Alright guys, I've done many prohormone cycles in the past, and looking back in retrospect, it was probably a terrible idea running ph's damage in can cause your hpta. Fast forward to now, I just ran my first real aas cycle of dbol kick start and test-e 500mg/week for 12 weeks then I went into a cruise for 3 weeks at 200 mg because I realized that recovery is not guaranteed without HCG. Yes, I know I messed up but it's never too late to TRY and design a great protocol for recovery (I know this should've been done before cycle).
Goals: Recover my endogenous testosterone and stimulate my LH enough to produce testosterone on my own again at a good level. I want to do this in a way that I will be able to avoid or lessen the "crash" effect that is notorious during post cycle as your androgen levels in the body decreases.
Items on hand: 15,000 ius hcg from pinnacle labs, clomid, nolva, letro, aromasin, DAA, hcgenerate.
I don't want to blast hcg at 500ius/ day for 10 days after my last injection. I prefer a stronger protocol that can avoid leydig cell desensitization. I found an interesting article that challenges my concept of the proper way to administer HCG. In this article for the HCG protocols, it says to use HCG in conjunction with nolva in order to avoid desensitization of the leydig cells. I always thought that using nolva or any serm during HCG was counterproductive.
This is the passage speaking about hcg and nolvadex to avoid desensitization:
"Leydig cell desensitization does in fact occur to some degree with prolonged or high dose HCG usage. Using it continuously during a cycle could possibly cause the LH receptor to desensitize which in turn would ultimately render the PCT to be either less effective or possibly useless. This seems counterproductive. HCG will not be needed on cycles where the proper ancillaries are used and where the dosages/durations are realistic.
The previous summary was a general statement. The reality and good news is that Leydig cell desensitization due to HCG usage is blocked and/or minimized by Nolvadex. This occurs by suppressing HCG's ability to inhibit the conversion of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone to testosterone."
Here is the protocol for hcg recover that I plan to do:
1,500 IUs HCG 3x/wk (mon/wed/fri) in combination with 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for the first 3 weeks. After, discontinue HCG and continue 20 mgs Nolvadex ED for an additional 3 weeks. After the hcg I plan to also use clomid along with the nolvadex at 100/50/50/50.
What are your thoughts? I really need help and am afraid that I may have messed up bad and now I want to ensure recovery. Don't get me wrong I loved my cycle and don't plan on cycling again for at least another year so that I can really focus on diet and hard work alone until I'm more ready for gear. I can't wait to learn all I can about aas use and proper nutrition. I just want to ensure great recovery in a safe and most effective way possible.
Does anyone have an HCG protocol to share that works well after being shut down for a long time? It is very confusing finding a good protocol because of conflicting information on how HCG should be used. My biggest mistake was not using it on cycle. What do you guys think of the article/ the protocol I plan on using for PCT.
PS: even though I've been shut down for a while my balls have not shrunk at all. I wonder if that is a good sign that I may be able to recover. I heard that when your balls atrophy it usually means that it will be harder to recover as you are shut down HARD.
Please chime in and help guys, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried.