Hi Guys,
Thanks for reading my post...
So I'm debating on a few different ideas on how to get rid of some minor gyno. The symptoms have included; tenderness, sensitive nipples, puffy nipples, fat deposits in the lower and inner region of chest, along with very small lumps under the nipple (right pec is worse than the left).
My goal is to reduce the size of the lump as much as possible and destroy whatever gland development has occurred. I will be implementing a strict diet and increase my cardio immensely, so basically I'm going on a cutting phase!
I've been taking Tamoxifen 40mg/day for quite some time now (3 weeks) and I'm approaching the third month from my first initial notation of the gyno (April 1st was when it struck). So, I'm running out of time to catch this as I hear anything past 1 year and it's in there for good. Only the knife will remove it.
Here are a few treatments plans that I'm debating and I would like to hear from people who have experience reversing gyno.
Treatment 1:
Continue Tamoixfen 40mg/day for 1 -2 months then taper down
Treatment 2:
Continue Tamoixfen 20mg/day (taken in the a.m.) while implementing C-Bino's Gyno Reversal which is the letro (taken in the p.m.) taper up, stay there for 3-4 weeks, then taper down slowly (letro purchased from RUI) and then tamoxifen to avoid letro rebound at 40/20/20/10/10
C-Bino letro Protocol:
Day 1 .5mg letro
Day 2 1.0mg letro
Day 3 1.5mg letro
Day 4 2.0mg letro
Day 5 2.5mg letro
Hold at 2.5mg letro for 2-4 weeks, or once lump is gone, then stay an additional 5 days followed by a slow taper...
Day 1 2.5mg letro
Day 2 2.0mg letro
Day 3 2.0mg letro
Day 4 1.5mg letro
Day 5 1.5mg letro
Day 6 1.0mg letro
Day 7 1.0mg letro
Day 8 .5mg letro
Day 9 .5mg letro
Day 10 .25mg letro
Day 11 .25mg letro w/20mg Tamoxifen, start Tamoxifen rebound protocol.
Treatment 3:
Drop Tamoxifen
Start Raloxifen (from RUI) 60mg/day for 1-3 months
Thanks for all that respond....
If you've had experience and or success with reversals, please chime in...