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Thread: TB500 run. Shoulder Pain.

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Quick update day 23


    Decided to adjust diet again, not sure about tomorrow yet.

    Shoulder was not sore during the day. Only during the workout, pain subsided after workout.

    Knee still sore, when I go a little deep in flexion it hurts, obviously still not healed enough.

    TB 500 has made my shoulder considerably better.


  2. #82
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #8 ( day 28 )


    DAY 28

    I skipped a day of injecting, so did the injection 1 day later than planned.
    Injection went as always. No problems.

    Shoulder seems much better, but still not fully healed, knee is still acting up as well.

    Skipped a week of workouts and increased calories to try to expedite healing of knee and shoulder. Has helped a little.

    I will not be doing daily updates anymore, it seems a waste of time. I will however note anything unusual and also I will post updated on every injection day.

    I was wondering wether it would be of benefit to increase dosage to 5mcg every third day. Essentialy doubling my current dose.

    However I am in doubt.
    Considering that the TB500 is an aqueous solution and should be absorbed rapidly, but still is injected every week. I was thinking that this essentially shows that it works through activating certain genes, I would think that increasing dosage above a certain level would have no extra benefit and would only waste product, what this level would be however, is unknown.

    Any opinions on this theory are MORE than welcome.

    Hope to get some feedback.


  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #9 ( day 35 )

    INJECTION 9 ( DAY 35 )

    Injected without any issues. Had skipped a few inject days and noticed that shoulder pain was slightly more prevalent, I am guessing that TB500 also has some anti inflammatory functions.

    Some days earlier, I had the most severe Calf Cramps of my life, was incredibly painfull and did not subside for hours.
    Due to this, I increased Calories for another week and postponed the injections. Had 2 very large muscle knots in my calves the day after the cramps and could not walk properly for several days. Had an extremely painfull visit to the physical therapist where he tried to work on the knots, was literally cringing and I am not known to be fragile.

    At the time of the cramp, no amount of stretching helped, it was directly after my workout which involved only upper body. I had not drank enough water that day, but this was not the first time so don't know if there is a correlation with the cramps or not. I was on 20mg of Efedrine and 100mgs of Caffeine as a preworkout. Also was using Vit B12 1000mcg that day and the day before ( considering it is water soluble I don't think it had anything to do with the cramps, but who knows ).

    Anyone experience anything similar?


  4. #84
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skimmed the thread. Interesting log. Never used the stuff myself but becoming interested.

    Sorry, no help with the cramps. Maybe try some taurine and potassium and increase water intake

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Is this about cramps or what ??? Anyway what I do for cramps is about 2000mg of Potassium Gluconate at bedtime and 100 mg in the mid day. ...crazy mike

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by patrick4588 View Post
    Skimmed the thread. Interesting log. Never used the stuff myself but becoming interested.

    Sorry, no help with the cramps. Maybe try some taurine and potassium and increase water intake

    Thanks for the reply.
    I must say, it has helped a lot more than I even expected, not fully there yet, but the pain is no longer a constant, nagging problem.

    Offcourse there is no long term information and practically no usefull human research yet, this is ofcourse a very big hurdle to overcome before use.
    Hope I won't regret it in the long run.


  7. #87
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    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    Is this about cramps or what ??? Anyway what I do for cramps is about 2000mg of Potassium Gluconate at bedtime and 100 mg in the mid day. ...crazy mike
    What kind of cramping did you treat with this regimen?
    I was thinking about supplementing with extra electrolytes.
    I certainly am consuming more water now, although I must admit, that day stood out as a day of very little water consumption.


  8. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    So important to get enough water in u. That on its own makes a huge difference in preventing muscle cramps.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #10 ( day 38 )

    INJECTION #10 ( DAY 38 )

    Injection went as always. Pain seems greatly diminished compared to when I started, however it is still present.

    Still thinking about doubling dose.


  10. #90
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #11 ( day 46 )

    INJECTION #11 ( DAY 46 )

    Injection went as planned, need to get smaller syringes again, might have injected a minor bubble or so in an attempt to utilize the entire product.

    Since lowering injection frequency and dose, I have noticed a very slight but present increase in frequency of pain.
    I am guessing that the aggravating factor is still present, haven't been able to pin point it yet though.


  11. #91
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #12 ( day 49 )

    INJECTION #12 ( DAY 49 )

    Injected 5 mgs in one go. All went well, shoulder pain is still present although greatly diminished from earlier. Haven't had any cramping or any other issues.


  12. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #13 ( day 52 )

    INJECTION #13 ( DAY 52 )

    Injected another 5mgs. Shoulder pain in left shoulder is much, much better. However during work I seemed to have injured my right shoulder somehow. Really hurts, sharp stabbing pains. Wondering if this isn't all related to me riding my bike alot again ( summer overhere is finally giving me great weather ). It is becoming really frustrating, because it has basically stopped my progress in the gym for the last few months. Getting really anoyed and even somewhat worried, considering the injuries seem to pop up at will bilaterally it seems to point toward either a systemic influence ( auto immune or something ) or bad technique during workout.

    Going to increase calories and go into a more "normal" style of diet. Will go back to 2.5mgs of TB500 every 3 days.

    I had recently purchased from an American source, but when I searched there website again yesterday, the didn't have the TB500 on there. As explained earlier I have some issues with ARR, for some reason I can't use my visa card with their website, and I think they generally don't care enough or simply cannot resolve it on their end ( neither can I on my end ).

    Does anyone know if there are some other good sources out there? Not asking for specifics, just asking if there are trustworthy sources?


  13. #93
    Thinking of trying this stuff for my back and knee. Do you inject in your belly or in the problem area. Also, does anyone have a rough estimate on how much a cycle is going to cost me. I am not loaded with money.

  14. #94
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by dwpeacock0424 View Post
    Thinking of trying this stuff for my back and knee. Do you inject in your belly or in the problem area. Also, does anyone have a rough estimate on how much a cycle is going to cost me. I am not loaded with money.

    It is mostly being used through sub cuteanous injections ( under the skin, mostly lower abdomen, like insulin injections ).
    Don't know if anyone has used it site specific, also don't know if it would be better or not.

    Price of the cycle depends entirely on quantity used. Quantity depends entirely on injuries, body weight, personal response and duration.

    There is no set way to determine cost. Considering many use it at 2.5 or 5mg / week for the first 8 to 10 weeks and afterwards use 2.5mg to 5 mg once a month, you can do the math.

    Again no one knows how you with your specific problems will respond, so no way to determine price.

    Best of luck.


  15. #95
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    somewhere on earth
    U taking msm crystals at 5gsday also. This will help

  16. #96
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    God luck. ...crazy mike

  17. #97
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    Injection #14 ( day 60 )

    INJECTION #14 DAY 60

    Injected another 5mgs. Shoulder is doing better since not doing any excersise for last week. Decided to take another week long break from working out and eating Hyper caloric during this week.


  18. #98
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Shaddy, any updates. and what's your conclusion on TB500? I am running my own log and love to know how it worked for you.

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Shaddy, any updates. and what's your conclusion on TB500? I am running my own log and love to know how it worked for you.
    My apologies bass, I've been very busy lately and forgot to check the forum.

    All in all it helped, it is still somewhat present, but the TB500 certainly helped me adress the situation, that coupled with some technique tweeks have helped alot.

    I won't recommend or advise against usage of TB500, everyone should make up their own mind based on their specific situation and make a risk assesement for themselves.

    That being said, I will be doing a new cycle soon to see if it helps with some other injuries that have been acting up lately.

    Should you decide to use it, I wish you the best of luck.



  20. #100
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    thanks for the update! for me its was the rest and pain killers that did the most pain relief, I don't think TB did anything for me.

  21. #101
    Hey Brazensol, do you have any articles saying that the TB is no that fragile, just curious because i added some water to a 5mg vial one time and alot of water came shooting out of the needle in one go, luckily down the side of the vial. Little bit worried that it may have damaged it but not sure. So just interested to see how you know that applying the water is no bigy? cheers! Rich.

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