I have my first appointment with an MD in Beverly Hills, California on Wednesday (5/15/13). He is listed on the A4M website (which I can thank you guys for pointing out to me.) His specialty is cardiology, but he also is a primary care physician. I know that my Testoterone levels are in the toilet, when I did my one and only cycle about 6 yrs ago they were under 150 (should be between 400-1000 I understand). So I will definitely be asking for blood work to get on the test, but I'm also interested in the HGH. What do I tell him to convey a legitimate need for this stuff. I've always had insomnia, and I have a really hard time eating enough calories. Are these some things I could mention? How do I discuss it?
I'm 36 yrs old, 5'10", 180 lbs.
Thanks so much folks,