My protocol as of 8 weeks into my treatment,.25 ml 2 times a weeks sub q. Nothing else has been perscribed to me,though I'm requesting hcg for dull ache in testes.I havent got my peak bw back yet ,but my trough [low before next shot] was total test 421, spec 344-1150 labcorp and e2 sensitive was 23, spec labcorp 0-70. i think.Question is when using sub q method twice a week is this total test typical or low for injections every 3 1/2 days. seems low to me, 77 points from lowest spec range. My other question is what do I do about it ? How much do I increase my dosage. I guess I also need to see my peak number before I panic, but at 3 1/2 day intervals my total probably isnt alot higher. At least e2 looks good.thanks