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Thread: Tren E Test E Anavar cycle log

  1. #1

    Tren E Test E Anavar cycle log

    Hi everyone, new to this forum and wanted to let you guys know how this cycle will go and it'll help me stay on track of my goals/results at the same time. Training seriously for passed 6 almost 7 years now. I've been into crossfit these last 2 years but just recovered from shoulder and hip injuries ao i had to let that go because of the Oly lifts.

    5'10" (have to edit profile it says 5'11")
    175 (light but heavy for crossfit)
    10% bf

    Tren E week 1-10 550mg/EW
    Test E week 1-12 200mg/EW
    Anadrol week 1-5 75mg/ED
    HCG week 4-14 250ui/2EW
    Nolva week 14-18 20mg/ED
    Arimidex on hand

    Started yesturday morning, pinning test on mondays and tren on thursdays. I split my adrol dose to 25mg in the am/pm/before bed. Main goal is to bring my weight up about 15lbs. Look tu update this blog at least 1-2 a week a probably more when tren will start kicking in at about week 5-6. Also first time doing high tren low test, i did use tren before though and didnt get any sides and gains were not that good, probably really underdosed.

  2. #2
    Sorry for the typos, shitty phone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    In your tile is Anavar? Under is adrol. Which one?

    What is your cycle history?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Should be a good cycle but I think I would drop the Drol and have a prolactin antagonist on hand. Your Pct looks a little on the light side. Maybe Pct should be more like nov 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50. Recovery from tren is tough. Is this your first go around with tren?, if so 400 mgs a week would be more then enough.

  5. #5
    I meant adrol not var, can i edit the thread title?
    It is not my first time around with tren, i do agree my pct seems to be pretty light. I will add clomid and boost the nolva dose. I will be taking some test boosters and milk thistle too. This is my 4th cycle bit i havent touched anything in the past 2 years and a half. Fist and second was test only at 500, the third was TNT and did 2ml EW.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Drol is pretty estrogenic and you are going to use tren with it! Do you have something to control prolactin on hand. Test boosters aren't going to do much if you are looking for them to boost your natty test. You are pretty brave, I will be following your progress.

  7. #7
    I meant test boosters as part of my pct protocol. The reason for high tren and low test is to avoid those unwanted effects made by prolactin which are caused by elevated estrogen. If you keep the test low you'll have less free test that could convert to esto since tren will overpower test for the receptors. I dont have that much more test than the normal T levels if you take of the enanthate molecule from my 200mg dose. I'll keep estro in controle with arimidex, and im not that high of a dose on adrol? I chose it for the joint support since i knew tren was harsh on joints.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Should be a good cycle but I think I would drop the Drol and have a prolactin antagonist on hand. Your Pct looks a little on the light side. Maybe Pct should be more like nov 40/40/20/20 clomid 100/50/50/50. Recovery from tren is tough. Is this your first go around with tren?, if so 400 mgs a week would be more then enough.
    ^^^Agree. Monitor your E closely. 200mg per week of test will more than likely put you above where your normal levels are and I'd bet you will need the AI. Honestly, at that dose I'd just run the caber at .25 x 2 per week to be on the safe side.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutritionfreek View Post
    I meant test boosters as part of my pct protocol. The reason for high tren and low test is to avoid those unwanted effects made by prolactin which are caused by elevated estrogen. If you keep the test low you'll have less free test that could convert to esto since tren will overpower test for the receptors. I dont have that much more test than the normal T levels if you take of the enanthate molecule from my 200mg dose. I'll keep estro in controle with arimidex, and im not that high of a dose on adrol? I chose it for the joint support since i knew tren was harsh on joints.
    Test boosters in your Pct will be a waste. I hear ya about the low Tes amount which will keep the estro down but the drol is wicked estrogenic. I just got off of a tes e/tren e cycle and had no problems with my joints while on cycle. To each their own, just my .02 cents.

  10. #10
    Completly agree with you guys, rather stay on the safe side. I'll order some caber and dose it at .25 2x a week. Do you guys have any suggestion on when to start the AI? Was think of doing .25 EOD

  11. #11
    I'm done with week 1, injection were easy and without pipe. Gain 12 pounds, shit load of water weight though, my six pack is gone for now. Will include more HIIT after training ro get that bloat off me. Will start AI today and see how that goes. Strength went through the roof on day 3, up every weight by 15-20 pounds. Have no sides except for the bloat. Tempure is more that ok for now but tren isn't even close of kicking in so we will see around week 6. Will do another update in a week or so.

  12. #12
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    Yes, start AI immediately right up until Pct. Start @ .25 eod and keep and eye on it. You may need .25 ed or .50 eod.

  13. #13
    Juste finished week 2 im up 16 pounds since the begining, the bloat when down and i'm taking .5 of adex EOD. Pumps are amazing but strength is slowly upping compared to week 1. I have horrible back pumps but i just deal with eat. Im training each muscle groupe twice a week starting this week. Libido is through the roof! Girlfriend is happy with that though! No other sides and overall feeling is great but the tren kills sleep at some time but no night sweet this week. Will update if any change and if tren starts kicking in or else ill be updating next monday eith my workout routine and meal planning. Diet is still in check!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Lets get some pic's.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    GL im interested to see results

  16. #16
    Hi all! Just finished week 3, gains are good and strength is upping slowly but i aint in the best part of the cycle yet. Will definitly upload pics but at the end of the cycle because i dont see the point of putting some now since only adrol has kicked in. No sides up to now, a bit sensitive on the nipples but no sign of gyno and adex is still at .5 eod. I upped the adrol to 100mg ed yesturday so it looks like this now --> wake up 9h am 25mg, after workout 14h pm 25 mg, 8h pm 25mg, before bed 1h am 25mg. Reason inupped the dose was to shorten the length of adrol to not be in conflict with tren around week 5. So far so good everybody i knows keep telling me that i took so much shoulders and chest, feels good knowing money didnt go to wast on bunk gear.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    Keep an eye on the sensitive nips.

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