This is my 3rd cycle in as many years. First ran Sus 250 500mg p/w for 10 weeks, Second cycle 750mg Test e and 300 mg tren. This cycle im thinking :
Week 1-4 Dbol 50mg per day
Week 1-12 750mg Test E
Weeks 1-12 600mg EQ
Weeks 12-16 Test Prop 50mg ED
Weeks 12-16 Stanazol 50mg ED
Weeks 12-16 Tren A 75mg EOD
Week 1 50mg nolva 100mg clomid ED
Week 2-4 25mg Nolva 50mg clomid ED
Arimidex .25mg ED
I cant get my hands on any HCG
Is it too big of a course?
Was also thinking of frontloading the EQ but unsure if its necessary with the dbol?
Would appreciate your guys ideas and advice.