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Thread: Just signed up at

  1. #41
    Well everyone is different for sure. My estrogen gets weird with andro gel so go figure. But not with axeiron. Maybe he wants to see if you will have problems

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Moparman View Post
    That's bull crap. First off there's no issues emailing or faxing bloodiest results Quest labs emails my doc the results and he emails them to me. Not that I need him to because quest labs has an app where they send my results- note I said MY RESULTS and Ne my docs results- straight to my iPhone.

    I have my doc email my results to me because it fast the quest app about an extra day to post my results to the app.

    These are the patients results. The privacy laws are meant to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the patients med info to UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS. low t could send you the results if they wanted but they probably don't to prevent you from getting the results and going elsewhere.

    I'm not sure what lab ores problem is. I wonder if they are in cahoots w low T. If u got your results from Quest, they send you the results.
    The only reason I was unable to get my results is because I'm in Michigan, there are like 3 states left that are not right to know states and Michigan just has to be one of them. So not only do we have shitty weather, a team that chokes in the national championship but I also can't get my damn blood results. I'm moving

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Really?? I'm gonna check on this. I can't see why thered be a law that prevents the patient from getting their own results. What would be the rational behind that??

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Moparman View Post
    Really?? I'm gonna check on this. I can't see why thered be a law that prevents the patient from getting their own results. What would be the rational behind that??
    Not sure, but apparently there aren't many states that do it this way... :/

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Moparman View Post
    That's bull crap. First off there's no issues emailing or faxing bloodiest results Quest labs emails my doc the results and he emails them to me. Not that I need him to because quest labs has an app where they send my results- note I said MY RESULTS and Ne my docs results- straight to my iPhone.

    I have my doc email my results to me because it fast the quest app about an extra day to post my results to the app.

    These are the patients results. The privacy laws are meant to prevent unauthorized disclosure of the patients med info to UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS. low t could send you the results if they wanted but they probably don't to prevent you from getting the results and going elsewhere.

    I'm not sure what lab ores problem is. I wonder if they are in cahoots w low T. If u got your results from Quest, they send you the results.
    What part are you calling bull crap? You said you could get your labs from your doctor. We say the exact same thing.

    You are also right, LabCorp is involved with us. They are our Lab. We send them a large number of people and they keep the cost down based on this volume. As an individual, you are more than welcomed to walk right in there and get a blood test done on your own but you will pay quite a bit for the same test when going at it alone. In some states, and increasingly so, more and more certain items will not be tested without a request by the doctor.

    Initially we tried to create a way for the individual to get his blood work before he saw the doctor if he wanted to. There's really no reason to do this other than satisfying the curiosity of the client but we knew some would like that so we tried to make this happen. However, as itself is not a doctor we cannot release labs to a client. We could have the doctor do it for you upon request but many in the early stages tried to use this to get free blood work with no intention of every paying a dime for anything. Think about it, it's not that hard to do.

  6. #46
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    To any of the TRT specialists that are part of; any idea if I get prescribed test C if I will be doing it IM or SubQ?? I remember reading somewhere that does a lot of their test injections SubQ now...
    Testosterone Cypionate is the injectable testosterone prescribed by all our doctors.

    Injections, when you go to the doctor talk with him about both types of injections, IM and SubQ. Either way can be used, it's up to you and your doctor.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone

    Testosterone Cypionate is the injectable testosterone prescribed by all our doctors.

    Injections, when you go to the doctor talk with him about both types of injections, IM and SubQ. Either way can be used, it's up to you and your doctor.
    Do they prescribe Testosterone Enanthate as well? Just asking because that's what I got prescribed from my doc and one day may switch to

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TraceMYD View Post

    Do they prescribe Testosterone Enanthate as well? Just asking because that's what I got prescribed from my doc and one day may switch to
    You can easily switch from testE to testC without feeling any difference.

    Does you current doc charge less than

  9. #49
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    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    What part are you calling bull crap? You said you could get your labs from your doctor. We say the exact same thing.

    You are also right, LabCorp is involved with us. They are our Lab. We send them a large number of people and they keep the cost down based on this volume. As an individual, you are more than welcomed to walk right in there and get a blood test done on your own but you will pay quite a bit for the same test when going at it alone. In some states, and increasingly so, more and more certain items will not be tested without a request by the doctor.

    Initially we tried to create a way for the individual to get his blood work before he saw the doctor if he wanted to. There's really no reason to do this other than satisfying the curiosity of the client but we knew some would like that so we tried to make this happen. However, as itself is not a doctor we cannot release labs to a client. We could have the doctor do it for you upon request but many in the early stages tried to use this to get free blood work with no intention of every paying a dime for anything. Think about it, it's not that hard to do.
    I think its pretty obvious why you can't just give them out anymore... A few bad apples make it harder for all of us but that's how some people are. There's no doubt if you sign up at, pay the $200.00 for the first month, get your blood work done, take the results and cancel the card will be losing money... You can't blame them, I'm sure they got screwed a couple times when they first started so they fixed the issue...

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by TraceMYD View Post
    Do they prescribe Testosterone Enanthate as well? Just asking because that's what I got prescribed from my doc and one day may switch to
    From what I have read on here I believe they are very similar but cyp kicks in a little faster then en does and I think people see less bloating and sides from cyp... I believe the half life is pretty equal, I'd let one of the pros answer this for you but I think I'm close...

  11. #51
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AD

    You can easily switch from testE to testC without feeling any difference.

    Does you current doc charge less than
    My doc charges WAY more then
    But right now it's worth the price because as you know having a good doc is priceless when on TRT.

    I don't think anyone can beat prices without insurance. If they had a doc in my area I would think more about signing up. But at the moment I'm not willing to change docs just to save some money.

  12. #52
    Actually, nobody should be "giving out" lab results to anyone, unless that person is positively identified.

    You called on the telephone. You gave them your information and a credit card. At this point they really have no clue who you are. You go to LabCorp and show them the requisition and 1-60 minutes later you get your blood drawn. Still no identification. Then the results are in and the only party NOT identified in the chain is YOU!

    Nobody can give you the results until a personal face to face connection is made and a government ID is provided and filed for proof you are whom you say you are.

    Until you see your doctor everything is a bit tenuous. I suspect's legal counsel have set this order of operation in stone.

    Show up at your doctor office provide identification, have your physical exam and now the information can flow a bit more freely. The physician knows you now and communication is better.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nestor Otto Sewell View Post
    Actually, nobody should be "giving out" lab results to anyone, unless that person is positively identified.

    You called on the telephone. You gave them your information and a credit card. At this point they really have no clue who you are. You go to LabCorp and show them the requisition and 1-60 minutes later you get your blood drawn. Still no identification. Then the results are in and the only party NOT identified in the chain is YOU!

    Nobody can give you the results until a personal face to face connection is made and a government ID is provided and filed for proof you are whom you say you are.

    Until you see your doctor everything is a bit tenuous. I suspect's legal counsel have set this order of operation in stone.

    Show up at your doctor office provide identification, have your physical exam and now the information can flow a bit more freely. The physician knows you now and communication is better.
    Now there's a smart and well thought out reply. Spot on!
    When you go to the doctor you are required to present a photo ID and cannot be seen or treated without it.

  14. #54
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    IMO, a patient shouldn't see their BW still after they consult with their Doctor. Most people don't know how to understand blood work results and what it ultimately means.

  15. #55
    what iss topping the clients from doing one year of low and then cancelling and going to the same dr through insurance?

  16. #56
    Perhaps the doctors will feel an affinity to the referrer of many many patients? Call it loyalty if you will.

    Perhaps the MD's charge more for private clients than "negotiated rates" with

    Perhaps the MD feels more comfortable with LowT Mike on consult, than going private with no consult?

    Certainly LabCorp or other labs will charge more to you directly.

    Certainly the pharmacy will charge you more than they do the program.

    Most likely, for the long haul, is simply a better deal all around than trying to cut them out. Think about it. You have the support of LowT Mike and all connections of the program. Ooops, your job needs you to move across country?? Dang, just get re-referred to a clinic in the new area. Cpnvenient?

  17. #57
    im saying, why cant i find out the drs they use, and use insurance to pay?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nestor Otto Sewell View Post
    Perhaps the doctors will feel an affinity to the referrer of many many patients? Call it loyalty if you will.

    Perhaps the MD's charge more for private clients than "negotiated rates" with

    Perhaps the MD feels more comfortable with LowT Mike on consult, than going private with no consult?

    Certainly LabCorp or other labs will charge more to you directly.

    Certainly the pharmacy will charge you more than they do the program.

    Most likely, for the long haul, is simply a better deal all around than trying to cut them out. Think about it. You have the support of LowT Mike and all connections of the program. Ooops, your job needs you to move across country?? Dang, just get re-referred to a clinic in the new area. Cpnvenient?

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    im saying, why cant i find out the drs they use, and use insurance to pay?
    Why wouldn't you just use your insurance to pay for

  19. #59
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    Houston - TX
    You can do that, but they have no reason to help you avoid their service. Do the leg work and you can see whatever doctor you want.

    EDIT: @powerlifter

  20. #60
    insurance wouldnt pay..why would they pay for them when there are many ''competent'' drs in network?
    Im not saying should do this, im saying that if someoneone wanted to scam(although not really scammng) they could do this im sure. Lowt is a good deal..but nothing beats insurance.
    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Why wouldn't you just use your insurance to pay for

  21. #61
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    You're insurance will still pay for it if they will cover TRT... You get what is called a super bill from the doctor.

  22. #62
    super bills never get covered(in my experienc) they dont pay the 199 dollars in full..just the meds portion(and low t charges 15 dollars per med)
    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    You're insurance will still pay for it if they will cover TRT... You get what is called a super bill from the doctor.

  23. #63
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    Well I have a HSA account so mine gets covered and I haven't had to deal with the super bill yet... I'm hoping it won't be a problem if it ever comes down to it.

  24. #64
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    Several of our clients have had success when it comes to their insurance covering part of the cost. Very rarely will an insurance plan cover the total cost and how much cost will be covered will greatly vary depending on the insurance plan and provider in question.

    Also, keep in mind many insurance plans will not cover any of the cost if the individual's total testosterone is not below 300-350ng/dl regardless of where his free testosterone levels are or what symptoms he may be experiencing.

    Giving out the addresses and phone numbers of our physicians, we do not give these out prior to the individual becoming a client at the request of our doctors. This was actually a policy we had no intention of creating but it ended up being necessary. Originally we had no problem doing this but once again we had to deal with issues of individuals repeatedly calling the physicians or randomly showing up at their office and borderline being a problem if not a full blown problem.

    Lastly, if the doctor is willing to accept your insurance when you see them on your own, there is no reason they won't accept it if you're going through

  25. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    Not sure, but apparently there aren't many states that do it this way... :/
    If your curiosity is getting to you that bad, you can get blood work with privatemdlabs for $50. It shows you T and E among other things.

  26. #66
    What I'm saying is, if I signed up for a full year of, and met my dr, and worked with him for a year....I could always cancel the 199/month membership and just go to the dr on my own terms with my insurance copay, and get meds covered under my insurance. I think lowt is a good service, but compared with insurance it is not worth it...don't get me wrong though if i had the money i would still consider it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Low Testosterone View Post
    Several of our clients have had success when it comes to their insurance covering part of the cost. Very rarely will an insurance plan cover the total cost and how much cost will be covered will greatly vary depending on the insurance plan and provider in question.

    Also, keep in mind many insurance plans will not cover any of the cost if the individual's total testosterone is not below 300-350ng/dl regardless of where his free testosterone levels are or what symptoms he may be experiencing.

    Giving out the addresses and phone numbers of our physicians, we do not give these out prior to the individual becoming a client at the request of our doctors. This was actually a policy we had no intention of creating but it ended up being necessary. Originally we had no problem doing this but once again we had to deal with issues of individuals repeatedly calling the physicians or randomly showing up at their office and borderline being a problem if not a full blown problem.

    Lastly, if the doctor is willing to accept your insurance when you see them on your own, there is no reason they won't accept it if you're going through

  27. #67
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    Houston - TX
    Quote Originally Posted by powerlifterty16 View Post
    What I'm saying is, if I signed up for a full year of, and met my dr, and worked with him for a year....I could always cancel the 199/month membership and just go to the dr on my own terms with my insurance copay, and get meds covered under my insurance. I think lowt is a good service, but compared with insurance it is not worth it...don't get me wrong though if i had the money i would still consider it.

    The real issue is the hcg coverage, which I believe is extremely limited, but other than that you are absolutely right.

    Also forgot about copays for meds.

  28. #68
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    The main issue people use is due to the fact that their insurance will NOT cover testosterone treatment. If you are over 300, in most cases you can forget it. Also, in MOST cases, HCG is not covered. On top of all of this, you still have a Medical Deductible, a Medication deductible, Your blood tests are usually not fully covered AND you have Co-pays that go along with it all. In a LOT of cases, our clients pay less for our service than they do WITH insurance and insurance does not provide you with all of the services our company provides to our clients.

    I am not speaking for every case, but I will tell you that is the case a lot of the time.


  29. #69
    LowT Mike is offline HRT Specialist, P.A. -
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by riotz0r View Post
    To any of the TRT specialists that are part of; any idea if I get prescribed test C if I will be doing it IM or SubQ?? I remember reading somewhere that does a lot of their test injections SubQ now...
    You can do IM or SubQ T. Just talked to your doctor. The compounded pharmacists are great. they can custom make blends of T cyp that are just for you. Thin enough to shoot SubQ through a 30 gauge needle. absorption is great. Just as good as IM. They've actually been using IM Testosteorne administered SubQ for 20+ years in pediatric endocrinology. Nothing new here. Just speak to your doctor and you guys will find a method/protocol that is very easy for you to be compliant with.

  30. #70
    im on medicaid and my insurance said as long as dr says i have hypogonadism they will cover it...unfortunately they dont cover hcg which costs 200 bucks at my local pharmacy, so in that sense you guys are a bargain...since irefuse to buy hcg online.
    i can never travel to penssylvania, are you ever opening a nj location?
    Quote Originally Posted by system admin View Post
    The main issue people use is due to the fact that their insurance will NOT cover testosterone treatment. If you are over 300, in most cases you can forget it. Also, in MOST cases, HCG is not covered. On top of all of this, you still have a Medical Deductible, a Medication deductible, Your blood tests are usually not fully covered AND you have Co-pays that go along with it all. In a LOT of cases, our clients pay less for our service than they do WITH insurance and insurance does not provide you with all of the services our company provides to our clients.

    I am not speaking for every case, but I will tell you that is the case a lot of the time.


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