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Thread: Bulking Cycle

  1. #41
    I have a great cardio regimen. I was a full athletic scholarship at Duke U for track. But I have long since been out of the game and I'm looking to bulk up.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mate, forget the AAS and head to the nutrition section. There's not really any point continuing with this thread.

    You'd have to really run alot more than 3 miles to burn anywhere near those excess calories. You have ALOT to learn but that is why we are here, we shall set you on your way

  3. #43
    If I don't take AAS and I don't increase my CAL intake how do I do this? Thats my real question.

  4. #44
    okay thanks.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Follow the logic:

    You dont increase your calorie intake=you dont get muscle gain.

    You take aas without increasing your calorie= you dont get muscle gain.

    You increase your cals= you get muscle.

    you increase calories+aas= you get muscle.

    aas wont determine your gain.

    Food will. You should just eat more and see what happen... If you eat 10 000 calories a day and you still dont gain, or your training suck or your body sucks...(99.9% its the first option...)

    dont espect to see gain at 2000 cals daily especially if you do cardio...

    Eat ALOT and train HARD and WELL.
    at your weight youll see great gain.

    good luck

  6. #46
    Thats exactly what i THOUGHT! Thank you qscg.

  7. #47
    What would a good cycle for me be. Despite what has been said here I'm an athlete and I have taken care of my body. I don't have any health or nutrition problems I just have the body type and metabolism which has made me great at endurance sports but now since I'm done I'm looking to bulk up. Whats the harm?

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Are we wasting our breath here?

    Your results will be determined by your diet not by the compounds you use. Eat too much you will gain fat. Don't eat enough you will gain nothing. AAS or not.

    Simple enough?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I really think you should focus on eating more because you are light weighted... Its only my opinion

    HOWEVER, im ****ing stubborn and I do my things no matter what others say so... I wont tell you what to do.

    But one things sure. you can take 1000mg trenbolone a week and still not take a pounds of muscle if you dont eat enough.

    So your cycle should atart with a shitload of food. at least 10x the price of all the rest of your compound.

    Start from the start, 500mg/week test(150mg eod of prop if you are familliar with pinning.) 12 week with test-e/c/sust or 8 weeks with test-p

    250ui hcg 2x/weeks
    .25mg arimidex EOD and ED if sensitive and .5 mg ED if very ****ing sensitive.
    pct: nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    I just told you exactly what to do for a cycle...
    However you NEED to know why so... For understand why that or why this, read the stickies on the forum. read about hcg/ai/pct/testosterone.

    Understanding why you do ao will help you deal with whatever could go wrong.

    Good luck

  10. #50
    Thanks QSC. I appreciate the info. I'm gonna follow that. I agree i have to up my intake and def lower my cardio. Obviously I would be replacing my cardio with lifting. I'm not gonna sit on the couch or anything stupid like that.

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