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Thread: High test/Low test during cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    High test/Low test during cycle

    Well I was thinking about this topic a researched it a bit, but I would like to know some personal experience from somebody who run both ways... What do you think, what is better to achieve optimal (best possible) results with as minimal sides as possible... To run high amount of test with lower dose 1-2 supportive compounds or keep test at maybe just little higher than TRT dose but smoke the dose of other compound through the roof.

    I am not talking about difference between 500 test and 200 Tren and 250 test and 300 tren... I mean...

    Lets take cycle #1:

    1.2g Test E/week with 600mg Deca/week and 100mg Anadrol ED

    - 1.2g Test E means lots of estrogen sides if AI is not present, so AI would be must..
    - 600mg Deca would mean some prolactin related issues, but I would not expect anything terrible... If estrogen is in check, prolactin related sides might not even be noted is user is not too sensitive...
    - 100mg Drol, well anyone's liver would not like this, but this is just addition...

    And compare this to another cycle #2:

    250mg Test E/week with 1.2g Deca/week and 100mg Anadrol ED

    - 250mg test E/week means low, maintenance just a little over TRT dose.. Doubt AI would be needed for individuals who are not over sensitive, very few estrogen related sides...
    -1.2g Deca... well I have never tried this so I cant imagine the feeling... but I would expect some bloating and prolactin related sides.. Of course natural test production goes to hell for a long time, but I would not expect sexual problems when test is present... I think cycle like this would be suitable for someone who blast and cruise because recovery from this might be difficult...
    - Drol as above

    Well from this... I would say low test/high deca cycle would produce less sides on cycle... maybe long term sides would be harder but for blast and cruise this is not a problem... But what about results? Wouldn't the test be missed?

    Something very similar might be done with Tren, I think it is more common discusion:

    #3: 1g Test, 300mg Tren E or Hexa, 350mg Masteron
    #4: 250mg Test, 700 Tren E or Hexa, 350mg Mast..

    What would you say? Or is it so much individual-dependent that there is no general opinion and everyone just has to try and see what suits him?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    It is totally dependent on what you are trying to achieve and opinions vary greatly on this subject. Are you considering cycling at your age?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I blast and cruise for over a year now.. Right now I am having a break (maintenance test dose) after contest season and everything associated with contest prep to rest a bit, but in two weeks I want to start off season prep for next year... I have always run high test cycles during blasts and I am thinking about trying something new this time, but at first I wanna collect as much knowledge as possible...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by briansvk
    I blast and cruise for over a year now.. Right now I am having a break (maintenance test dose) after contest season and everything associated with contest prep to rest a bit, but in two weeks I want to start off season prep for next year... I have always run high test cycles during blasts and I am thinking about trying something new this time, but at first I wanna collect as much knowledge as possible...
    I like low test higher Tren for when you are lean. Nothing puts size on like I nice dose of test.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    So... Something like this: to gain mass 1,2g test with 600mg Deca for 2 reloads (Slingshot method), Drol added to second one... From this I expect to gain good amount of mass, with some fat of course, so after this I will need to get rid of fat gained... So I would try to run just low test 250mg with hight tren maybe around 700-800mg/week?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    size = high test
    lean mass gains = low test, high tren

    that's what i've seen to work the best

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by briansvk View Post
    So... Something like this: to gain mass 1,2g test with 600mg Deca for 2 reloads (Slingshot method), Drol added to second one... From this I expect to gain good amount of mass, with some fat of course, so after this I will need to get rid of fat gained... So I would try to run just low test 250mg with hight tren maybe around 700-800mg/week?
    Your cut will ultimately depend on nutrition and 2 grams of test is a waste IMHO. I cant see why you would need more than 750-1g.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Your cut will ultimately depend on nutrition and 2 grams of test is a waste IMHO. I cant see why you would need more than 750-1g.
    I ment 1.2 (One point two gram ).. it is 500mg E3D

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