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Thread: HGH Serum Test - very high result

  1. #1

    HGH Serum Test - very high result

    I have
    Last edited by concentrate; 01-03-2014 at 06:20 PM.

  2. #2
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    Sep 2007
    usually if you have ridiculously high GH serum levels you have a cheap peptide in your vial, possibly GHRP, 55 is way to high, unless there was a mistake on the test, which i doubt but its possible

    Really there is not "proper way" you can run your stuff in the vial for a few weeks and get an IGF test done. IGF should stay elevated after prolonged used despite injection time.

    This still doesn't tell you if its GH or a peptide either. Only way to be 100% is either A run it for 4-6 months or B buy prescription grade.

    your symptoms are the same from peps to GH since both technically are doing the same thing, I would guess its not generic gh at all but a pep

    Theres nothing more to it...
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 03-26-2013 at 06:48 AM.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2007
    PS post a pic of your bottle, ive had junk hypers before....ill see if its the same

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal
    usually if you have ridiculously high GH serum levels you have a cheap peptide in your vial, possibly GHRP, 55 is way to high, unless there was a mistake on the test, which i doubt but its possible

    Really there is not "proper way" you can run your stuff in the vial for a few weeks and get an IGF test done. IGF should stay elevated after prolonged used despite injection time.

    This still doesn't tell you if its GH or a peptide either. Only way to be 100% is either A run it for 4-6 months or B buy prescription grade.

    your symptoms are the same from peps to GH since both technically are doing the same thing, I would guess its not generic gh at all but a pep

    Theres nothing more to it...
    My HRT doctor had me on Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6 for over five months and tried cranking up my dosage each month and monitored my BW. The highest my IGF-1 got was 138. My pituitary glands could only produce so much GH. When I switch to the Chinese HGH, my GH serum and IGF-1 shot up in those ranges. My IgF-1 got up to 386. So if a fake HGH/peptide can do that and give me all the side effects of GH and is still cheaper than my US pharm grade Sermorelin/GHRP stuff my doctor had me on who cares. I'm getting the results of HGH both in my BW, side effects and anabolic effects in my body after eight months.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    My HRT doctor had me on Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6 for over five months and tried cranking up my dosage each month and monitored my BW. The highest my IGF-1 got was 138. My pituitary glands could only produce so much GH. When I switch to the Chinese HGH, my GH serum and IGF-1 shot up in those ranges. My IgF-1 got up to 386. So if a fake HGH/peptide can do that and give me all the side effects of GH and is still cheaper than my US pharm grade Sermorelin/GHRP stuff my doctor had me on who cares. I'm getting the results of HGH both in my BW, side effects and anabolic effects in my body after eight months.
    youve been running these jins for 8 months ? are you running anything else with them ?

  6. #6
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    I was running Jins for three months and Rips for five or six. I also run Test Cyp and NPP at HRT dosages. The side effects are more noticeable on the Ukraine Jins as compared to the Rips. I just did another BW this morning and included GH Serum and IGF-1. I'm trying to establish data on various HGH brands. I have BW data on Rips and two months of Ukraine Jins. In addition to all my noticeable side effect I had to deal with. My next trial will be on another brand if Chinese HGH, also pharm grade Chinese version from a well know company. My last test will be with a generic private label HGH blue top. So I will have all the Chinese HGH data from various brands to share. Like I always say, others can criticizes the Chinese HGH brands as being HiBred peptides but who cares if the results are almost close to American made HGH both in anabolic results, physical side effects, grey hair changing back to normal, thickening hair for us older dudes, sex drive, thicker skin, faster growing nails and body composition. Oh ya and fat loss. Remember these HGH results don't come over night. They take time. Also you need to confirm your source is legit and deal with the right suppliers. Also you still need to be on a HRT program with testosterone.
    Last edited by testluva; 03-26-2013 at 12:44 PM.

  7. #7
    Npp at hrt doses huh. You know the r in hrt stands for replacement, I didn't know the body made nandrolone that needed replacing lmao.

    Please explain how gh can restore color to gray hair.

    Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Sign

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    I was running Jins for three months and Rips for five or six. I also run Test Cyp and NPP at HRT dosages. The side effects are more noticeable on the Ukraine Jins as compared to the Rips. I just did another BW this morning and included GH Serum and IGF-1. I'm trying to establish data on various HGH brands. I have BW data on Rips and two months of Ukraine Jins. In addition to all my noticeable side effect I had to deal with. My next trial will be on another brand if Chinese HGH, also pharm grade Chinese version from a well know company. My last test will be with a generic private label HGH blue top. So I will have all the Chinese HGH data from various brands to share. Like I always say, others can criticizes the Chinese HGH brands as being HiBred peptides but who cares if the results are almost close to American made HGH both in anabolic results, physical side effects, grey hair changing back to normal, thickening hair for us older dudes, sex drive, thicker skin, faster growing nails and body composition. Oh ya and fat loss. Remember these HGH results don't come over night. They take time. Also you need to confirm your source is legit and deal with the right suppliers. Also you still need to be on a HRT program with testosterone.
    i would say its the majority view that rips are bullshit and have dangerous chemicals in to mimic well know sides of g.h . im double sure of these jins and the source . ive been on them for 5 months now
    im interested to know what the next brand of pharma g.h you will be sampling ?

  9. #9
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    If your GH is cheaper than your peps then i just give up on everything.........

    seems like you been on GH for months and test.. you should look 100% different. But most your pronounced views are on "similar symptoms of gh"
    Last edited by largerthannormal; 03-26-2013 at 01:46 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    My HRT doctor had me on Sermorelin/GHRP2/GHRP6 for over five months and tried cranking up my dosage each month and monitored my BW. The highest my IGF-1 got was 138. My pituitary glands could only produce so much GH. When I switch to the Chinese HGH, my GH serum and IGF-1 shot up in those ranges. My IgF-1 got up to 386. So if a fake HGH/peptide can do that and give me all the side effects of GH and is still cheaper than my US pharm grade Sermorelin/GHRP stuff my doctor had me on who cares. I'm getting the results of HGH both in my BW, side effects and anabolic effects in my body after eight months.
    if thats what you mean?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Hartman View Post
    Please explain how gh can restore color to gray hair.
    God I would love this to be a side of using gh. My hair was salt and pepper before I started growth. Now it's mostly salt Hey at least it's not falling out.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by noserider View Post
    God I would love this to be a side of using gh. My hair was salt and pepper before I started growth. Now it's mostly salt Hey at least it's not falling out.
    it only works if you wash your hair with it

  13. #13
    So does everyone think that 55 ng/ml is so abnormally high that I can rule out that this stuff is legit HGH?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by concentrate View Post
    So does everyone think that 55 ng/ml is so abnormally high that I can rule out that this stuff is legit HGH?
    It may very well be gh. Since there is no quality control in place how do you know that you really pinned 12ius? Generics can't get the purity that licensed facilities do so they compensate by over filling the vial. In this case more is not necessarily better. 191aa chain is very long and if any of it isn't perfect it's worthless.
    I believe most of the generics have some gh in them but then there's the of question of bioavailability and efficacy of a drug that's not bioidentical.
    Last year I used hyges that everyone raved about from a batch tested really high.
    I went to 6 and even 8 ius and it did nothing for me, nothing good that is.
    I use low dose gh and no anabolics. I shouldn't have to use 6-8ius to get benefits from gh. With Pharma grade I never had to go above 3ius.
    From what I know, the laws of diminishing returns don't apply to gh. I know one guy that's been on for 15 years and another 13 years and they both use pharma at 2-4ius and have no intentions of going higher.
    Last year I used rips, mao's and hyges and they all had the same effect; some water retention, smooth look, gyno flare up (I don't use AAS) but most importantly I didn't feel good or look good. Worst of all I ended up with skin tags.
    You don't end up with skin tags from shooting peps once a day.

    Since you've already bought them you might as well use but next time go for pharma grade. That way when you measure out 5ius, you'll be getting 5ius.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal

    if thats what you mean?
    My explanation was in response to Chinese HGH are filled with peps. So my response is ok great if it works like HGH it's good to go. Everyone responds different to HGH. I don't understand how HGH got rid of my slight grey hair but I don't care cause its doing something for me with anti-aging effects. Like I said in my previous post my hair thickness came back after two 50/50/100/100 cycles of Anavar with my test and Deca. You could see my scalp but not anymore.

  16. #16
    I would love nothing more than to use pharmaceutical grade HGH, I even managed to get a script for it. But I'm just not in a position to be able to afford paying the $16-$19 per IU that it seems to be going for from pharmacies here.

    For what it's worth here are pics of the vials. They were shipped unlabeled and the packaging was disguised as a plant growth product so as to not risk getting confiscated by customs.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo 1.JPG 
Views:	2379 
Size:	929.4 KB 
ID:	136309Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo 2.jpg 
Views:	2353 
Size:	938.4 KB 
ID:	136310Click image for larger version. 

Name:	photo 3.jpg 
Views:	6075 
Size:	975.5 KB 
ID:	136311

    My source tells me that they were made in the same facility that GenSci Jintropin was manufactured in. He says it is essentially identical to Jintropin, except with 12 IU per vial.

    He says that the reason it is under a different brand name is because the lab that manufactured it were originally suppliers for GenSci. But in 2007 GenSci owed them a lot of money and refused to pay so they split and formed the Hypertropin brand.

    I recall seeing something about a boiling test but then saw it is not reliable, can someone confirm if it would be worth sacrificing a vial?

    Can I say 100% that there would be nothing to gain from doing a IGF-1 test?

    Part of me just wants to believe what my source is claiming, that this stuff is essentially legit pharmacy grade Jintropin haha.

    Would it be a stretch to get a 55 ng/ml reading from 12 IU of GenSci Jintropin?

    What about 12IU-17IU of GenSci Jintropin? Maybe the rogue ex-GenSci lab guys were generous with some vials lol.

  17. #17
    ^^Please don't tell me you buy any of that story. That story is laughable.

    Here's a post by Kingtung on another board that better explains what my concerns are and why I stopped.

    "By products of GH production are toxins, which cause BLOAT, most somatropin is produced by recombinant gene expression in ecoli, these bacteria produce a lot of toxins in the manufacturing process and the byproduct after ecoli are destroyed is the somatropin, the greater the filteration, the higher the purity of product with lesser amount of toxins.

    Depending on the quality of the isolation process varying amounts of these toxins will be present in the powder. Even the most expensive HGH preparations will contain at least some of these toxins.

    Yes 30IU of riptropin will give you same blood readings as 30IU of humatrope, but the effects arent the same (look-wise)."

    And that's the million dollar question.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by concentrate View Post
    So does everyone think that 55 ng/ml is so abnormally high that I can rule out that this stuff is legit HGH?
    What is the ideal ng/ml number if you are taking hgh?

  19. #19
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    Looks kinda sketchy duder

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by testluva

    My explanation was in response to Chinese HGH are filled with peps. So my response is ok great if it works like HGH it's good to go. Everyone responds different to HGH. I don't understand how HGH got rid of my slight grey hair but I don't care cause its doing something for me with anti-aging effects. Like I said in my previous post my hair thickness came back after two 50/50/100/100 cycles of Anavar with my test and Deca. You could see my scalp but not anymore.
    When I'm on cycles my hair thins slightly and I have really thick hair. When i come off or use less androgenic or just less overall mg my hair gets thicker

  21. #21
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    I've been taking some crap for a month and a half. So far there has been very little change in my measurements, only what I would expect from proper diet and gym use. I haven't felt any of the good things or bad things that people report other than fatigue. I'm going to continue until the 2nd month is up and get an IGF-1 test, I'm not expecting any good news but I've gone this far.
    On a side note, I don't think I'd be comfortable eating chinese food. I don't want to put crap in my body that I can't trust. So, I went to the grocery for a Lean Cuisine type chinese food meal. It said Asian inspired chicken...Hmmm? If I eat that and get bird flu...yeah, I'll probably get leaner.

  22. #22
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    LOL, u talkn bout ur GH or that food?

    also 1 month isnt going to yield results, you may indeed have GH

    next Chinese food of any sort should not be in your diet..

    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    I've been taking some crap for a month and a half. So far there has been very little change in my measurements, only what I would expect from proper diet and gym use. I haven't felt any of the good things or bad things that people report other than fatigue. I'm going to continue until the 2nd month is up and get an IGF-1 test, I'm not expecting any good news but I've gone this far.
    On a side note, I don't think I'd be comfortable eating chinese food. I don't want to put crap in my body that I can't trust. So, I went to the grocery for a Lean Cuisine type chinese food meal. It said Asian inspired chicken...Hmmm? If I eat that and get bird flu...yeah, I'll probably get leaner.

  23. #23
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    Yeah, but I'd been craving chineese food for weeks.
    And, yeah, GH, but I've seen NO changes at all.

  24. #24
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    takes a good 3-4 months to start seeing visual changes......

    you should have GH symptoms though.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by concentrate View Post
    I have some Hypertropin (120iu per kit). I know from reading around on here that the consensus is that this is low quality Chinese generic HGH despite my source claiming that it is on par with legit Jintropin etc.

    To make sure I don't waste anymore money on this stuff I decided to get blood work via. *************. I managed to get both tests done at exactly the same time of day (1:47pm) 13 days apart.

    Attachment 136248Attachment 136249

    The first blood test was just to establish a baseline, this was done after a 6-7 month hiatus from any HGH. It goes to show that my natural HGH production is absolute garbage; 0.2 ng/ml on a reference range of 0 - 2.9 ng/ml.

    The second test was done 3 hours after injecting a vial (12iu) IM. The result was very high at 55 ng/ml.

    Now this seems suspiciously high as I have been reading that pharm grade HGH tests around 30 ng/ml per 10iu.

    I have experienced side effects but it is inconsistent. Some nights I wake up and my hands are really sore and swollen, other nights not so much. I am doing a pulse protocol of 4iu three times a week.

    What else can I do to further verify that this stuff is legit, should I test IGF? IGF-1 or IGF-2? If someone can explain what the proper procedure is that would be much appreciated.

    I really want to get to the bottom of this, what does everyone think - is 55 ng/ml a little suspect for 12iu of so called Chinese generic HGH?
    I just started my first HGH cycle of Chinese generics 37 days ago regardless of what certain people claim because I have had my source for everything for almost 4 years and have personally tested everything via GC and GC/MS except the HGH because I am currently unemployed and don't have access to that equipment anymore.

    I could have bought the blue top generic but they just come in the blah looking white rectangular box but they also have "imitation Jintropin (sticker with no fibers and just the generic HGH 97.1%)" along with Genuine Jintropin. I just wanted the box because it is cooler looking, better for shipping, and only $9 more per kit. YES MY SOURCE IS VERY TRUSTING AND IS ACTUALLY HONEST WITH ME. Anyone that thinks otherwise can go lick my.....

    I did the pregnancy test and it was negative. I did the blood glucose test and it went up after my injection by up to 14ng/dL (I stuck myself once every 2 minutes every meal that day WHAT A NUISANCE) so I know whatever I am injecting causes me to be insulin resistant. I started at 4iu/day and had all the side effects of HGH. I did an 8iu shot in my 3rd day (for experimentation) and I had some insane pins and needles in my hands and legs. So far I have dropped 1% in bodyfat and I don't diet. I eat pizza and sweets and chocolate peanut butter banana protein shakes with ice cream so obviously it helps burn fat well. I upped my dose to 7iu 11 days ago and it's like magic started happening. I figured, "hey it's so cheap why not just take more, right."

    But I am sick of hearing people say stupid things like "yo its a high result, its a low result, it's bunk blah blah blah."

    Here we go (this is based on 10iu not 12iu but you get the point in the variance of serum results):
    I weighed the total powder on these kits (Used dried empty vial with broken top/cap/seal,avg of 10, as my TARE . The weights vary quite a bit (it's generic and it's cheap so what?!). One kit was (the other kits are similar but thats wayyyyy too much to type so I randomly picked a set of numbers):

    Now whats interesting is that I would had varying results (mainly just fullness of muscles) and side effects too. The average total weight is 82.6mg (say 83mg which we will consider 10iu even tho only 3.33mg of that is the HGH). Take 143mg and divide it by 83mg and multiply it by 32ng/mL (The average from reading articles and what people got on the serum test from "real pharma grade HGH") and you get 55ng/mL. So you probably picked one of the vials that was overdosed. 12iu should be approximately 38.4ng/mL.

    Take the lowest 36mg and divide it by 83mg and multiply by 32ng/mL and you get 14ng/mL which is what I have seen some people with other GENERICS have and read idiots go "oh son yo that ish is wack/bunk blah blah generics suck China sucks" yada yada yada

    Seems to me that it was just that China generics were fine but the quality control regarding filling needs some work which is not a big deal for the price of it. All I do is combine two vials that equal the average mg so approx 166mg. (143mg & 36mg; 113mg & 53mg; etc etc).

    As a test tho just to further prove my point I am going to take the lowest weighted vial and get a serum test and the highest weighted vial and get a serum test and a mixture of two vials that equal the exact average and get a serum test and see what they are for all three. If I am right then that is a big up for us Chinese generics users. I will purchase a genuine Jintropin kit also when I get my next order of HGH too just to run for a little bit and see the "magical difference of pharma HGH" and so I can get a serum test too.

    Seems CONCENTRATE you had real HGH from China but you should buy a milligram scale and weigh your vials and take the average (mine was 6.029g for the unused HGH vial with label) then combine the highest with the lowest and the next highest with the next lowest and so on rather than the long way like I did. Then go get another serum test with one of the combinations and I bet it will be closer to 32ng/mL and your results/side effects will be the same every day/night.

    Best Regards
    Last edited by AriesChem99; 05-26-2013 at 12:13 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by concentrate View Post
    I have some Hypertropin (120iu per kit). I know from reading around on here that the consensus is that this is low quality Chinese generic HGH despite my source claiming that it is on par with legit Jintropin etc.

    To make sure I don't waste anymore money on this stuff I decided to get blood work via. *************. I managed to get both tests done at exactly the same time of day (1:47pm) 13 days apart.

    Attachment 136248Attachment 136249

    The first blood test was just to establish a baseline, this was done after a 6-7 month hiatus from any HGH. It goes to show that my natural HGH production is absolute garbage; 0.2 ng/ml on a reference range of 0 - 2.9 ng/ml.

    The second test was done 3 hours after injecting a vial (12iu) IM. The result was very high at 55 ng/ml.

    Now this seems suspiciously high as I have been reading that pharm grade HGH tests around 30 ng/ml per 10iu.

    I have experienced side effects but it is inconsistent. Some nights I wake up and my hands are really sore and swollen, other nights not so much. I am doing a pulse protocol of 4iu three times a week.

    What else can I do to further verify that this stuff is legit, should I test IGF? IGF-1 or IGF-2? If someone can explain what the proper procedure is that would be much appreciated.

    I really want to get to the bottom of this, what does everyone think - is 55 ng/ml a little suspect for 12iu of so called Chinese generic HGH?
    Hyges are very good generic gh, I don't care what anyone says. And so you Hyge doesn't come in 120iu kits, only 100iu kits and 200iu kits. There are a lot of fake Hyges out there but you have to trust your guy.

    I scored 49 with 10ius of Hyges and 36 on the 8iu version.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    usually if you have ridiculously high GH serum levels you have a cheap peptide in your vial, possibly GHRP, 55 is way to high, unless there was a mistake on the test, which i doubt but its possible

    Really there is not "proper way" you can run your stuff in the vial for a few weeks and get an IGF test done. IGF should stay elevated after prolonged used despite injection time.

    This still doesn't tell you if its GH or a peptide either. Only way to be 100% is either A run it for 4-6 months or B buy prescription grade.

    your symptoms are the same from peps to GH since both technically are doing the same thing, I would guess its not generic gh at all but a pep

    Theres nothing more to it...
    GHRP levels peak 40 minutes after injection, gh levels peak close to 4 hours after injection. So you can rule out GHRP as why his levels are high.

    But you are right about IGF levels. I've had elevated IGF levels for 2 months after I stopped gh, but gear can raise IGF levels also but not as high as gh.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Microbrew View Post
    Hyges are very good generic gh, I don't care what anyone says. And so you Hyge doesn't come in 120iu kits, only 100iu kits and 200iu kits. There are a lot of fake Hyges out there but you have to trust your guy.

    I scored 49 with 10ius of Hyges and 36 on the 8iu version.
    What hyge where you on, the yellow tops?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Majd1997 View Post
    What hyge where you on, the yellow tops?
    Yellow top, blue tops, green tops are all the same. It just depends on the flavor of the month but they are all worthless.

    I was on RX hgh for 1 year. The ONLY side effect I had was fat loss without much of any diet change, energy boost, best I had felt in years. Solid muscle mass and clarity of thought as well as heightened libido but that was also do to HRT.

    I never experienced tingling in the fingers, no wrist swelling or anything else you hear about.

  30. #30
    User Arieschem99 wrote:

    I could have bought the blue top generic but they just come in the blah looking white rectangular box but they also have "imitation Jintropin (sticker with no fibers and just the generic HGH 97.1%)" along with Genuine Jintropin. I just wanted the box because it is cooler looking, better for shipping, and only $9 more per kit. YES MY SOURCE IS VERY TRUSTING AND IS ACTUALLY HONEST WITH ME. Anyone that thinks otherwise can go lick my.....

    I just got some blue tops from china - clear vials with no label, in a small cardboard box.
    The seller says they are generic, and sends a copy of a blood test showing the patient's GH Serum level at 7.0 [ref range: 0.0-2.9 ng/ml]. The transaction was done using PayPal.

    When I reconstitute it, the white powder there seemed to be a lack of gelatinous material. As I rolled the vial the white powder simply dissolved. Most of it dissolved within seconds, and one patch stuck to the glass took about 2 minutes to disappear. In the past, with real Saizen - I noticed the gelatinous state while reconstituting. I injected 2IU, and there was no irritation or skin reaction to the dose. I'm still here, so its not rat-poison.

    Does your Chinese generic reconstitute in a similar way?

    Today, I joined this forum and performed the boiling test as suggested by forum member: davesah1 in his post of 5/18/14 in the thread: Simple Way to Test HGH legitimacy at Home. The solution remained clear. It was supposed to turn milky if the hgh is real. OOPS! Is this test even reliable?

    You seem to be having a positive experience with a Chinese generic, and trust your supplier. I bought only once from this vendor, and am not sure what I am getting. I am 67 yrs old, and intend to take 2IU daily as an anti aging treatment. I have a prescription (not that one needs one in mail order!) - however the pharmacy route is quite pricy, especially for long term use. A decade ago I ordered real hgh through somatropinonline - sadly they are out of business.

    Just read the guidelines, - sorry for asking about sources - request withdrawn.
    Last edited by thadeous; 05-27-2014 at 08:06 PM. Reason: guidelines

  31. #31
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    Thaddeus. There is only one of two possibilities here. Either you are a scammer or just just have very little knowledge about hgh.

  32. #32

    I am not a scammer, and do not know what that means. Especially in this context. I am not law enforcement! I do not want to sell anything to anyone here, or mislead anyone either. I am seeking information only. I came across this forum through a google search, and appreciate the experience and knowledge the folks here have. So I thought I would ask...

    I am a 67 year old male, and my doctor has given me a prescription for hgh. The professional channels charge an arm and a leg for hgh. I was hoping to find a reliable source online because I am not wealthy enough to just buy from the pharmacy. I can use my script to create an "above the line" transaction, or not and just order online. Any way that works at this point.

    Yes, I am fairly ignorant about hgh, and was hoping to get some info here to assist me in obtaining something that will allow me to age gracefully. The last time I took hgh was over 10 years ago, and I my source was somatropinonline dot com for Saizen. They are out of business and I am trying to find a reliable source.

    I've just posted an introduction of myself in the new male members thread. Hope this helps.

    Would anyone be willing to help an old codger along?

    Last edited by thadeous; 05-27-2014 at 06:31 PM. Reason: refer to my introductory post in new male mbrs

  33. #33
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    Apr 2008
    Thadeus my apology then. It sounded like you were stating that what you had found was being certified as legit hgh. Trust me and the 100s here who will tell you the same there is no generic that is any good, not even a little. Only high end labs can make hgh. It cost millions.

    If you have an rx do your self a favor and have it filled at a legitimate local pharmacy.

    Edit your post in regards to your email or you will have people trying to sell you a bridge paved with hgh.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-27-2014 at 07:44 PM.

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Thadeus my apology then. It sounded like you were stating that what you had found was being certified as legit hgh. Trust me and the 100s here who will tell you the same there is no generic that is any good, not even a little. Only high end labs can make hgh. It cost millions.

    If you have an rx do your self a favor and have it filled at a legitimate local pharmacy.

    Edit your post in regards to your email or you will have people trying to sell you a bridge paved with hgh.
    Done, and a couple of other places too. Thanks - had no idea really.
    A close friend suggested I get brand name Saizen from Mexico - has anyone verified that one?
    They do claim to be real, and I think they sell through Walmart down there.
    Am I allowed to ask this question? It is not exactly fishing for a source. If not allowed, forget it.

    Last edited by thadeous; 05-27-2014 at 08:08 PM. Reason: conform to site guidelines

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