I finally gave TB-500 a shot (no pun intended) after hearing many positive experiences. Sadly, I did not experience any improvements of note. I have tendonosis in my right forearm that makes any bicep and most back work painful at best and usually impossible. Here was my regimen:
31 Jan 4 mgs.
4 Feb 4 mgs.
12 Feb 2 mgs.
18 Feb 2 mgs.
25 Feb 2 mgs.
1 Mar 2 mgs.
8 Mar 2 mgs.
There were a few times when I thought I was making headway only to have the pain return a few days later. I did no lifting during the injections. In fact I haven't lifted since mid October. So frustrated. I wish everyone else who tries this better luck than I have had. I think the problem with me is it has been so long term (over ten years) that I fear the damage may be permanent.