I want a new shotgun and pistol ak once prices drop back down
I want a new shotgun and pistol ak once prices drop back down
HK416... Way to go
As for side arm, either a Sig .50 or beretta 92fs
That IS a great price. Depending on it's age just dbl check the bore. I have seen guy get a sweet deal only to find that the rifling has been shot out of the barrel.
Check out the Burris Eliminator. I just used one on the Barrett 50 BMG today and it is sweet. Pricey but SWEET!
Eliminator - rifle scopes, handgun scopes, hunting scopes by Burris Optics
Sweet ass scope broOriginally Posted by Lunk1
My 3 favorites is my Smith and Wesson .40cal model 410 semiauto, Then my Remington 30-06 sniper rifle with harris bipod and bushnell banner 50mm scope. Then saiga AK-47 modified to accept 30rd clips. I also had a Mossberg 500 tactical pump shotgun with side saddle, and finally a berretta bobcat .22 semiauto(wife).
I recently traded my AK, 30-06, Shotgun, and Marlin golden .22 lever action(dads) for a 2005 Honda CRF 250R. It was a very ggod deal for me and I feel like it was time to let go of some of my guns.
SA80 - because it's the only gun I have used. Easy simple design for dismantling, cleaning and reassembly. Could do this blindfolded at one point!
Simple to fix should blockages occur.
What Pittsburgh posted, what the picture said. Nothing you said lunk.Originally Posted by Lunk1
UK - were allowed to apply for a gun licence, once it's approved a local policeman will come and inspect your home, you need to have a secure gun cabinet to store them. I believe we're only allowed shotguns and rifles, and they're for the purpose of hunting. I'mOriginally Posted by Java Man
Unsure of the limitations of our laws, I guess most rifles and shotguns count.
Pann would probably know a lot more about the details, my stepdad just got his hunting rifle this week, no idea what it is though. Ill try find out!
Kriss Vector Submachinegun 45ACP/Full Auto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzwlFI4Fkvw
Semiautomatic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7TVCbg8fqM
don't "own" any firing weapons though. i want a nice pistol and i'll shell out the cash for one some day.
Last edited by C3RB3RUS; 06-18-2013 at 04:42 PM.
I used to drink kailuha.
Do members get banned for terrible jokes?
I got to play with one of these yesterday. If ya got about $3,500 burning a hole in your wallet...it's sooooo nice!
Why? Sorry, i have a hard time understanding. What exactly do people use these for?
Everyone's reasons are different but for me it's the sport of shooting and the appreciation for a well built machine.
Adding it to the list!Originally Posted by Lunk1
Scaring the neighbors.Originally Posted by stpete
I like good old revolvers like a Colt Python 357. No chance of jamming, and if your cheap like me you can shoot 38 wadcutters to cut down on your cost.
Own a 92fs and love it but would love to own a USP.45
Someone should be bitch slapped for calling that an M1. May be a nice weapon, but it ain't no M1
Many people who have used it would disagree. it handles so good and most of the weight is right in the back making it real easy to handle with one hand when needed.
Last edited by crazy_rocks; 06-27-2013 at 11:21 PM.
Im sure it's a fine piece of hardware, Im just a grumpy old man who envisions something a little different when I hear someone say M1 lol.
I know. There are people older vets who really like the idea of the M1A rogue chassis after shooting it but still can't find it in themselves to take it out of the original wooden stock. I have a M1A super match and it's a pretty nice feel.
It really should be designated an M14 A3
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