as a sdfasa d asdfasda asd f
as a sdfasa d asdfasda asd f
Last edited by trschnei; 09-29-2014 at 09:51 PM.
It shouldn't be an issue.
your water is sterile, your oil is sterile.
Both can be injected SubQ or IM.
You already was injecting both together...
I don't think it would change anything, as long as both are sterile this is no different than having both in your syringe...
But I'm not a pro on this, it's just my thought, I would not feel safe to inject this either.
I would like the comment of someone who know it more than me.
good luck
asdfasdfasdfsdf asd fasdafs asdfasdf
Last edited by trschnei; 09-29-2014 at 09:51 PM.
It's fine
Personally I'd take the pics. Who knows if the source is 100% sterile. From anywhere. Post a pic. See if its simply caused a crash (god knows how). Or is growing mushrooms. Crashes will dissipate usually after gentle heating. N I mean. Gentle. Bacteria wont
ads sdadkjhfa sadflkj a dsaklfj;lkjasdklj f fdashkjh aasdfaf
Last edited by trschnei; 09-29-2014 at 09:50 PM.
If you are worried then heat it and vent it with a 23g pin for 30 min in the oven.
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