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Thread: Albuterol confusion!

  1. #1

    Albuterol confusion!

    Hi guys,

    I have recently got some pharmaceutical grade albuterol and would like to use it to cut down.
    i have done some research and can't seem to find much information on the drug when used for bodybuilding.

    Can anyone give me some information on how effective the drug would be for fat loss?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    you can think of it as a mild stimulant. it increases your metabolic rate a tiny bit. and it is also mildly anti-catabolic with regards to muscle tissue. which means when you're in a calorie deficit, you tend to lose fats before losing muscle.

    but it only works if you can get into calorie deficit in the first place. which means diet and cardio plays a greater role.

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