Hi All,
Before I begin here are my stats:
A: 30 H: 5'7 Weight: 195 BF: 18%
I've done 2 past test cycles in the past. I decided this year I will do Somatropin for 1 year and introduce test in the middle of the cycle. I plan on doing 2 ius and working my way up to 4 iu ED, Sat and Sun off. My goals for this cycle are to recover from past injuries and lean up a little. I'm already pretty lean and dont feel like I want to loose anymore weight, but wouldn't mind loosing BF.
1-4 Weeks 2IU Somatropin
4-8 Weeks 4IU
8-12 Weeks 4IU With Test
My questions are:
1. When I run the HGH alone do I need anything else for PCT or during? I heard you should use T4 during the cycle?
2.When I approach my end of the HGH do I lean off and start by going down to 2IU or do I just do a hard stop?
3. When should I start doing my injections? My current schedule goes like this:
6AM - Meal 1
8AM - Meal 2
12AM - Meal3
4PM - Meal 4
5PM Gym
6PM Protein Shake
6:30 - 7PM Meal 5
9PM Meal 6
I heard you shouldn't do your injections after you eat.
4. Will Cyponiate test work good with HGH? Any PCT Suggestions for that as well?
Thanks people