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Thread: Who used accutane

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Who used accutane

    Myself ofcourse, but I would share my experience with it, and hope some other guy's would too.

    I started 4 weeks ago with deca 400/week and winnie tabs 30mg ED.
    After just 3 days, a light acne began, and I started with ACC 10mg EOD.
    Didn't help enough so 10 mg ED

    So I went on till I reached 50 mg ED, in week 5.

    Now for 2 weeks my face is clear, and I rduced the dose to 20mg ED.

    Does anyone know, if it takes a few weeks for the accutane to give results.

    I'm asking this, because I experienced a nasty acne, which toke me 4 weeks to control, and I don't want it in my next cycle.

    I was wondering to start with the accutane 2 weeks early.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001


    Damn dude!

    I don't know that much about acc, other then it's pretty harsh and dries your skin out. But If you broke out with acne after 3 days of Deca and Winny... God help you if you ever touch Test! Was there anything else that you can think of that could have contubuted to the acne? Are you pron to it anyway?

  3. #3
    The Iron Game Guest
    yes, for the first 3-6 weeks the acne will get a little worse before getting better. The time frame is all dose dependent as well as how bad the acne is in the first place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001


    Your acne didn't clear up right away because you were only taking 10 to 50 mg which is a pretty low dosage. If you take 80mg or up your acne should be gone in, at most, two weeks. Be really careful though. When taking it, you're supposed to have blood tests taken, and have your liver monitored closely. You definitely should not be taking an oral anabolic along with accutane.

  5. #5
    no IG is right, in most cases your acne will get worse before it gets better while on accutane..i was on it at one point in my life and it gets a little/alot(depends on the person) worse before it clears....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Tampa Bay
    People with nodular cystic acne have to take dosages of 100 upwards to 200mg a day for sometimes 15 weeks depending on bodyweight and severity.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I have been on accutane for a month and a half right now and get regular blood tests every month. I am taking 70 mg ed and for the first three weeks it acutally got a bit worse. But then it cleared up like magic. Now i have to continue taking it for 5 months to complete its cycle. Apparently 80%+ or higher cannot remember the exact number but its up there, never get acne again after taking this product. But they are not juiceing either. My skin is dry as hell and the winter doesn't help either. Other then that there is no complaints on this end

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    thanks for your replies

    Thanks guys, you cleared a lot of qeustions I had about accutane.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Accutane is great. You'll love it, Full Intensity. I took 120mg's per day for five months and I haven't had any acne anywhere since I took it four years ago. It was a little hard on my joints and stuff, but no big deal.
    And yea it did get really really bad the first couple of weeks I was taking it.

  10. #10
    The Iron Game Guest
    Sorry guys but any competent dermatologist will NOT prescribe doses of more than 120mgs/day.

    More isnt always better and I know someone on 120mgs/day and his acne did not get any better for 6 weeks so please dont say 2 weeks. Even the leaflet it comes with states greater than 2 weeks time period.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by The Iron Game
    Sorry guys but any competent dermatologist will NOT prescribe doses of more than 120mgs/day.

    More isnt always better and I know someone on 120mgs/day and his acne did not get any better for 6 weeks so please dont say 2 weeks. Even the leaflet it comes with states greater than 2 weeks time period.
    listen to IG..he knows what hes talking about...its the truth...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    My face, and back cleared fast, and it cured me. I took 3, 40mg tablets a day. After 3 weeks all I had were slight discolorations where acne had been. It was very hard on my body though, and I would never take anymore than that dosage even if I was told too. I would do it again in a second if I had too. It's such a great invention.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    So now Iám using the AC for 8 week dose up to 50, and cut to 20, an d m face is still clear.

    I'll use primo for the next 2 weeks, and then clomid for 3. I planned to go on with the acc, till my cycle is ended.
    And then stop.

  14. #14
    Just a reminder, just because you see results off of Accutane, don't back off the dosages. If you started at 80, stay on 80. Even if you are cleared up! Otherwise it will be a waste of money. Also, it is said that many people will never get acne again, but I am on my second go around with the stuff, so don't necessarily think you are done with acne if yo are using AS.

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