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Thread: CJC 1295 w/o Dac and GHRP-6

  1. #1

    CJC 1295 w/o Dac and GHRP-6

    I am currently taking 3 doses of 1295 w/o Dac and GHRP-6 at 100 mcg each at AM, post-workout and pre bed.
    Just looking for feedback on what ppl have noticed when taking these substances w/o AAS? Some days I feel i get hungry right after pinning and other days not so much. I have on occasion also noticed myself get minor sweats for a few minutes.

    Also in terms of performance has anyone noticed gains and how long after and what types? Were their decreases in BF%, increase, strength changes, recovery times etc.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Well, what positives have you noticed? How long have you been running the peptides?

  3. #3
    I've been "on" for a bit, pinning 200/200 anywhere from 2-4 times a day. Too bad I'm taking so many other substances I can't tell what's doing what lol. My overall "gains" have been quite remarkable over the last month though, not talking about lifts or anything, just about overall appearance.

  4. #4
    Also, I recently read that MT-II blunts the GH pulse so if you're pinning that don't do it together....of course I found that out after a month of doing it lol, oh well... It's not like this stuff is expensive or anything.

  5. #5
    mine is strictly performance based. At this point I have not really noticed much aside from increase in hunger. today is my first heavy day since an injury and looking forward to see what the results will be

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    bk nyc
    I am 2 weeks into grhp6 solo
    So far i am up 6-8 pounds of pure bloat,bad time a year to start this pep.
    I am mainly running this to see if it will help with alot of tendon problems.
    I plan on running 100 mcg night and morning.
    So far i have noticed the quality of sleep is majorly improved ,this has helped me get more REM sleep,i was not getting enough so i suffered from headaches alot.
    A definite side is hunger all friggin day ,mostly right after pin.
    There is some noticable strength increases in the gym already.
    I am also running hrt along with this pep,so far i love this stuff , i just have to to watch the carbs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I took that exact same peptide stack for a whole year while I was in Afghanistan. It was running me something like $150/month, and i'm not really sure if I'd ever do that again. I did lose some BF% which I was able to retain, and my vascularity increased, but on top of the peps, I was taking other stuff, so it's really hard to tell.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    agreed, i ran 6 months i did loose a lil bf%, but bang for buck and the pain in the arse of timing a 3 x a day pins, i find other things as more usefull tools in my tool box.

    They do work but like i said.

    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I took that exact same peptide stack for a whole year while I was in Afghanistan. It was running me something like $150/month, and i'm not really sure if I'd ever do that again. I did lose some BF% which I was able to retain, and my vascularity increased, but on top of the peps, I was taking other stuff, so it's really hard to tell.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I have heard of the ghrp adding a lil bloat but 6-8lbs in 2 weeks seems like there could be another factor involved.

    Quote Originally Posted by vickenkalle View Post
    I am 2 weeks into grhp6 solo
    So far i am up 6-8 pounds of pure bloat,bad time a year to start this pep.
    I am mainly running this to see if it will help with alot of tendon problems.
    I plan on running 100 mcg night and morning.
    So far i have noticed the quality of sleep is majorly improved ,this has helped me get more REM sleep,i was not getting enough so i suffered from headaches alot.
    A definite side is hunger all friggin day ,mostly right after pin.
    There is some noticable strength increases in the gym already.
    I am also running hrt along with this pep,so far i love this stuff , i just have to to watch the carbs.

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