So I have always had what they call "performance anxiety" when im with a girl for the first time but I usually can get it up. I have been in a relationship for the past 4 years and I could bang her all day everyday but we broke up about a year ago but we still see each other and "take care of business". Within the past year I have managed to bring two girls home (not in the same night lol) and both times my dick has failed me. Now both times alcohol was involved and both times it was about 4 in the morning and im never usually up that late lol. Anyways its extremely embarrassing and wish there was something I could do about it because it just kills my confidence which I think will make things worse. I bought some liquid cia however I don't feel much of a difference in erection quality and it doesn't seem to make getting hard any easier. The other issue is when im with women usually drinking is involved and you cant use Cialis or Viagra when drinking (that and you never know when and where your gonna get laid and I don't feel like being on it 24/7).. so im really at a loss on what to do?