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Thread: Atomini's all-you-need-to-know about TREN and how to use it effectively thread!

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Android- View Post
    Dr Atomini,
    I'm enjoying my first sampling of Tren ... Thanks to your excellent thread info,
    1ml tren e and 1/2 ml test e caber WK'

    Week 5 , I have already reached my objective (10lbs lean muscle )
    No real negative sides ,,, night sweats just hit
    My metabolism is running wild , eating every two hrs , and getting lean. This is amazing ..
    No significant strength gains,

    YES, I do have a question..
    Into the 4th week I became tired, little energy during the day, (sleeping well at night)

    Its taking a lot of coffee to get my workout in drive,,
    Am I missing something , ? What can I tweak to bring energy up ?
    ''Any input appreciated''
    I have no idea of being able to pinpoint and tell what it might be that is causing your lethargy. Lethargy can be caused by a plethora of things including but not limited to: the dose of AAS you're using, diminished thyroid output, lack of sleep (or lack of sleep quality), hypoglycemia, etc.

    It could be possible that the Trenbolone has affected your thyroid output greater than it does for most people. Some find that once they get lethargic on Trenbolone and decide to throw in maybe 25 - 50mcg of T3, their energy levels skyrocket back up. It is possible that is your problem, but you won't know unless you get bloodwork done (or unless you try administering T3 and your energy levels suddenly skyrocket.

    Other than that, you will have to just do trial and error to figure it out.

  2. #842
    Join Date
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    Princeton, Texas
    I just got my first bottle of Pituitary Growth Hormone when should i take the pills it just says take 2xpills daily. please help with any advice when to take them.

  3. #843
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pumpyouupv2 View Post
    I just got my first bottle of Pituitary Growth Hormone when should i take the pills it just says take 2xpills daily. please help with any advice when to take them.
    And your Trenbolone question is...?

  4. #844
    I recently added masteron to the Tren/test stack I was taking. It seems to make the Tren a little bit more comfortable for unknown reasons (that or I am adjusting to the Tren independent of that fact). I'll update as to how it's working for me as it proceeds, but initially I am feeling fairly good about the test/Tren/mast stack. I'm thinking about tossing some primo in at some point and doing a 4 compound stack, as primo felt pretty good in the past. "Feel" is really important to me, because if my energy and enthusiasm is up I will hit the gym harder and enjoy it more which is where the results come from anyhow.

  5. #845
    Join Date
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    Canada Eh
    Does tren have any negative affects on your liver?
    I've noticed a pain in my liver recently(6weeks in) it's easy enough to bare with but it's always there..hurts only when I'm walking or running. My cycle consists of tren 350/wk and prop 150/wk with var 60mg ED. Or is it more likely that the var is causing the pain in my liver? I have been taking it on an empty stomach during the weeks I work day shift so maybe I should stop doing that too lol.

  6. #846
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    Quote Originally Posted by B1gDaddy View Post
    Does tren have any negative affects on your liver?
    I've noticed a pain in my liver recently(6weeks in) it's easy enough to bare with but it's always there..hurts only when I'm walking or running. My cycle consists of tren 350/wk and prop 150/wk with var 60mg ED. Or is it more likely that the var is causing the pain in my liver? I have been taking it on an empty stomach during the weeks I work day shift so maybe I should stop doing that too lol.
    This question is answered in the FAQ of the main post.

    The short answer is: NO.

    If you are having liver problems, you would not be feeling pain in your liver. You would instead be experiencing the following:

    - Burning/gnawing in your stomach/abdominal area
    - Nausea
    - Vomiting
    - Extreme loss of appetite
    - Extreme lethargy
    - Extreme weakness
    - Jaundice (if it gets bad enough)
    - Very dark or very pale stool (depending on which type of cholestasis it is)

    Just because people think "liver problems", they think that it means your liver hurts. Think again.

  7. #847
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Hello and great info. Have been following this closely

    I am in a sort of a pickle and want to hear your comments. This is my 2nd run at tren and before this I tried trenE and loved it, the fullness, energy, visible changes, def night sweats and change in appearance. I strictly do test prop (no testE) and after reading your thread decided to stack prop with TrenA

    My cycle: 6 weeks
    Prop - 100mg Weekly
    TrenA - 100mg EOD (Started 4th week 1st day at the time of posting this)
    Caber - 1mg weekly

    My Questions:
    1. First time with Ace and even in 4th week I do not feel anything extraordinary and all the positives I am seeing might be cause of prop only (TRT dose) I have 0 night sweats and no other positive that I felt on trenE. TestProp at 100mg EOD I feel in full drive in week 2 and tren being 5 times stronger I would have hoped to feel def more. There is no fullness, vasularity, sweats, not even insomnia etc - Could be bunk gear? or underdosed? or is this normal with TrenA and should I continue with cycle? I understand we minimize sides but no sides at all scares me more.

    2. My impression its properly underdosed heavily cause I am just not nice to be around quick to anger etc which i am not otherwise. So there may be some trenA in it. BUT more importantly if I stop TrenA at the end of 3rd week can I bump my prop to 100mg EOD through week 6 cold turkey ( no taper down taper up etc)

    3. Any ancillaries that I need to worry about or should get right away excluding PCT. I will stop caber with TrenA or should I continue caber for another week or less or...???

    My bad luck as I was hoping to feel at least more on trenA than I do now at the end of week3. BTW this is my cutting cycle and on restricted cals

    Last edited by ridedivefx; 04-11-2013 at 02:11 PM.

  8. #848
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    1 - Sounds like underdosed or bunk gear. There is NO WAY in hell that by week 4 of Trenbolone Acetate at 100mg EOD that you shouldn't be seeing SOMETHING (provided nutrition and training is properly adjusted, as I suspect so).

    2 - If you are indeed certain that your Trenbolone is bunk (and it certainly does seem like it), then yes, make the most of your cycle and bump up the Testosterone. No need for tapers, just make it your primary anabolic if the Trenbolone is severely underdosed/bunk.

    3 - If you are going to up the Testosterone, then just be mindful of the possible increased Estrogen, so perhaps an anti Estrogen of some sort should be considered. There is no need to continue the Caber if the Trenbolone is going to be cut from the picture.

    I'm sorry to hear your Trenbolone turned out to be crap. Hopefully next time you can get some decent Trenbolone Acetate and experience the entirety of its effects, as it definitely should kick in far sooner than 4 weeks in. Even on a caloric restriction, you should see increased vascularity, pumps, and especially leanness.

  9. #849
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    1 - Sounds like underdosed or bunk gear. There is NO WAY in hell that by week 4 of Trenbolone Acetate at 100mg EOD that you shouldn't be seeing SOMETHING (provided nutrition and training is properly adjusted, as I suspect so).

    2 - If you are indeed certain that your Trenbolone is bunk (and it certainly does seem like it), then yes, make the most of your cycle and bump up the Testosterone. No need for tapers, just make it your primary anabolic if the Trenbolone is severely underdosed/bunk.

    3 - If you are going to up the Testosterone, then just be mindful of the possible increased Estrogen, so perhaps an anti Estrogen of some sort should be considered. There is no need to continue the Caber if the Trenbolone is going to be cut from the picture.

    I'm sorry to hear your Trenbolone turned out to be crap. Hopefully next time you can get some decent Trenbolone Acetate and experience the entirety of its effects, as it definitely should kick in far sooner than 4 weeks in. Even on a caloric restriction, you should see increased vascularity, pumps, and especially leanness.
    Thank you and appreciate the feedback! I will bump the prop, drop tren, finish the cycle and give it another shot in the future

  10. #850
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    And your Trenbolone question is...?
    help me

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  11. #851
    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini

    And your Trenbolone question is...?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-2574336475.jpg 
Views:	1765 
Size:	140.8 KB 
ID:	137147

    pls help me abt steroid wot cycle should I go for

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  12. #852
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanju singh View Post

    <img src=""/>

    pls help me abt steroid wot cycle should I go for

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum
    Start your own thread in the qa section. This is a thread specific to tren.

  13. #853
    since you said tren is 5x more potent than test, what dose is the minimum I need to get results. I wanna know the minimum required. Like test, more than 80-100mg per week is required to see some results. What about tren? Can it be run with test as main compound and tren run at 100-150 per week?

  14. #854
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaiblade View Post
    since you said tren is 5x more potent than test, what dose is the minimum I need to get results. I wanna know the minimum required. Like test, more than 80-100mg per week is required to see some results. What about tren? Can it be run with test as main compound and tren run at 100-150 per week?
    100mg of Trenbolone is the equivalent of 500mg of Testosterone. Therefore, 100mg is enough to see results. Hell, 50mg of Trenbolone is enough to see results! 50mg Trenbolone = 250mg Testosterone! However, I recommend the starting point for most with Trenbolone at about 300mg/week.

    Yes, you can run Trenbolone lower than Testosterone with Testosterone still acting as the primary anabolic. There are no issues with that.

  15. #855
    Join Date
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    Houston - TX
    How long do you think you could run 100mg test/wk and 100mg tren a/wk?
    Last edited by schon; 04-12-2013 at 08:28 PM. Reason: cruise was not the right word

  16. #856
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Hey atomini do you think melatonin tablets could help with trensomnia? it's killin me!

  17. #857
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    Quote Originally Posted by schon View Post
    How long do you think you could run 100mg test/wk and 100mg tren a/wk?
    You can run anything for as long as you want, but health issues become a concern 10 weeks in or longer with Trenbolone use.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsvcraig View Post
    Hey atomini do you think melatonin tablets could help with trensomnia? it's killin me!
    No. It is NOT a sleep aid. It is a hormone that triggers sleep, but it will not keep you asleep once you have fallen asleep. You'll just wake up cranky. Melatonin never worked for my Trensomnia. Melatonin should NOT be used as a sleeping pill, that's not what melatonin's purpose in the body is. You can really give yourself some problems if you don't know what you're doing with melatonin, and perhaps make your insomnia worse. Melatonin's role in the body is to regulate your 'biological clock'. and your day/night cycles. I.e. if you are trying to get yourself to sleep an hour or 2 earlier than you normally go to bed at, it will assist in re-setting your body's sleep cycle if you take it 30 minutes before bed. It is not to be used as a sleeping pill to knock yourself out and keep you sleeping through the night.

    Please see this thread on when and how to properly use melatonin: Good read on Melatonin

    Mistake #4: I need melatonin to help me sleep
    In most cases, your sleep problem isn't from a lack of melatonin, and increasing melatonin can mask underlying problems that are the real cause of insomnia. If you need melatonin to help you fall or stay asleep, you are more likely suffering from a circadian rhythm sleep disorder. Circadian rhythm sleep disorders mean that your body is producing melatonin and other sleep hormones at the wrong time of day, so when you need to sleep, you don't have enough melatonin in your system. Simply adding melatonin doesn't fix the sleep problem and can contribute to depressive mood disorders. The most effective treatment for circadian rhythm sleep disorders is light therapy, because bright light is the zeitgeber or signaler the body clock uses to reset itself each day.

  18. #858
    Join Date
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    So, just to be clear, 10 weeks is the longest you would run tren, regardless of dose? Assuming you cared about your lipid profiles etc.

    Thanks for this thread Atomini

  19. #859
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    Quote Originally Posted by schon View Post
    So, just to be clear, 10 weeks is the longest you would run tren, regardless of dose? Assuming you cared about your lipid profiles etc.

    Thanks for this thread Atomini
    Yup, precisely. I've run it for 12 weeks before, but that was a one-time thing. 8 - 10 weeks maximum is my preference.

  20. #860
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    About the heart issues you were talking about. Is there anything that can be done to counteract that at all? How serious is it?

  21. #861
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I'm about 2.5 weeks into my current cycle following advice from this thread. During my last cycle I had a bit less tren than I have now, and much more test (about 600mG/wk, later dropped to 300mG/ wk).
    It's still to early for a definitive report, on my last cycle I didn't experience the big sides until later. So far however, the sides I remember are GREATLY diminished. These were night sweats, increased aggression/frustration and acne.
    I thought I read somewhere that using Test as an HRT/maintenance dose and letting the Tren do the work was thought to greatly reduce sides. Anecdotally, I can definitely confirm this so far. Do you think it's true?

  22. #862
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    About the heart issues you were talking about. Is there anything that can be done to counteract that at all? How serious is it?
    Yes, keep your diet as clean as possible, and supplement with plenty of essential fats and nutrients/foods that will support cardiovascular health. That's about the best advice that can be determined thus far for the negative cardiovascular effects of Trenbolone (or any anabolic steroid). How serious it is varies between individuals and there is no baseline measurement of how serious it is that can be given for everyone. But it is serious enough to become concerning if running these things for extended periods of time or at very high doses.

    Quote Originally Posted by oatmeal69 View Post
    I'm about 2.5 weeks into my current cycle following advice from this thread. During my last cycle I had a bit less tren than I have now, and much more test (about 600mG/wk, later dropped to 300mG/ wk).
    It's still to early for a definitive report, on my last cycle I didn't experience the big sides until later. So far however, the sides I remember are GREATLY diminished. These were night sweats, increased aggression/frustration and acne.
    I thought I read somewhere that using Test as an HRT/maintenance dose and letting the Tren do the work was thought to greatly reduce sides. Anecdotally, I can definitely confirm this so far. Do you think it's true?
    I absolutely believe that it is true. It won't be the case for ALL side effects associated with Trenbolone, but it certainly is the case for most of them, especially Estrogen-related side effects that Trenbolone might exacerbate when using high doses of an aromatizable androgen (such as Testosterone).

  23. #863
    Join Date
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    Ok mate thanks. This is my first time using tren and the lack of sleep, or when I do sleep sleep is extremely light and I wake up every hour, I'm 3 weeks in with the tren, is there a chance this will ease off or my body will get use to it? I'm on tren e, i won't be able to do the full cycle if this doesn't ease up. Cheers

  24. #864
    Join Date
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    Sorry I should've added I'm doing 300mgs a week

  25. #865
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    I honestly couldn't tell you if the Trensomnia will ease up over time for you. I can say from my experience, though, that it never eases up for me. It remains all the way until the hormone has completely cleared from my body. I get the whole tossing and turning at night, waking up every 2-3 hours, etc. while on Trenbolone, and its worse with higher doses. I have never ever had my body "get used to it" or have the insomnia ease up on me. It always stays until I am off Trenbolone.

  26. #866

    Thanks again for doing this. I conduct my own research, and this thread has helped me tremendously!

    im currently on my third week of a test-e cycle ( 250 mg/ twice a week).

    I want to add tren-a into this cycle at 100 mg eod along with prami (my liquid caber became unstable which i should of already assumed) .

    I want to lower that test-e dose to around 200 mg (or slighty less), but i am unsure how long i would have to wait at that dosage for the long ester test to re-adjust before i add the tren. I want to avoid running the test that high with the tren (like you recommend)

    Would lowering it immediately to 200 mg a week and waiting about a week or two be sufficient before i start the tren-a? Or should i wait longer?

    I know you are a busy man, so thank you in advance.
    Last edited by NissanGTR; 04-17-2013 at 07:33 PM.

  27. #867
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    Lowering it immediately and then waiting a week or so is perfectly fine before beginning the Trenbolone. The timing of these things doesn't have to be meticulous, it's not like timing things for PCT or anything, you're already on cycle.

  28. #868
    Join Date
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    Thanks Atomini

  29. #869
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    DOSTINEX (CABERGOLINE) is very expensive. Is it really necessary to take it daily while on tren?
    Last edited by Joe7; 04-22-2013 at 10:23 PM.

  30. #870
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe7
    DOSTINEX (CABERGOLINE) 1MG 189 usd for 20 pills woow its expensive ha. If anyone could pm me.
    Price discussion is not allowed on this board. This sounds a lot like fishing. You really need to edit this post.

  31. #871
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    Hey mate, do you think it'd be silly to inject tren e just once a week at 300mgs or is it essential to split it into twice a week?

  32. #872
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestat85

    Price discussion is not allowed on this board. This sounds a lot like fishing. You really need to edit this post.
    Sorry.... fixed it.

  33. #873
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe7 View Post
    DOSTINEX (CABERGOLINE) is very expensive. Is it really necessary to take it daily while on tren? is not absolutley neccessary as long as you keep your E2 level down with the use of an AI. Athough Caber/Prami/Bromo should be kept on hand incase PRL related gyno shows itself.

  34. #874
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe7 View Post
    DOSTINEX (CABERGOLINE) is very expensive. Is it really necessary to take it daily while on tren?
    It's not daily. Its weekly. So 20 1mg caber tabs will last a 20 weeks.

  35. #875
    Here's my progress update.

    During the first month, I used the following:

    50-100mg eod, Tren a
    2000mg/wk, test blend
    600mg/wk, masteron
    200mcg/day, t3
    Various/day, Prami
    50mg/day, extremestane
    OTC diuretic daily

    Diet: Primarily lean meats and fruit, small portions, low calories (appx 2k/day)

    Physique: Strong, but fat.

    First month results: High blood pressure, no noticeable fat loss, moderate strength and muscular gains, sudden 8lb weight gain (largely due to water) before adding the AI and diuretic which dropped that 8lbs immediately and lowered my blood pressure somewhat. No weight change after that until month two.

    Sides: Tren caused sweating, sinus congestion. Nothing else worth reporting. No acne, no gyno. Prami made me sick, stopped taking it. AI&Diuretic made me so lethargic I skipped several gym days.

    Entering the second month, I made major changes.

    50mg eod, Tren a
    2000mg/wk, test blend
    600mg/wk, masteron
    600mg/wk, Durabolin
    500mg/day, vitamin B6
    200mg/day, caffeine (with breakfast only)
    20mg/day, ephedrine (with breakfast only)
    10mg/day, Cialis (to lower blood pressure)

    Diet: Plain cooked oatmeal, half cup dry, every 3hrs. Glucose tablets before and after workout. Plenty of water. Nothing else, no exceptions.

    Physique: 1 week into second month, noticeable drop in body fat (during that week), dramatic strength and muscular size increase, steady daily weight loss. Gut now smaller than chest.

    First month results: Very energetic, capable of frequent, comprehensive workouts with heavy compound movements and isolation exercises, short rest between sets, followed by cardio. Sexual appetite high, ability to perform very good.

    Sides: Constant, intense hunger. Must eat antacids several times a day to quell stomach acid. Blood pressure down, no heart palpitations. Mild sweats rarely. No other sides at this dose of Tren. Will gradually increase dose due to improved (if bizarre) diet.

    Comments: With so little protein in my diet it is amazing that I am growing, but I am! The estrogen from not using an AI probably helps with my muscular size/strength, along with the extra water from no longer taking a diuretic. Deadlift went up yesterday despite being so hungry, and I'm barely sore from it today. Consider me amazed! I decided to try this diet when I realized that I can tolerate high steroid doses well (aside from Tren), and an oatmeal only diet is how I dropped a lot of weight a few years back but I wasn't lifting during it so I wasn't sure how it would go. After studying the way Tren affects carbohydrate metabolism in cattle, I decided to apply that rudamentary understanding to my own diet and feed myself more like livestock are fed.

    Question: Atomini, clearly this approach is now producing results for me, but can you comment as to why that is the case?

    I feel like I am now getting a considerable percentage of my daily caloric intake via the oil from IM injections (3cc/day). It's crazy, but I feel really good! Not in an amped up way but really relaxed and comfortable way, hunger aside.
    Last edited by tpe4ever; 04-23-2013 at 05:30 PM.

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