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Thread: PGCL protocol

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    All i know is after a week @ 100 mcgs 50 morn 50 night i had to take a break sides werent that bad but 3 out of 7 days it knocked the shit outta me. Sweating like a mother f#cker. i dont work i took 3 years off but i felt so ****^d up i couldnt work if i wanted !!! Not once did i get the shits because the meds im taking bind me up. But i just didnt feel right headache, stomach rumbling all day. Now i got 25 amps layin around and i dont think to many people know about this stuff. Maybe if i did 25 mcgs 3 times a day things might not be that bad. But from what i read everyone gets different effects. Who knows maybe i'll start again at a lower dose. all i did was bi's for the week and it did make me more vascular and hard as a rock !! your suppose to grow when spot injection it def looks like i grew a little. Ithink i get more outta a cycle and some HGH. IMO

  2. #202
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JAMES-D View Post
    how many mcg do u have per amp? i have seen 300mcg and 500mcg amps

  3. #203
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JAMES-D View Post
    All i know is after a week @ 100 mcgs 50 morn 50 night i had to take a break sides werent that bad but 3 out of 7 days it knocked the shit outta me. Sweating like a mother f#cker. i dont work i took 3 years off but i felt so ****^d up i couldnt work if i wanted !!! Not once did i get the shits because the meds im taking bind me up. But i just didnt feel right headache, stomach rumbling all day. Now i got 25 amps layin around and i dont think to many people know about this stuff. Maybe if i did 25 mcgs 3 times a day things might not be that bad. But from what i read everyone gets different effects. Who knows maybe i'll start again at a lower dose. all i did was bi's for the week and it did make me more vascular and hard as a rock !! your suppose to grow when spot injection it def looks like i grew a little. Ithink i get more outta a cycle and some HGH. IMO
    wtf 50 sx ed in uv nvr tryd it b4??? Ur fvckn crazy cut ur dose n half!!! in i have only dont mine on cycle and on a cycle w hgh n iv noticed slin n hgh inhance ur results by far but make ur gh sides a lot worse

  4. #204
    im looking forward to seeing your results i was kinda wondering about trying this stuff

  5. #205
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    just shot 25mcg for the 1st time in a few months n im getn ready for my 1st show.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by bagabones View Post
    is it possible you are feeling the way you do because your on lots of aas and completely dehidrated - and that this might be the reason for your cramps and the cause of your muscle cramping and tightness. water weight being lost is very temporary -- what is the recommended length of time this stuff should be used? -- does it have a sinergy(sp) effect with HGH

    also - aside from water loss and ripping tight how is it on your gyno?
    hgh makes it work much better, works to temp fix gyno infact w the cycle im on my gyno started to hurt n i put 10mcg in earch nip and 5mcg in the belly n it almost immediatly stoped hurtin no joke.

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    i have to get some more of this stuff now.. im about to start cycle again and i help off with what i had after talking to schmidity about it..decided to only do it on cycle w/hgh

  8. #208
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    i wonder..... it should be just as effective with IGF-1 as it is with HGH...... correct?


  9. #209
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    Apr 2004
    ive heard mix things about IGF-1 period.. ive been thinking about giving it a try
    i just started hgh - prop - primo - winy - gonna throw in the pgcl as per schmidty and i think ill switch win with master @ week 8

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    ive heard mix things about IGF-1 period.. ive been thinking about giving it a try
    i just started hgh - prop - primo - winy - gonna throw in the pgcl as per schmidty and i think ill switch win with master @ week 8

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by inkslinger View Post
    ive heard mix things about IGF-1 period.. ive been thinking about giving it a try
    i just started hgh - prop - primo - winy - gonna throw in the pgcl as per schmidty and i think ill switch win with master @ week 8
    I was putting together my next cycle.... tho im not finished with this one yet LMAO..... here's what i was thinking.....

    1-14 Test E 750mg/wk
    1-12 Tren E 500mg/wk
    12-14 LR3 IGF-1 100mcg/day
    12-14 PGCL ramp to 100mcg/day

    on a side note..... Does pgcl need to be refridgerated? Also.... How long does it last once reconstituted? I have 5mg's suspended in .9ml BA...... i don't want to add bacteriostatic water to it only to have it degrade over 30 days......


  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I was putting together my next cycle.... tho im not finished with this one yet LMAO..... here's what i was thinking.....

    1-14 Test E 750mg/wk
    1-12 Tren E 500mg/wk
    12-14 LR3 IGF-1 100mcg/day
    12-14 PGCL ramp to 100mcg/day

    on a side note..... Does pgcl need to be refridgerated? Also.... How long does it last once reconstituted? I have 5mg's suspended in .9ml BA...... i don't want to add bacteriostatic water to it only to have it degrade over 30 days......

    i keep it n the fridge w my gh just in case. Iv only seen it in amps and nvr 1s seen it coem already mixed

  13. #213
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    Apr 2004
    from what ive read draw out 2ml and mix with the pgcl .. dose this into 10 insulin pins @ .20 iu per syringe and store in ziplock bag .. supposed to be good 2 weeks after reconstituting @ room temp

  14. #214

    helo please

    i was so happy to see this. I just got it but dont know the proper way to use. can someone tell me how much water do i put in each vial. i didnt tain for a year and a half just went back unfortunately i have to lose 35 pounds. cam amyone rcomment i cycle to get me back to looking like i used to

  15. #215
    I'm confused...I've been reading about PGF-2 around the net and so far everything said is that this compound is basically incredible.

    Is this PGCL stuff something new?? A new version of PGF-2??

  16. #216
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    hello, I didn't read the whole post, did you manage to reduce the fat around your nipples?

  17. #217
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    ive been using pgcl on and off for at least a year know. I think 40ius in each muscle a day is more than sufficient I used it to get rid of my gyno and it went away in a few days

  18. #218
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    hampton bays ny
    can someone tell me ******************************but havnt got any response

  19. #219
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    hampton bays ny
    yes it got rid of all of it

  20. #220
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    I've been takeing pgcl on and off for over a year the results are unbelievable I did gh and igf1 and there is no comparrison I think the mistake people make is try don't stay on it long enough. I do it only four times a week at two shits of 40 iu at a time the dosage is a bit high but it equals to one amp a week, I can't see doing this more than once a day or even everyday it really drains u and du to my dosage it's in me for three hours. I'm doing it with 800 mg of sust I'm going to bring the sust down to 400, do not shoot this stuff in your abs way to potent. I had gyno years ago and spent 4grand to get rid of it. Got it again on my right side after shooting 800 mgs of sust in my shoulder which I usually just shoot in my ass and pgcl got rid of it after two days of use.

  21. #221
    What gauge needle are you guys using?

  22. #222
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    very helpful and knowledgable forum

  23. #223

  24. #224
    oh and bump!

  25. #225
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    I'm about to order some pgcl. I've been wanting its for a long time now and just getting a source. Can't wait ill post a log

  26. #226
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    In the Gym, if i could
    I' m running it right this second ...

    love the stuff...

    but i run it low dose 20iu instead of 40 which is recommended..

    does the body good.. want a real experience?? run it and then do lasix with it after your bowels are cleared.. temporary for sure..

    but i'm down 8 lbs in 2 weeks..
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  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    welp i been real busy but i must say i absolutly LOVE the stuff! absolutly phanominal!

    so far what i have found that works best for me is.
    2hrs after last meal before bed i take about 180-200mcg
    i would put 20mcg in all the muscles i wanted to grow lol
    so i would do like bi's tri's becs (did hams a few times).

    2nd administration was in the morning 2hrs before im suppose to wake up. i set the alarm to go off wake up shoot like 40mcg in the muscles i would be training that day and then go back to sleep .. say if its chest i would do 40mcg each pec and 20mcg each tri or something to that extent.

    as for fat loss.. meh i get more from DNP.
    but again i put over half an inch on my arms in 4 days and its not inflamation or pain swelling at all infact they are harder veiner and more full and i noticed str gains as well which was completely unexpected.
    That it I'm gettin it!!!! Half an inch on my arms and ill have 20's!!!!!! I've been stuck in the 19's for years

  28. #228
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the thread very informative

  29. #229
    Join Date
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    Thank you for donating your body to help the newbs like myself.

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