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Thread: need help with third cycle dosing

  1. #1

    need help with third cycle dosing

    i was thinking about doing a third cycle it has been over a year since my last cycle, i have two under my belt...
    my first one was test 400 (t-eth-100mg, t-cyp-100mg, t-deca-200mg) 600mg/w for 11 weeks and 40mg dbol/d for 4 weeks. nolva for PCT

    my second one was test400( same as uptop) 750mg/w 15 weeks, deca 450mg 13 weeks and 50 mg dbol for 4 weeks, hgc 250 2x/w, clomin for PCT

    now ive heard good and bad about short cycles, so now i figured id decided from experience lol... I was thinking something simple just test prop for 4-6 weeks at 500mg... dont really want to run npp, tren ace, or dbol because ill be doing a lot of cardio and itll just slow me down.

    im 23, 5'11, 10-12% bf, 168lbs, last cycle ended at 180, havnt worked out for a few months so i am going to get to roughly 175 before i start cycling again, which shouldnt be too hard...

    my goal is to gain a few pounds... so do you think 500mg of test prop alone will be worth while for a short cycle?.... plz dont recommend long cycles i wanna give a short one a try

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Welcome palmz,

    1. You don't need steroids to gain a few pounds as you stated.
    2. You have no base to build off of. 168 lbs is too small of a frame, you need to add more naturally.
    3. Fix all of your concerns with your diet first. It's evident that it's considerably lacking. See the nutrition section.

    Best of luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    well the "few pounds" from where im at right now is actually closer to 20 lol... i just want to build naturally THEN steroids lol. i stated that in the first message but it was a lot of info in a message. :P

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by palmz View Post
    well the "few pounds" from where im at right now is actually closer to 20 lol... i just want to build naturally THEN steroids lol. i stated that in the first message but it was a lot of info in a message. :P
    I understand and I read your message very clearly. 175 is not a good start either. My point is, since we all know for a fact that steroids will do nothing without food, why not focus on gathering knowledge in that area first? It makes more sense to me. But that's merely my opinion so I'll let others chime in here.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  5. #5
    o i have diet good, need to wake up earlier for a better breakfast tho (new job) i have 3500 cals a day (not including added butter, oils and condiments) very clean and healthy most days i do have a weakness for wendy's though... i guess i should also have stated i gained almost 50 lbs last year and lost 12 this year.... yep aneriexic is an understatement lol i use to not have a drive to eat at all... i could go days without realising it too. it wasnt the best methood but my first cycle gave me a new love for food lol

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Stick to your good diet then, no point for a cycle if you can back it up with a good base and solid diet.

  7. #7
    so what would u recommend as a good base b4 i start cycling again?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by palmz
    so what would u recommend as a good base b4 i start cycling again?
    Please lay out your diet and include macros.

    Why did you stop working out? Do you plan on stopping working out again after you run this cycle? It's pointless in my opinion to run gear to gain muscle and then just stop working out and losing it all like you did in the past.

  9. #9
    i started a new job while finishing my semester and it was a lot to take in but im now done school for the semester and use to running around in steel toes and digging all day so im ready to hit the gym again... this is the longest break ive gone on since i was 19 o and i will be staying in the gym again cause i will be quitting my job at the end of the summer.. i maintained at 173-177 all year up until i stopped goin gto the gym then it all left practically over night.. which is probably from all the cardio i tried posting a picture on my profile but it keeps saying i dont have the priviledges for a profile ??? idk whats going on lol

    i dont have an exact for breakfast for lunch for dinner plan i just eat every two hours and contume 500-800 calories per time. i make sure i have around 40 grams of protien every time and a serving or two of vegtables...... my eatting hours are 12 hours a day so its well over 3500.. i count as i go along and 3500 is always the minimum

  10. #10
    figured it out got a pic up now im just trying to upload a pic from my phone fore comparison

  11. #11
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	140290   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	140291  
    Last edited by palmz; 06-15-2013 at 09:47 PM.

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