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Thread: Melanotan 2 dosage, help

  1. #1

    Melanotan 2 dosage, help

    Hi guys
    I recently bought 4x10mg vials of melanotan 2, 10ml of Bacteriostatic Water and lot of .5ml syringes and swobs. From what I've read on other sites/ forums has just confused me on how to dose it properly. If I added 1ml of Bacteriostatic Water in 1 vial of Melanotan 2 how much would I need to fill the (.5ml syringe) up daily? Would some1 be able to explain this to me easily?


  2. #2
    I use the 1000mcl or 1cc pin and loaded about 250mcl for about four days. Then just went out into the sun for a few days and bam....nice, natural tan. I do about the same once a week now, might boost it up to 500mcl. How this helps

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by 626Cuda View Post
    I use the 1000mcl or 1cc pin and loaded about 250mcl for about four days. Then just went out into the sun for a few days and bam....nice, natural tan. I do about the same once a week now, might boost it up to 500mcl. How this helps
    Hey 626cuda
    Thanks for getting back to me, so are you saying you load .25ml into the syringe daily for four days?

    and was your vial strength 10mg?
    Last edited by bryce0015; 06-01-2013 at 12:50 AM.

  4. #4
    Right, 10mg bottle, 1ml Bact water, loaded .25ml and shot it for four days. Then just went outside for a few minutes per day. Got some freckles on the face that were not there before, but people think its cute? Been going to a tanning bed once a week (starting this week) and maintain about .25-.30ml a week.

    You might want to start with a smaller dose and see what works for you? I have read here (SPA area) that .25ml is the average everyone on MII takes.

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