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Thread: Muscle Gluconeogenesis

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    England - UK
    Is it where if your on 'low' carbs, after a few days your muscles lose glucogeon, therefor any cardio you do burns the fat, because youve past the muscle glucogen stage?

    Am i right in saying your muscles need to lose glucogeon before you can lose fat??

    i need explaining of the process and how it works

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by bradhore
    Is it where if your on 'low' carbs, after a few days your muscles lose glucogeon, therefor any cardio you do burns the fat, because youve past the muscle glucogen stage?

    Am i right in saying your muscles need to lose glucogeon before you can lose fat??

    i need explaining of the process and how it works
    Kinda...gluconeogynesis is pretty much the conversion of protein to glucose. On a carb restricted diet, liver and muscle glycogen is depleted. Your body has a series of adaptions that take place. Ur body starts burning fat (body or dietary) as energy. But there are tissues in your body that can not use free fatty acids as an energy source, like your brain. Well your liver pretty much turns fat into ketones, which ur brain CAN use as energy, but it can only derive up to 75% of its energy consumption from ketones. So to get the remaining energy for your brain, if carbs are not present, it will use gluconeogynesis as a way to make up that remaining energy.

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