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I have been dealing with a problem for the last 16 months. I have what seems to be tennis elbow and golfers elbow in both arms (pain is a little worse in left arm). The pain starts about 2 inches above my wrists and goes almost to the elbow on the front side of my arm. On inside of my arms the pain is directly in the elbow area. Pulling exercises is what causes the pain pull downs, rows, bicep curls, tricep push downs set it off as well. Pretty much the only exercises I can do for upper body are bench press, incline press, military press. I have been to the orthopedic doctor more times than I can count, they gave me an MRI of each elbow(nothing showed) they have given me 3 cortico steroid injections in each arm, they did physical therapy (art therapy) massage etc for 8 weeks. I have taken cissus long term, fish oil glucose/condrotin, prescription Motrin. Nothing worked pain stayed consistent. After I exhausted all options I wondered if steroids help.I ended up starting a cycle of tren ace/ test prop 500mg per week. The pain was gone almost instantly, I went from curling 30lb barbell with shooting stabbing pains in my forearm and elbows, to curling 100lbs with no pain at all. I ran the cycle for 12 weeks, I have been off the cycle for a little over 2 months, the pain is starting to come back again, it's not real bad yet but I know it's a matter of time. Does anyone know what I have going on? And how come tren/test made it go away? I hate to think I have to stay on steroids long term to not have this problem. I have an appt with a rheumatologist (arthritis doctor) tomorrow, should I ask for a steroid like prednisone? I just want to be able to work out. I am 29 years old, 5'11, 183lbs 7 percent bf. I have attached pictures of where the pain is in my arms. I have been lifting heavy for 10 years and have ran 4 cycles over the last 10 years.
Please help