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Thread: Permabulk's CJC-1295 w/o DAC (Mod Grf 1-29) & GHRP-6 Bulk Log!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Permabulk's CJC-1295 w/o DAC (Mod Grf 1-29) & GHRP-6 Bulk Log!

    As stated, I'm going to be logging my peptide bulk. First time using peptides other than light Insulin usage. I just picked up 100mg's CJC-1295, and 250 mg's of GHRP-6, so I have some room to play around with dose / cycle length.

    Quick primer on stats before people bitch and moan about my age. I was 106 lbs at 16, same height as now. Started lifting at 17. Year one, 106 to 147, still very lean. Middle of year 2,played around with TRT dose(250 mg's) of Test C for 8 weeks, 2 times. End of year 2 weight, 165 ish @ 9%. I cared about about diet 6/10, pretty good looking back, imho. Year 3, did a 500mg a week cycle, with moderate winny kick, and one other 750 mg's test only. Both 8 weekers. End of Year 3 weight 175 @ 10%. I've had low T all my life from many external factors. This is the exact middle of year 4, and I've been on TRT the entire year. I have aspirations of competition at this point. I have what it takes. Anways:

    5' 10'


    500 mg/wk Test C
    1G/wk Deca
    100 mcg CJC-1295 w/o DAC x 3 day
    200 mcg GHRP-6 x 3 day



    Mens Multi
    Conc. Fish oil
    Bayer low dose Aspirin

    Current lifts:
    Bench: 315
    Squat: 405
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-07-2013 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #2
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    Day 1: D-day

    Training has been going fantastic for me these past 2 months. I've been hitting Macro's pretty much every day, and it shows in the gym. I PR every week like clock work, weight and strength. I was 207 2 weeks ago, and I'm 215 today, not much worse for wear, to be honest. Say what you like about that.

    Got my toys in the mail today, It was just like christmas. I reconstituted as per recommended instructions, and took my first shot. With in about 2 mins sweat was pouring out of my face, neck, and hands. My stomach LITERALLY felt like it hadn't seen food in 3 days. I knew it was real at this point. I'm not the fastest eater by any means, but today I got to play god. I didn't get full today. I chose to stop eating. I scarfed food like Honey boo-boo's mom. If she ate clean?

    I guess I had forgotten what being that hungry felt like.

    4347 Calories (Clean)

    297G Protein
    414G Carbs

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Can you take before and after pics to have some visible comparison?

  4. #4
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    Ummmmmmmm, I mean yeah I can put a few up on Friday. I'm soft / bloated right now, but I'll sacrifice as long as no one laughs, too hard.

    Legs today, we will see how squats go.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Permabulk
    Ummmmmmmm, I mean yeah I can put a few up on Friday. I'm soft / bloated right now, but I'll sacrifice as long as no one laughs, too hard.

    Legs today, we will see how squats go.
    It'd be a great comparison to go along with how you feel they worked. Nobody should laugh as that's not why we're here. I appreciate the log mate

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Yeh pics help. N I'll be following the log. Could u delve more into your previous insulin use. Dosage. Effects etc?. I've thought more about it lately. But also on your combination too funnily enough so this is perfect for me.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    It'd be a great comparison to go along with how you feel they worked. Nobody should laugh as that's not why we're here. I appreciate the log mate
    Yeah dude, I'm not even sure if this is the right place for this, seeing as how it's kind of a general bulk log, using Pep's, but I'm sure if any Mods have an issue, it will get moved.

    I don't mean literally laugh, I def have a good physique. I'm training for NPC heavyweight (Waaay far out from comp, like 2 yrs.) and I think some people would think I'm being silly. I know I'm not being silly, I just don't want to hear other people's bullshit opinions about how I won't ever be IFBB. I will. That's all I have to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    Yeh pics help. N I'll be following the log. Could u delve more into your previous insulin use. Dosage. Effects etc?. I've thought more about it lately. But also on your combination too funnily enough so this is perfect for me.
    Cool man, thanks. Um, I've used it 2 times. All post workout only. The first time on winny/test, a 1000iu run. I did it completely wrong, and would use like 20iu. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It did work well tho, if you eat low fat / high carb. It will put weight on for sure. Make the muscles pop too. Good for recovery as well.

    A year later, about 4 months ago actually, I used 6 or 7 units post workout, on a heavy bulk. Diet was ok, but not dialed in like it is now. My diet is solid as shit right now. I Got stronger all of the time, but say hello to your very own spare tire if you aren't careful with fat intake. I may use it again in this log should my BF get under 10, but we will see.

    Random, but, my personal philosophy on bulking is as long as your chest is out further than your stomach, you aren't sloppy. Anything past that is no bueno. I have had super results with this rule, imo. People screw themselves in the offseason by wanting to be lean year round. Shake my head.
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-01-2013 at 02:32 AM.

  8. #8
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    Day 2

    After meal 2, went to gym.

    Hype/energy: 7/10. Was ready, focused. No stims.

    135 x 6
    185 x 6
    225 x 5
    275 x 5
    315 x 5
    375 x 5
    405 x 2

    Quad extension machine:

    blah blah for 4 sets
    255 x 10
    255 x 12

    Calf extension (on sled):

    135 x 11
    225 x 9
    315 x 9
    405 x 8
    495 x 9

    I have little calves, they are like 15.75 in lol. Not sure how relevant that is, but hey.

    I put my 1RM Squat in my first post. I have a little confession. I THOUGHT my 1RM was 405, from calculation, but I've never actually tried 405. I usually 40 degree sled due to my hip bothering me, I can sled about 905 x 5. But it has healed and last week I thought I would squat again after 6 months. Got 315 x 6 that week. I've never gone over 350 before tonight. I got it twice with good form! Woo!

    Now I'm not one of those, "Look everyone, I've been on Test Cypionate for 2 weeks, I'm making all kindz of gains" plecebo idiots, but, something is going on here.

    I know that long term effects are, well, long term, but that doesn't mean it isn't effecting me. My strength was up, and my muscle bellies felt more full.

    It's pretty easy to chalk this up to the GHRP-6 making me stuff my face.

    That is a damn good thing too!

    Calories for the day: 4460

    P: 234
    C: 396
    F: 216

    Yikes, that italian sausage didn't do me any favors on fat today.
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-01-2013 at 06:30 AM.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2012
    North East
    Day 3: Off

    Appetite is pretty good, I don't usually eat 5000 a day, but it is a welcome change..

    These injections hurt like all hell! It stings something crazy.
    Diarrhea, mild.

    Shoulders tommorow, will report.

    Calories for the day: 5150

    293 P
    500 C
    201 F

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Permabulk
    Day 3: Off

    Appetite is pretty good, I don't usually eat 5000 a day, but it is a welcome change..

    These injections hurt like all hell! It stings something crazy.
    Diarrhea, mild.

    Shoulders tommorow, will report.

    Calories for the day: 5150

    293 P
    500 C
    201 F
    Any reason why you keep your fats that high? Just wondering

    - Freddie

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bro I got a log just like this, so ill follow yours and see how it pans out for ya!

    Honest just my 2 cents if thats a recent avi your prolly a tad higher than 15% which means bulking is prolly not what I would do, but ive ben in your shoes so I know how it goes. Or are you really on a permabulk??

    and ya, thats almsot 2,000 cals from fat?

    also for an AI id maybe consider something like stane or Adex..

    Last edited by largerthannormal; 08-02-2013 at 01:30 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by freddie84 View Post
    Any reason why you keep your fats that high? Just wondering

    - Freddie
    I tend to have a pretty high metabolism. I've always been thin, and if you knew the amount of fat I have eaten during my 3 year dirty bulk (I'm eating pretty clean now) you might faint! Idk, fats don't stick to me very well, just how I am I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    Bro I got a log just like this, so ill follow yours and see how it pans out for ya!

    Honest just my 2 cents if thats a recent avi your prolly a tad higher than 15% which means bulking is prolly not what I would do, but ive ben in your shoes so I know how it goes. Or are you really on a permabulk??

    and ya, thats almsot 2,000 cals from fat?

    also for an AI id maybe consider something like stane or Adex..

    Whats your log, bro? I follow you too!

    That photo was taken at the end of a moderate D-bol run. I was wet as shit. Also, I don't take very good photos, my ex-gf is going to take some today for a "Before." I'm way bigger now that in my AVI, that was like 4 weeks ago, I was 207, and I'm 216 now.

    I don't use hcg, no need as of now. And yeah, I will probably go to A-dex when I run out of letro, it's really hard to dose. My sex drive took a plummet in the last 2 months because I thought I was using a good dose. Wrong! I crushed my estro, and paid the price.

  13. #13
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    Sep 2007
    I stopped my logged a good 3 months back bro those peps did work but I think I expected more out of them than they provided.

    I hear ya, I photo like crap too

    Get some pics up so we can watch the transformation

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Yeh. Could u tell us what your diet generally consists of. Also could u post a daily routine Inc wake. Inj. Inj type+amt. meals. Training type. Training time. Sleep etc. Be good to see a full days routine even be it once a week for generalization.
    Thanks for the log open. Should be useful for a lot of ppl.
    Also how are you tracking your weights?. Check baselines power hypertrophy thread. I've designed some spreadsheets where you can easily track your progress. If u need one tailor made just shout me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    Yeh. Could u tell us what your diet generally consists of. Also could u post a daily routine Inc wake. Inj. Inj type+amt. meals. Training type. Training time. Sleep etc. Be good to see a full days routine even be it once a week for generalization.
    Thanks for the log open. Should be useful for a lot of ppl.
    Also how are you tracking your weights?. Check baselines power hypertrophy thread. I've designed some spreadsheets where you can easily track your progress. If u need one tailor made just shout me.
    I hope so! I spent a lot of money on this stuff, so I hope to be able to help others figure out if it's for them, too.

    Yeah I will post a gen routine in day 4.

    I don't have pictures yet, I will explain in day 4, as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    I stopped my logged a good 3 months back bro those peps did work but I think I expected more out of them than they provided.

    I hear ya, I photo like crap too

    Get some pics up so we can watch the transformation
    I will! I couldn't get them yesterday, but soon! This is like an 11 month log after all haha

    So you still use them? How long did you use them?

  16. #16
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    Day 4

    Well, if there is such a thing as the test flu..then...CJC flu? Man was I sick this morning. The gastro issues were through the roof, and I don't think it was a coincidence that I'm taking the peps.

    I was dry heaving within an hour of waking. It wasn't pretty.

    I didn't get to train shoulders, as my gym was closed "until further notice, due to unforseen circumstances" What a crock of shit? They will be open on monday, but I will just work out in my basement. Will report on the work out I whip together.

    As far as pictures go, I A. Couldn't train because my gym "closed unexpectedly", and B. was flat (I feel, probably in my head)

    I WILL post pictures soon guys, bare with me here! We have 11 more months of log to go haha

    Calories for the day: 2537

    192 P
    323 C
    53 F

    I honestly think for being sick, that was a serious dietary effort.

  17. #17
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    General routine:

    Upon waking: 200mcg CJC / 200 mcg GHRP
    Post workoutk: 200mcg CJC / 200 mcg GHRP
    (late evening on non train days)
    30 mins before last meal of the day: 200mcg CJC / 200 mcg GHRP


    Day 1: Back / lat / hammy
    Day 2: off
    Day 3: Chest / Tri's
    Day 4: off
    Day 5: Quad / ab / light duration wind sprint cardio (10 mins @ 8MPH)
    Day 6: off
    Day 7: Delts / forearms / traps

    That may seen a little but weird split for someone on a lot of gear, but each session is about 2 or 3 hours depending. I hit it HARD everytime, train to failure, 1-3RM, etc.

    Usually 4 - 6 sets an exercise, rep scheme changes sometimes. In up to last month I was doing 12, 10, 8, 6, 3, max, then I went 9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6. Now I'm doing, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5. It changes.

    I would never just go in the gym and do something arbitrarily. My routine has evolved, many, many, many times over my lifting journey, and It will continue to do so!

    I am always open to suggestion, it's good to get anothers opinion. I don't write down the weights I lift, because I generally remember what I did the week prior. And I go from that. In my mind, it's good to have general idea of your progress, but when you start writing every single little thing down you are setting yourself up for dissapointment. "Awh man, I got 6 reps last time, 5 reps? This is bullshit!" There are so many factors, imo.

    As far as diet goes, up until about 3 months ago, I would always make sure the meal was enough calories, and included high protein food, but was never tracked like it is now. EVERYTHING I eat is tracked. My diet as of now is very "classic" Lot's of chicken, brown rice, and sweet potato. Whole milk is usually in there as well. My TDEE is around 3500, and my macro goals are like 4250 on standard bulk ratio's, to gain 1 lb per week. I go for 5k a day.

    About my permabulk status, I kind of am in one, but I will go from phases of bulking hard, to lean bulk, and the occasional recomp / maintinence. As someone who is trying to NPC / IFBB, I really don't see the problem with going over 20%. I am probably at 15 now. Pro's do it all of the time. People say it's hard to lose, but I honestly don't think it is? I will add Tren / clen / T3 in there if I feel I'm getting too fat. Haven't had to yet. I believe in ALWAYS keeping intake high.

    Feel free to civily argue with me on any of the things I have said, I love hearing other peoples opinions, and I love a good, friendly, adult, debate.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Permabulk
    My routine has evolved, many, many, many times over my lifting journey, and It will continue to do so!
    ^^^^ Something everyone should do until they find what works for them. Everyone's different

  19. #19
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    Day 5

    Things are starting to normalize, as far as stool consistancy, and bowel movement frequency.
    Alooot of gas though.

    No numbness or Carpal tunnel yet. I'm waiting on that. I know my peps are good to go, but still.

    Trained in my basement, where I only have a 300 lb olyimpic set, and a dumbbells that go up to 40.

    Got 140 x 6 Military, which is 5 more lbs than last week. I just started doing MP's, my overhead dumbbell press is actually higher that my MP, believe it or not. It's way low considering my other lifts, but it will be 200+ here in the next month or so.

    Got up to 30 x 5 lat raises. Again, shoulders are not my strong point. I began training them around year one, so they have some catching up to do.

    Did a few other things with rear delts, and some front delt work, not worth writing down.

    Let me get back into my natural habitat, ie. my regular gym, and see what kind of voodoo I can arrange.

    Diet was pretty spot on today. Hit 5K clean calories, and a PR a day or so after being sick as a dog. Was it the Peps? It very well could have been.

    Calories for the day: 4957

    331 P
    604 C
    135 F

  20. #20
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    Day 6: It's back.

    I'm not 100% sure that the CJC is tearing my insides up, but I have a reasonable suspicion. I did eat some slightly past due chicken the other day, and due to me not having my bacteriostatic arrive yet, I've been using smartwater as my medium. It could be these things. I am paying attention to everything. I could just be adjusting to it, or I could be plain old sick. Time will tell.

    Today was supposed to be back, but I'm going to wait another day. If I trained today, It would be pathetic.'

    On a different note, my hands and fingers are noticably swollen, and I'm starting to get random shooting pains in my feet, much like a growing pain. These are good signs.

    Will edit this post with Cals at end of day

    Calories for the day: 4998

    P 255
    C 467
    F 234
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-06-2013 at 04:45 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Hope u come out the other side strong bruvva fvckin hate being ill

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    Hope u come out the other side strong bruvva fvckin hate being ill
    Thanks bro, I fixed myself up for now, my next post will explain how. Band aid fix though.

  23. #23
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    Hey guys!

    So, I've been doing a shitload of research on what in the hell is going on with my gut. Lo and behold, in some people GHRP-6 causes BOTH Gastroparesis AND Gastric Motility. For those of you who are unaware, Gastroparesis is where food is held in the stomach for far too long leading to problems, and Gastric Motility is where food is held in the stomach for far too little time, leading to problems.


    Chronic nausea
    Chronic diarrhea
    Vomiting (especially of undigested food)

    Yeah that sounds about right...

    Treatment (drug wise, there were many):

    Viagra: "which increases blood flow to the genital area, is being used by some practitioners to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract"

    Domperidone (Motilium) This is an anti nausea drug, that ALSO raises prolactin.

    Self medicating regiment:

    Took 5 mg's PDE5 Inhibitor (Good ole' Cialis)

    LOWERED, my Pramipexole dose (A powerfull prolactin antagonist)

    STOPPED taking my regular ancillaries for now (Mens multi, Fish oil, aspirin, etc)
    I will slowly add them back in to see if they cause any issues.

    Success!! My gut seriously hasn't bothered me today at all, and I ate pretty well too.
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-07-2013 at 05:25 AM.

  24. #24
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    Day 7: Ohhhh yeah. Back / Bi's

    Back workout went fantastic. Before I even go into stats, let's all keep in mind that I have pretty much had the shit's all week, and have thrown up breakfast 3 times this week.


    135 x 5
    225 x 5
    315 x 5
    405 x 6 (PR!, I just started to get 405 like 3 weeks ago)

    Low rows:

    Got up to 225 x 7 (PR)

    5 sets total, starting from 80 lbs, I up the weight pretty evenly

    Lat pull downs:

    Got up to about 185 x 7 (PR)

    5 sets total, starting from 40 lbs, I up the weight pretty evenly

    Dumbell lat pull:

    Got up to about 85 lbs x 6 (PR)

    Dumbbell curl:

    50 x 6 (PR, because of super clean form)

    3 sets, 30, 40, 50


    100 x 6 (PR, my straight curl 1RM is 135)

    5 sets, 20, 50, 70, 90, 100

    So as you can see, I'm pretty much the strongest I've ever been on back day, while coming off of being mega sick. No stims / PWO's. I pin Post right after finishing, like with in 2 minutes.

    But this is the kicker guys!

    Started at 211 on day one.

    Today I weighed in at 218 lbs! No joke!

    This CJC is legit if you can keep the sides down. My hands/ankles are swollen as shit, and I'm still getting the "growing pains." Getting an tiny, incy bit of numbness, like I can barely even tell it's there.

    I'm getting pictures ASAP, sorry for the cok (muscle) tease?

  25. #25
    Great to see you getting back on track! I'll definitely be following your log SMASH THOSE PR's

    - Freddie

  26. #26
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    Day 9, Chest / Tri

    Hey all.

    So today was chest and tri's. Motivation was 6/10, I went, It felt good to train but didn't feel like I was in smash mode. Which made it all the better when I PRed again lol

    Flat bench:

    135 x 5
    185 x 5
    225 x 5
    250 x 5
    275 x 4 (PR)
    315 Neg, got it half way
    225 x 5
    135 x 15

    Close grip:

    135 x 7
    135 x 8
    135 x 9

    Incline bench:

    45 x 12
    95 x 10
    115 x 6
    135 x 6 PR
    155 x 5 PR

    Cable pulldowns, with a "Y" rope

    Don't know the weights, did 5 sets, ended on 96 for 7 reps. (PR)

    I've been doing less total exercises lately, partly because when I do 8 sets of a major compound lift, there isn't too much left to work, imho. Something I'm trying out anyway. I can't say it isn't working.


    My hands are def still pretty swollen, in a good way though, it's not like it affects anything. I've been stronger than I ever have been before, and I'm def putting on size. It's different though. It's like the bellie itself is starting to "jut" out, from my frame. Not like normal, instead of it just "getting bigger", it looks like there is more LBM, like it's "popping". The difference between my "Arms getting bigger", and "My biceps and triceps are way bigger." Does that make any sense? It's hard to explain. This shit works though, I'm telling you guys.

    Calories for the day: 4529

    215 P
    555 C
    161 F

    Will check weight in the next few days.
    Last edited by Permabulk; 08-09-2013 at 06:12 AM.

  27. #27
    Hey Permabulk

    I had the same effects with using either GHRP-2 and IPAM to a point that i stopped them 3 months ago.. Guess what, the effects still linger, not as much as before. 3 weeks ago i had the worst abdominal pain rushing me to see my doc who diagnosed as stomach flue. idiot..taking prisolec but i suspect is not the culprit.. thanks for pointing about Good ole' Cialis, Viagxa. mind if my doc will give it willy nilly though ghrp decreases libido .. any good docs in nj?

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