Hi all.
Been reading as much as I can but want to check a few things.
Firstly - 25, 6 years lifting, nutrition is spot on.
210 at ~10%. On a cut from 226 down to 200ish.
If an AI is taken during the cycle, are sides still possible? Always suffered from Acne and don't fancy more..
Also will I get good results during a cut on a test only cycle or should I wait until I bulk again in 6 months?
Copied and pasted from the first cycle thread:
Option 1. Long Ester
Wk 1-10 Testosterone Cypionate = 200mg twice/wk e3.5d Wk 1-10 Arimidex .25mg EOD – monitor and adjust accordingly. Wk 1- 12.5 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day before test injection.
Option 2. Long Ester
Wk 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate = 250mg twice/wk e3.5d Wk 1-12 Aromasin 10mg ED - monitor and adjust accordingly. Wk 1-14.5 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day before test injection.
Option 3. Short Ester
Wk 1-8 Testosterone Propionate = 150mg eod. Wk 1-8 Aromasin 10mg ED day - monitor and adjust accordingly. Wk 1-8 hCG = 250iu twice/wk day.
Appreciate your time and knowledge!