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Thread: Waxy Maize post slin?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Waxy Maize post slin?

    I bought a new complex carb formula from gnc to test out. Saw it was pretty cheap so might as well get some just encase. It has a mix of dextrose and waxy maize. From what I know waxy maize is a slow release carb, while dextrose is fast. I'm taking 10g of it per ui per shake. Should I just go out and buy normal dextrose or is waxy just as good? Today was the first injection at 5ui, 50g c/50g p shake instantly, then went home and had a small meal of potatoes, veggies and fruit juice. About to drink another shake with 50g c/50g p. No sign of hypo, but just making sure waxy won't put me into a coma when I start increasing my dosage.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You obviously don't understand everything you are doing and shouldn't be using insulin yet

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    You obviously don't understand everything you are doing and shouldn't be using insulin yet
    You want to expend on that? Already done insulin in the past without rolling over into a coma. I see nothing wrong with neither my protocol or my question. I am aware both fast and slow release carbs are needed after a slin injection.

    Also considering i have gummy bears, glucose tabs and soda within an arms reach of me at all times, should show you I'm taking this more seriously then most people

    Edit: i've even googled about my question prior to asking it. Seems like there is no info waxy maize when dealing with slin
    Last edited by lolfb; 06-02-2013 at 07:45 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You need fast Carbs after the shot. If u wanted some waxy maize in your meal, sure. But that's not effective to bring blood glucose levels up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I know that. Thats why my initial question stated that. Its a mix of dextrose (fast) and waxy (slow). But my question was, should all 10g per ui come from fast acting carbs (dextrose and the kind) or can it be a mix.

    The only problem is, the mix i have doesnt state how many grams of each there are. But in either case, ill probably making a trip to the store and getting dextrose only just incase

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Everyone is different. 10gr per iu is recommended starting place. I only need 5, but started at 10.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Just go as you started... 5iu with 10g/iu, which means 50g... next time shoot 6iu and use 50g again... than 7iu with 50g and keep going up until you will see it is not enough... than either reduce slin dose or bring up carbs a bit...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by briansvk View Post
    Just go as you started... 5iu with 10g/iu, which means 50g... next time shoot 6iu and use 50g again... than 7iu with 50g and keep going up until you will see it is not enough... than either reduce slin dose or bring up carbs a bit...
    But he's only using half of that for fast acting Carbs. Needs to be careful going up since he's essentially only using 5gr per iu as it is

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    But he's only using half of that for fast acting Carbs. Needs to be careful going up since he's essentially only using 5gr per iu as it is
    Yeah I understand that... of course he needs to be careful and have some glucose tabs on hand.. On the other hand.. the slow acting carbs will do some part of the job as well... I think Titan did use just clean waxy maize post slin.. He was going hypo but about 1hour after the shot.. So maybe the amount of fast acting carbs may do its job here to bring up blood sugar and the slow carbs will just hold them up.

    Edit: This is the thread:

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