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Thread: My first Posted Cycle

  1. #1

    My first Posted Cycle

    Well thi is officially my first post based on what I'm doing for my next cycle. 27yrs old, 185lbs, 16%bf

    Previous cycle experience is Test e 12 weeks + pct, test Sus EQ Tren pct 14weeks, and test C deca adex pct. was very inexperienced and had done little to no research. 100% my fault but I'm on the right track now. This is my proposed cycle and I'm looking for any and all feed back especially on clomid. I have these doses based on a thread I read called the correct way to run clomid. Starting nolva early cause I react quick to estrogen

    Wk 1-12. Test E
    - 500mg - twice a week

    Wk 5-12. Tren A
    - 100mg EOD

    Wk 5-12. Winistrol
    - 50mg - ED

    Wk 1-14. Arimidex (AI)
    - .5 EOD OR .25 ED (thoughts?)

    Wk 1-14. HCG
    - 500iu twice a week

    Wk 12-16. Nolva
    - 40/20/20/20

    Wk 14 - 16 Clomid
    - day 1 - 300mg
    - 2-11. - 100mg
    - 12-21 - 50mg
    (I've read to run it 75/50/50/25 but this is my first time, as I was lacking in research previously, taking clomid)

    Diet is lean at an average of 3000 calories a day. 5-6 meals a day including shakes
    - 40p/40c/20f
    - Gym 3000cal/day
    - No Gym 2700cal/day

  2. #2
    Side note was up around 195lbs around 13%bf coming off of last cycle. Fairly clean eater w consistent workouts 4 days a week isolating muscle groups and 2 days a week cardio an endurance. Looking to lean out and cut bf while maintaining small physical gains. Not looking to bulk but never opposed so small physical gains although strict diets should allow me to do so while lowering bf. BEACH SEASON.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Height? Do you want to cut or bulk? So you wanna do 1000mg of Test a week and 1000 ius of HCG a week? Or did you write that wrong?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I'll let someone else handle that. I never cut. No experience cutting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    No offence but why are you only 157lbs in terms of lean body weight after 3 cycles? If you were 5'5 I might understand but you are 5'9 correct?

  6. #6
    Oh no, test is 500mg (250 twice a week),HCG 500iu (250iu twice a week). Those are my per week regiments

  7. #7
    I'm 5'9

  8. #8
    I'm 185 currently. Stated at intro to this thread

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black
    No offence but why are you only 157lbs in terms of lean body weight after 3 cycles? If you were 5'5 I might understand but you are 5'9 correct?
    Where'd you get 157??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Quote Originally Posted by Swole Intentions View Post
    Where'd you get 157??
    LBM is basically your weight minus your fat

    LBM is Lean body mass or Lean Body weight as Back in Black said

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    185lbs - 16% bf

    Your doing something wrong if after 3 cycles your only this weight, I would look into your diet before going on steroids and try and fix your problem otherwise your just going to be wasting your time because your diet cant support any new tissue.

  12. #12
    All good. I've already made major changes in my diet and consumption. Basically had no knowledge when I was running first 2 cycles which were over 2 years ago. I ran my 3rd on last year and finished around jan this year. After my pct I stayed strong and consistent for about a month then put the gym on a low priority and completely went off diet. Basically partied like a rock star. I've been spending a lotta time re-adjusting diets and targets looking to be around 190lbs at approx 10-12bf w consistent weight, diet, gym time before I even run this cycle. I'm more or less looking for confirmation that my cycle is on track and that I'm taking all the right AI, pct, etc

  13. #13
    Been in gym putting in the time and getting on track diet wise. Pre-planning for future

  14. #14
    Ok, so I was basing my bf% off of a picture scale an clearly my personal opinion of myself wasn't right. I went to trainer today after season and got some counseling. He says I'm roughly 9-10%bf... My abs are visible yet not defined.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Post a pic then, lets have a look. My avi is about 10%.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    You should keep up with your workouts well after your cycle. Especially on pct, train harder than on cycle if you can during pct and keep training hard afterwards. Your body needs to get use to the new weight and if you are wanting to bulk I would bump up the calories, eat clean with a ton of protein. I made that mistake after my cycle I'm all big and full and started partying after pct and going to gym a lot less than normal. Lost signicant amount of muscls

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