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Thread: Time for big changes

  1. #1

    Time for big changes

    This is my third cycle and first time logging. I think I need this I keep myself honest about my results. My goals for this run are many. I want to lose fat revealing my 6pack. Strength needs to continue to improve. And I have to continue improving my short duration cardio. I no longer want or need to run or bike for hours. But I need to keep up my athleticism for durations of about 15-20 minutes.

    I am 29 years. 6feet tall and currently 225 lbs.
    I started my cycle in an unconventional way. I decided to take anadrol on its own for 2 full weeks before starting my injectables. So april 18 i started 50 mg anadrol. My reasoning for this was I was training for the pin test. And I believes the rapid increase in rbc would help. And it did after 8 months of doing zero cardio I was able to do the mile and half in 9:50. An that was with only 4 training runs in the two weeks leading up to the test. So I think it worked.
    That two weeks I leaned out and dropped 8 lbs.
    April 29 I started injectables. 175mg test. 300mh tren e and 75mg tren ace eod. My weight then started to climb again. After like 8 days I had gained 15 lbs.
    So the 7th of may I changed my cal intake to a deficit and cleans up my food sources.
    May 13 I started my first mast e inject 200mg. Plan to do 400mg per week.

    Since I cleaned up my diet my weight has stabilized at 225lbs and I am leaning out quickly.!

    Here are a couple pics. A sorta before but I can't remember the wxact date and a current pic.
    Ok so I will put picks up once I figure out how to do it from my phone or I get the ambition to do it on the pc

    My current plan is 400 tren 400 mast 175 test for another 12 weeks. If I can handle the sides. My last cycle I took tren for 10 weeks.

    My diet is all tracked on my fitness pal and I am using its estimate on how many cals I need. And so far it is serving me pretty well.

    I have the weight goal set to lose 1 lb per week. This gives my a net calorie goal of 2200. That's with no excercise or activity. So on a heavy training day I would still eat about 3500 cals.

    Well that's enough for now it is likely too long for anyone to make it through. So I will be updating regularly with much shorter posts.

    I am open to suggestions but in the end I am pretty stubborn.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    You need consistency over time. Not, just semi random juice hoping to get big.

    It's just the way it is, I guess. For most people at least, unless genetics are just there.

    Cycle looks aight, you are taking ancillaries with it right?

    It's diet, time put in, genetics and then juice.


  3. #3
    By random juice you mean the anadrol with the tren and mast?
    I had my reasons for the anadrol right wrong or otherwise. The only reason it is in there is because of the reported increase in rbc.

    Yes I am taking ancillaries. 12.5 Aromasin Ed and .5 prami Ed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Quote Originally Posted by livingthedream View Post
    By random juice you mean the anadrol with the tren and mast?
    I had my reasons for the anadrol right wrong or otherwise. The only reason it is in there is because of the reported increase in rbc.

    Yes I am taking ancillaries. 12.5 Aromasin Ed and .5 prami Ed.
    Yup, the random oral alone is just not a good idea.

    Why so much on the ancillaries? QD seems a bit high, I would think.

  5. #5
    Pretty awsome workout today. It's one of my favorites. Back day gets me fired right up makes me feel huge. Lol.

    Most work outs I stay in the 6-14 rep range. First set usually 12 reps then I increase weight each set and drop reps. But my energy levels and strength that day trumps any rep scheme.

    BB row 14,10, 8
    Wide pull down 13,10,12 The last set I was expecting 6 reps but it just kept going

    Tbar row. 18,15,12. Had a hard Time getting in the groove here

    Seated row 15,13,16. Felt awesome.
    Weight this morning 224lbs.

  6. #6
    Eod for the Aromasin then. ? And what about the prami? I was on 400 mg tren last cycle and needed .5 caber per week. Or else I could never get off having sex. At Least I assume that was the issue

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Proud Bostonian
    I'd stay right where you are with both ancillaries. The aromasin needs to be everyday because of its short half life. I did it 12.5 eod last cycle and couldn't understand why the sides starting to creep up towards the end of the cycle. I am not sure the Mast is going to do a whole lot for you. Look forward to seeing your progress.

  8. #8
    Weight this am was 221 lbs. likely water weight from the tren sweats.
    Lats are a little sore from yesterday. And today they are getting crushed. Walleye opened on the Ottawa river today. 30lb anchor plus 40 ft of rope equals a lot of rowing. Lol.

  9. #9
    Not too much to report. But the trensomnia is in full effect. Usually takes me less than 5 minutes to fall asleep at night and right now I'm at about 4 hours.
    I was up 3lbs this morning but looking leaner and feel half pumped all day.
    This is gonna be fun.

    On a Side note. This should be my best cycle yet.
    My first I was into triathlons and wanted to be big. And so I didn't really gain much. Last cycle I was on 500 test 400 tren. But I had too much stress in my life. Wife was an alcoholic for like 2 full years picked up where she left off as soon as our second daughter was born. And I used it as an excuse to get drunk all the time too.
    But now we are both sober and no drinks since February.

    Since then progress has been much easier.
    So anyways very excited for great results. Everyone have a great Holiday.

  10. #10
    Refeed today. Went to a fish fry at the inlaws. And ate tons of battered deep fried walleye. Delicious.? But according to myfitnesspal I consumed about 3500 cals today.

    Smashed shoulders and pumped up the biceps this evening.
    Db shoulder press
    Rear delt fly
    Bb press behind head
    Lateral raise

    Strength is increasing fast I got extra reps and heavier weights for everything today.
    Last cycle I got caught up in chasing max singles which resulted in a lot of injuries.

    This cycle I am staying in the 5 to 15 rep range.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    yakr vitc b4bed. Helps me n i suffer well bad normally. ,

  12. #12
    I already take tons of vitc but I could move some to pre bed.
    Another pin today. 85 mg test. 200mg tren. 200mg mast. First time pinning glutes I gotta get more flexible.

    I have been hitting the treadmill at least 3 x per week. And it's actually been going good and seeing improvement. Been going for 45 mins. Doing moderate intervals so a recovery pace and a working pace. He cardio feels harder but it's not crushed from the tren.

    One if the only reasons I am running at all is tryouts are comming up for a competition team at work. And I want it bad.

  13. #13
    Alright tryouts are in like 2 hours. Feeling good though. My cardio while on tren is still better than a lot of people.

    Will consist of a 1 mile run in about 50lbs of kit. Then likely obstacle of some sort and rifle shoot. A pistol shoot and possibly some knowledge based questions.

    We weren't given very many specifics.

    I hit lats hard this morning
    Bb row 14, 12, 10, 8
    Pull down 14, 12,8,6
    Db row 8,8. Wasn't happening
    One arm pull downs
    One arm seated row

    Then straight home crushed 350grams beef. 3 servings spinach and cheese ravioli Delicious. Then I very interrupted nap. **** you tren.!
    Dropped to 220lbs upon waking but likely from sweating all night on the tren.

    I order some ghrp2 and cjc no dac. Last time I ran his for like 6 months straight and I couldn't keep my eyes open. So I am hopefull.

  14. #14
    Not much to update.
    The usual stuff. Strength is climbing slowly leaning out wait still 222 so a 3 lb difference from the start.

    Sex drive through the roof. I wanna pound everything in sight. Lol

    Lots more vascualarity. Shoulders lookin like they are made of steel cables. I'm loving this cycle.

  15. #15
    Weight still siting between 220-225.

    I I'm on a couple night shifts now. My first night I always go way over my calories cuz I eat my normal food intake throughout the day but them I'm up all night and second dinner then snacks the rest. Back on track tomorrow I guess.
    Started ghrp2 and cjc no dac today. Hoping it helps with my sleep

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Looks very similar to the cycle I am running right now except I will not be adding any peptides.. I cant wait to hear how they workout for you though..
    I will be following eagerly from now on.. good log and good luck

  17. #17
    Second day with the peptides. I forgot how tired it makes me. But despite the tiredness not helping with sleep yet.

    Hoping to heal up some injuries. Time will tell

  18. #18
    Hey who put all these cables in my shoulders and rope in my arms?
    Ate just shy of 6000 cals yesterday. And feeling effing awesome today.
    Other than some nagging injuries. I got a tight schedule for the next 4 days so I'm gonna stay outta the gym do lots of stretching and icing and hopefully I will be back to that explosive intensity I am used to.

  19. #19
    I haven't been logging but my training is still full on. Although my diet went to shit for the last few weeks. Just way too many cals. Sooo I haven't gotten any leaner but I did add some muscle.

    My riding season is now in full force so on top of 5-6 training sessions per week I am also on the trails with my dirt bike 2-3 times per week.

    Changed my cycle up a bit. Still at 175 test and 400 mast. But I've lowered my tren to 300 and add 250 deca for some joint relief. I haven't been able to bb bench press in weeks or go too heavy with db press. So hoping he deca will help me through the training.

    Sitting at 225lbs. And feeling good. My coworkers who know I'm on keep telling me to get bigger shirts. And the ones that don't know keep making steroid jokes. Though not too funny for me when it's around managers and training staff. But I don't think they give a shit either.

    So hopefully I will stay on the log and my diet is back on track.

  20. #20
    And I am considering extending the cycle. I got some more gear from a cheaper source. Click image for larger version. 

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    40ml mast prop and 40ml tren e. 100mg/ml each.
    First time ordering sachets. Do they usually have slightly more than 5mls each.?

    Unsure if the peptides are helping much but I am going to continue as its only been a few weeks. I would like to continue them for 6 months or so but pinning 3 times per day gets old after sometime.

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