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Thread: anabolic nation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey

    anabolic nation

    what you guys think of anabolic nation gear ?
    anyone had first hand experience with it ?
    im concerned about quality and PIP
    i heard that its painful because of the EO or something
    i would really appreciate any kind of input on any of their compounds
    thank you

  2. #2
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    USA-New Jersey

  3. #3
    Join Date
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hands down best ugl

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    What about PiP
    I heard its Really bad!
    Especially short esters like test prop 100mg/ml

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    No pain no gain. It's cus the dosages r so high

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    No pain no gain. It's cus the dosages r so high
    Lol . Belgian has no EO which made test prop painless
    But u know how belgian run out of stuff and takes ages sometimes
    So u need another quick source.
    Im sure heavy doses hurt
    But what about regular 100mg/ml ?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Running high MG stuff in virgin muscle can be pretty debilitating. Was so bad my friend actually had to stop about 3 weeks into cycle. Just couldn't handle it. I ran the same gear with little to no PIP. Prop 250, pinning delts, glutes, and quads. No issues. I plan on running Anabolic Nation gear for my upcoming cycle. Will be doing the Prop 250 again but adding in NPP 250 as well. I like the higher mg stuff. I can put 150 mg of prop and 100 mg of NPP in the same pin and it's only 1 ml of oil. I've only heard good things about AN gear.

  9. #9
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    USA-New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Infidel101 View Post
    Running high MG stuff in virgin muscle can be pretty debilitating. Was so bad my friend actually had to stop about 3 weeks into cycle. Just couldn't handle it. I ran the same gear with little to no PIP. Prop 250, pinning delts, glutes, and quads. No issues. I plan on running Anabolic Nation gear for my upcoming cycle. Will be doing the Prop 250 again but adding in NPP 250 as well. I like the higher mg stuff. I can put 150 mg of prop and 100 mg of NPP in the same pin and it's only 1 ml of oil. I've only heard good things about AN gear.
    yeah PIP is what concerns me cuz while on cycle you need to work extra hard and eat better and sleep for 8-9 hrs and all that will be disturbed if it cause PIP
    im sure prop 250 mg/ml will cause pain
    what about 100mg/ml will that cause pain too ?
    more liquid isnt as bad as painful sore injection area for few days....
    man if quads are sore there is no way in hell thay you can workout or even walk

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Your mileage may vary. I had minor and tolerable PIP doing quad injects the first two or three pins of the cycle but they were easy to work through and didn't effect my sleep. After the first two or three weeks into the cycle I had little to zero pain. Some people are allergic to EO so, that could be part of the issue. I don't think AN uses a very high BA level in their oils but, that's where most of your PIP comes from anyhow. Everything I've read says Prop is painful but I guess I got lucky as it really didn't bother me. If you're good with running high volumes of oil, you can always cut it down with some grape seed or safflower oil. Some people prefer cottonseed. I've also read you can bake the gear to "burn off" some of the excess BA. Not sure of the validity of that one though.

    Only way to really know is to pin it. Outside of PIP issues, I've heard nothing but good stuff about Anabolic Nation oils. I'll let you know how my next cycle goes.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infidel101 View Post
    Your mileage may vary. I had minor and tolerable PIP doing quad injects the first two or three pins of the cycle but they were easy to work through and didn't effect my sleep. After the first two or three weeks into the cycle I had little to zero pain. Some people are allergic to EO so, that could be part of the issue. I don't think AN uses a very high BA level in their oils but, that's where most of your PIP comes from anyhow. Everything I've read says Prop is painful but I guess I got lucky as it really didn't bother me. If you're good with running high volumes of oil, you can always cut it down with some grape seed or safflower oil. Some people prefer cottonseed. I've also read you can bake the gear to "burn off" some of the excess BA. Not sure of the validity of that one though.

    Only way to really know is to pin it. Outside of PIP issues, I've heard nothing but good stuff about Anabolic Nation oils. I'll let you know how my next cycle goes.
    thanx man
    im gonna get a vial of test prop and try it and see if it hurts. cuz i really dont tolerate pain lol
    i get so mad and start yelling and become an asshole lol
    places like Belgian blue they say on their website no EO. which sounds nice

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    What's eo stand for?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Ethyl Oleate

  14. #14
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    Apr 2012
    So thats the shit that always makes it hurt so much huh. I've been using is test prop Belgian Blue that is and I use my right quad today and I have noticed slightly pip. As long as it doesn't get any worse by tomorrow then this would be more than tolerable m not even an issue

  15. #15
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    Jul 2012
    People are allergic to EO but that doesn't necessarily cause the pain. Shorter esters are drawn into the body faster leaving behind more hormone which then crystallizes. This is because shorter esters like prop have a higher melting point. That's why the short ester stuff tends to be more painful. Additionally, many UGL's will use higher BA levels to keep from crashing, especially in higher concentrations. Those two put together make for a lot of pain, especially in virgin muscle.
    Last edited by Infidel101; 04-16-2013 at 09:19 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    So thats the shit that always makes it hurt so much huh. I've been using is test prop Belgian Blue that is and I use my right quad today and I have noticed slightly pip. As long as it doesn't get any worse by tomorrow then this would be more than tolerable m not even an issue
    belgian blue AAS have no EO. its mentioned on their website
    so you shouldnt really have bad PIP... you sure you didnt hit a nerve or something ?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infidel101 View Post
    People are allergic to EO but that doesn't necessarily cause the pain. Shorter esters are drawn into the body faster leaving behind more hormone which then crystallizes. This is because shorter esters like prop have a higher melting point. That's why the short ester stuff tends to be more painful. Additionally, many UGL's will use higher BA levels to keep from crashing, especially in higher concentrations. Those two put together make for a lot of pain, especially in virgin muscle.
    wow thats actually cool
    i didnt know all that about melting point. thanx for pointing that gonna stick to 100mg/ml.. im scared of pain lol

  18. #18
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    Apr 2012
    Might have hit a nerve but I also made the mistake of not pinning on the outside of my quad far enough

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowblowjoe View Post
    Might have hit a nerve but I also made the mistake of not pinning on the outside of my quad far enough
    yeah maybe that was the reason
    i have a vial that was home brewed by my friend who makes his own gear then i will start with belgian blue test prop...

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Bump... anabolic nation, anyone run test cyp?

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Kahnawake, Quebec
    Good lab, good gear. You won't have any issues with them at all.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Anabolic Nation is great gear!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Last cycle, I ran AN gear. 125mg/ml test prop and 250mg/ml npp. I ran 75mg of each ED. The NPP was standard prop PIP. However, the test prop was killing me. After further investigation, I found out that the test prop had crashed, along with about half of the other test prop vials.

    Just heated vials for 15 mins over steam. Back to normal. Not a huge deal, just annoying. As far as results, awesome. Great cycle.

  24. #24
    Anabolic Nation? I've never heard of them but I just ordered from a site called Anabolic America. I just ordered a bottle to Trenbolone E, and its been great so far. Its time for me to order again, anyone else heard of Anabolic America? Maybe they are related to Anabolic Nation somehow?

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdicklittleballs View Post
    Anabolic Nation? I've never heard of them but I just ordered from a site called Anabolic America. I just ordered a bottle to Trenbolone E, and its been great so far. Its time for me to order again, anyone else heard of Anabolic America? Maybe they are related to Anabolic Nation somehow?
    I think that site just

  26. #26
    Yea i'm having to try someone new because of it too

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