i took out my syringe and i pulled back 1cc of air and i put the needle in vial and press the air
    then i put vial upside down and pulled syringe back 1cc and it took like 4-5minute for test e to come inside the syringe and it still wasnt at 1cc
    then when i pinned and pushed the syringe it wasnt even getting pressed like it was stuck or something
    have i done something wrong?
    pelase answer quick thank you so much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    What size pin are you using?

  3. #3
    Well maybe some people pull the air before drawing, however I do not. I simply inject my 22 G needle into the vial pull it all the way down to the 3 ml mark wait for it to get to about 1 and a half ccs full push the rest back and draw out just a little over 1 cc which is 250mgs. The reason for doing that is to ensure I get 250mgs when I switch to my injection needle which is 25 gauge. Make sure you push all the air out of the needle and ensure a drop of the oil comes out the tip. Which means the air is gone. Sounds like you have air stuck in the needle to me bro. The pressure is building up. Make sure you always have oil come out the end and then always make sure you aspirate can save your life. Did you pull back on the plunger when you stuck it to ensure air bubbles were present with no blood?

  4. #4
    i tried two times so i used
    21g and 25g

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    i tried two times so i used
    21g and 25g
    are you ensuring the air is completely out of the needle? this a key part brother.

  6. #6
    yeah bro i pulled back and nothing came out
    but when i pushed the syringe in it didnt even get pressed
    i thought i was pressing it light so i pushed the back of the syringe hard and the oil didnt even go inside my body
    then i just threw it away cuz it wasnt coming out i know its a waste so thats y i posted here to get some advice on what am i doing wrong

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostOfRome View Post

    are you ensuring the air is completely out of the needle? this a key part brother.
    I inject about .10ml of air everytime. If I got a bubble, ill blast it.

  8. #8
    like i puleed back 1cc and pushed it in vial, put it upside down and i have to hold the syringe at 1cc right? then when the oil is there i pull it out and switch needle and back in my body
    but when i hold it it comes out like drop afer drop it takes so long
    and when i inject its not even going in my body its still in syringe

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    yeah bro i pulled back and nothing came out
    but when i pushed the syringe in it didnt even get pressed
    i thought i was pressing it light so i pushed the back of the syringe hard and the oil didnt even go inside my body
    then i just threw it away cuz it wasnt coming out i know its a waste so thats y i posted here to get some advice on what am i doing wrong
    No no no, when you first draw the test, do you make sure ALL THE AIR is out of the needle? If you don't make sure it will not come out. That's what it sounds like to me, you have to drain the test bro. You have to clear the needle to ensure its strictly test and not air (there is an air bubble in there sometimes that's not what im asking about)

  10. #10
    also does it matter which syringe u pull it with? because some syringe are wider and bigger then other, all syringes 1cc/ml is the same so as long as i withdraw 1cc its fine right?
    cuz i got small narrow so 1cc is a bit down and the bigger syringe 1cc is right at the top

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    I inject about .10ml of air everytime. If I got a bubble, ill blast it.
    .10 is nothing bro, i'm talking about clearing the needle. If you don't make sure the test drips out the top of the needle you will have air build up sometimes. When it's under pressure like that in the muscle there is no where for the air to go so it's like a suction and won't go through. Make any sense? Hard to type it lol.

  12. #12
    to make sure all the air is out of the needle you simply press the syringe in right? i did that i pressed the syringe all the way in the vial and pulled 1cc, so i hold the syringe at 1cc if i dont hold it syringe gets pressed byitself from the end if u know what i mean
    then i hold it at 1cc and it comes out like a drop and drop of oil so so slow, and it dosent even come fully at 1cc it stops

  13. #13
    I always buy the 3ml syringes, 25 gauge 1inch. With 22 g drawing needles, switch to 25s on injection.

  14. #14
    oh so after u draw it push a little syringe and make sure a drop of oil comes out when it does ur ready to inject right?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I pull with an 18g needle, the syringe fills up QUICK with an 18g. i pin with a 25g and it takes about 30-40 seconds to empty 1ml in to my leg. My doctor told me the slower you inject the better and you will less likely have irritation afterwards. Test is a think substance, the smaller the needle the longer it is going to take to draw up and inject in to the muscle.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    In the pub
    Stick the pin into the vial turn upside down and draw 1ml by pulling back the plunger..... its really not that complicated!.. I dont bother pre loading the vial with air...its not necessary

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    to make sure all the air is out of the needle you simply press the syringe in right? i did that i pressed the syringe all the way in the vial and pulled 1cc, so i hold the syringe at 1cc if i dont hold it syringe gets pressed byitself from the end if u know what i mean
    then i hold it at 1cc and it comes out like a drop and drop of oil so so slow, and it dosent even come fully at 1cc it stops
    Not when you actually draw it bro. I'm talking once you have 1cc drawn, when you take the needle out of the vial do you press the plunger forward and make sure you have a drop of test at the end of your needle?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    oh so after u draw it push a little syringe and make sure a drop of oil comes out when it does ur ready to inject right?
    yes, use the Z track method to ensure no veins are hit, aspirate if theres no blood your clear to inject. Keep it steady and inject slowly. Wait 15 seconds once its in there, pull it straight out apply pressure with an alcohol pad and you should be GTG.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    It should fill fast with a 21G pin.

  20. #20
    one more question some syringe are wider and bigger and some are narrow and small it dosent matter as long as u withdraw 1cc right its all same amount?

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    one more question some syringe are wider and bigger and some are narrow and small it dosent matter as long as u withdraw 1cc right its all same amount?
    as long as it's 1ml it shouldn't matter. I prefer the narrow ones. I feel it loads and injects smoother.

  22. #22
    yeah your right, problem i had today was i hold vial upside down and i pulled back at 1cc and hold it oil came sooo slow like drop after drop i hold it and then it stopped it didt even fill at 1cc so i tried again and same thing it didnt come 1cc it stopped half way
    may be because i didnt push the needle all the way in vial? i only pressed needle more then half way in vial
    thats my main problem the test didnt come in syringe all the way eevn tho i was holding at 1cc

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    yeah your right, problem i had today was i hold vial upside down and i pulled back at 1cc and hold it oil came sooo slow like drop after drop i hold it and then it stopped it didt even fill at 1cc so i tried again and same thing it didnt come 1cc it stopped half way
    may be because i didnt push the needle all the way in vial? i only pressed needle more then half way in vial
    thats my main problem the test didnt come in syringe all the way eevn tho i was holding at 1cc
    if you only have the 1ml syringes its a pain to draw, always get the 3 it breezes out. Shots literally take me 5 minutes they are in and out. Doesn't even phase me any more.

  24. #24
    1cc is like really at the top of the syringe its hard to see too
    but i pull it and hold it and the test drops so slow
    may be because i didnt push needle all the way in vial? because i only pushed in half way or more then half way to draw and to inject

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    at the gym
    should be a sticky this topic, draw with an 18 and warm the gear...............

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by socomftb234 View Post
    like i puleed back 1cc and pushed it in vial, put it upside down and i have to hold the syringe at 1cc right? then when the oil is there i pull it out and switch needle and back in my body
    but when i hold it it comes out like drop afer drop it takes so long
    and when i inject its not even going in my body its still in syringe
    You're trying to put thick oil through a tiny ass needle. You get shots at the dr office that are almost instant because they are water(ish) based.

    Try drawing with a 18g or 20g needle. It's a bit quicker, just be patient...

    And when injecting with your 25g needle, it's even slower. I usually take 60sec per ML to inject.

  27. #27
    allright because the videos i see on youtube who inject test e comes in syringe so quick and push it in so quick my was taking so long its by drop b srop and when i inject i push tht syringe and its not even getting pressed may be because i had air bubble?
    Last edited by socomftb234; 03-09-2013 at 05:27 AM.

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