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Thread: Starting GH questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Lightbulb Starting GH questions

    Hi All,

    Before I begin here are my stats:
    A: 30 H: 5'7 Weight: 195 BF: 18%

    I've done 2 past test cycles in the past. I decided this year I will do Somatropin for 1 year and introduce test in the middle of the cycle. I plan on doing 2 ius and working my way up to 4 iu ED, Sat and Sun off. My goals for this cycle are to recover from past injuries and lean up a little. I'm already pretty lean and dont feel like I want to loose anymore weight, but wouldn't mind loosing BF.

    1-4 Weeks 2IU Somatropin
    4-8 Weeks 4IU
    8-12 Weeks 4IU With Test

    My questions are:
    1. When I run the HGH alone do I need anything else for PCT or during? I heard you should use T4 during the cycle?
    2.When I approach my end of the HGH do I lean off and start by going down to 2IU or do I just do a hard stop?
    3. When should I start doing my injections? My current schedule goes like this:
    6AM - Meal 1
    8AM - Meal 2
    12AM - Meal3
    4PM - Meal 4
    5PM Gym
    6PM Protein Shake
    6:30 - 7PM Meal 5
    9PM Meal 6

    I heard you shouldn't do your injections after you eat.

    4. Will Cyponiate test work good with HGH? Any PCT Suggestions for that as well?

    Thanks people
    Last edited by Show; 05-17-2013 at 12:21 PM.

  2. #2
    1. No pct is necessary for gh. It can suppress thyroid function so many people run t4 with it for that reason as well as it having a synergistic effect with gh.
    2. No need to taper off of it just run it till done.
    3. Just take your gh whenever is most convenient for you and you can avoid carbs an hour on either side of injection. Planning injection time around wo's is useless IMO. I like it first thing am before fasted cardio for cutting bf or if not cutting then before bed.
    4. Any testosterone will have a synergistic effect with your gh. For pct checkout the sticky's in the pct forum.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thanks for the advise,

    Wont taking HGH before bedtime stop my bodies natural release of gh? Also when I start taking 4IUs ED should I split the injections into 2? Example: 2IU morning 2IU night?

  4. #4
    4iu will suppress your natural GH pulse regardless of when you take it or how you split it.

    No need to split your dose IMO other than to avoid sides from larger doses.

    Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Sign

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Ok sounds good. Do your normal gh pulse return and how long afterwards if so?

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