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Thread: Hgh ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Hgh ???

    I'm thinking about a 6 month cycle and have a few ?? I have read stickys and a lot post. First is it always good to do 5 days and then 2 days off? What size pin would I use. Where is the best place on body to pin?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    i would run it 7 days a week ... better this way
    you can use SLin pin and inject SubQ
    best places is well Subq so under skin in stomach are and you can use the sides ( love handles )
    just pull the skin and inject under it

  3. #3
    Go to a pharmacy like walmart or target and ask for 30ga, .5 inch, 1cc, insulin syringes. They're cheap and come in a box of 100.

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