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Your mileage may vary. I had minor and tolerable PIP doing quad injects the first two or three pins of the cycle but they were easy to work through and didn't effect my sleep. After the first two or three weeks into the cycle I had little to zero pain. Some people are allergic to EO so, that could be part of the issue. I don't think AN uses a very high BA level in their oils but, that's where most of your PIP comes from anyhow. Everything I've read says Prop is painful but I guess I got lucky as it really didn't bother me. If you're good with running high volumes of oil, you can always cut it down with some grape seed or safflower oil. Some people prefer cottonseed. I've also read you can bake the gear to "burn off" some of the excess BA. Not sure of the validity of that one though.
Only way to really know is to pin it. Outside of PIP issues, I've heard nothing but good stuff about Anabolic Nation oils. I'll let you know how my next cycle goes.