Hi is there any protocol for calfs injection using synthol.?
Hi is there any protocol for calfs injection using synthol.?
Welcome Erwin.
No experience with it. Sure sounds disgusting.
Good luck.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
If you use the search bar there's an extensive log from years ago where the member used synthol to pull up lagging parts very interesting readOriginally Posted by Erwin Fearceile
Any keywords that i should type in.. I need some inches on my calfs.. I wirk pretty hard on it just no genetics in them
PIP, debilitating pain, crippling calf pain, newbie mistakes.
You could try some of those key words to find what you are looking for.
When you are done looking for an easy way out that you will surely regret then you could also search in the training section for proper calf exercises since most people dont work them properly and just complain they wont grow.
There is a time and place for synthol but if it was the right time or place for you to use it you would not be asking on a forum because you would already know the answer and you would be a week or two from walking on the stage to compete. Are you to that point??
Last edited by lovbyts; 03-24-2013 at 01:17 AM.
lol, lovbyts. I like the keywords
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
How old are you?
how many cycles have you done?
how long have you been training?
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
OP you do know that synthol is temporary right?
I agree with lovbytes. If and when I even SEE anyone training just calves, they are invariably just wasting calories.
Im 27 now have been on juice at the age of 19, i do have calfs but just that i want thoes 19 inches calfs size. Been training hard lately for my next year competition so i thought of using synthol for increasing my calfs size. With the synthol i boughtbu could push thru a 29 " syringe so its possible to push ut with insulin needles..
just remember it needs to go into the muscle, not the fat so it had better be over 1in
Will do man, thanks for the reply and heads up will update u guys soon..
Love it! ^^Originally Posted by lovbyts
Got pics of your calfs currently?
errrk some horrible pictures on youtube
High volume training and sprint work will make any calves grow. Before I introduced more sprint work, I trained my calves at the beginning of every workout. I put 3/4" on them in 2 months. They will grow with proper training. 3 sets of heavy calf raises on leg day won't cut it.
But I would love a good laugh, so post pics up of before and after.
Google syntherol and there are several protocals you can see.
I don't think it would do much unless used the right way and along with the proper training and other anabolics/peptides etc. I remember reading on one of the boards not long ago that it works along side a protocol like fst-7, but only when enough is injected into every head of the lagging muscle, and when other drugs are used along side of it. This is all hearsay so I cannot account for how true that is but it makes more sense than "shoot this oil in there every few days and train regular" and you'll grow from it. For instance, Xml into each head of triceps for X amount of time, use regular training and a fascia stretch routine, be on cycle, and inject local igf shots as well. I think Big A's protocol was 1ml each head ed/week, 2ml each head ed/week, 3ml each head ed/week.
Its extremely painful to stretch the fascia and also to inject into bruises daily, all other avenues need to be attacked before going down this route, 90% of people wont finish the protocol due to the pain. You need to focus on your weak points and do some hard intense training to bring out development.
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