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Thread: First full cycle, test prop 50 mg every 2 days

  1. #1

    First full cycle, test prop 50 mg every 2 days

    Hi guys, waiting for my gear to come in.
    This is what it is looking like

    test prop 100 mg 20ml

    ill be taking 50mg every two days, so itll be what 175mg a week?
    HCGenerate (since its a mild cycle, still figuring out dosage)
    arimidex .3 every 3 days
    prami .5 every 3 days
    nolvadex & chlomid every day for 2 weeks pct 2 days after last shot

    background age 20
    training for 6 years, past 3 years were serious/strict
    9% bf 170 lb 5'10

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Please don't start any kind of a cycle since you are 20 and your endochrine system is still developing! And you've got crazy amounts of test in your body. Your cycle btw is a train wreck! There are many adjustments to be made...

  3. #3
    What adjustments need to be made? Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mate, you are too young, you already know that.

    Please visit our nutrition forum, that is where your answer lies. You haven't gained a pound in 4 months so something is amiss.

    Also have your workout critiqued in our lifting forum. You'll be amazed at what changes can happen to your body if you get diet and workouts tuned up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The Kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Mate, you are too young, you already know that.

    Please visit our nutrition forum, that is where your answer lies. You haven't gained a pound in 4 months so something is amiss.

    Also have your workout critiqued in our lifting forum. You'll be amazed at what changes can happen to your body if you get diet and workouts tuned up.
    ^^^ This. Plus your cycle layout makes me laugh. Have you not done any research??? SMFH

  6. #6
    Damn.. I alrdy put an order in for that..
    I understand its funny to you, but isn't running a minor cycle not bad because less sides?..
    What would you adjust? Mind as well help my buddy out that's already running it.. 2nd cycle and he's 19 just shooting test 120 every two days 1cc

  7. #7
    Dude at 20, this is the last thing you want to be doing.

    Just focus on getting as big and strong as possible, getting your form down on all the important lifts, without AAS

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by HPC5280 View Post
    Damn.. I alrdy put an order in for that..
    I understand its funny to you, but isn't running a minor cycle not bad because less sides?..
    What would you adjust? Mind as well help my buddy out that's already running it.. 2nd cycle and he's 19 just shooting test 120 every two days 1cc

    My buddy played Russian roulette and is still alive. So by your logic I should play too. I'm sure ill be fine. I'll keep ya posted thanks

    Please help me adjust this. How many bullets should I put in the gun. Thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Don't do it cape the next one might have your name on it haha !!

    By the way they are not having a go just trying to help you so please listen!!

    If we can save one then its worth carrying on

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo

    My buddy played Russian roulette and is still alive. So by your logic I should play too. I'm sure ill be fine. I'll keep ya posted thanks

    Please help me adjust this. How many bullets should I put in the gun. Thanks

    My advise zero bullet. You will be fine.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    OP, they already told you. At your age the cycle will do nothing. Your Test levels should be very high at your age and the added 175 mgs per week is nothing. It is a drop in your ocean of natural Testosterone. Really, any thing you might feel or get from this will not lead to any faster enhancement in muscle growth and any gains , if any at that low dosage and your age will be very temporary.

    They tell you right. You would freak at some dosages I do and the biggest thing, I tell you the truth now, that holds me back is my diet. Listen take six months from thios day and take pictures, and notes for before and after as you get your diet in line with help on here, training help also. You will see awesome gains in just six months at you age and weight.. At your height and weight ( very light) your gains will show and gains you can do without any Test.

    One more item, do you know what it is like to stab your a$$ every other day, day after even have your ester wrong. Back up and regroup....crazy mike

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