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Thread: Is this a good steroid cycle?

  1. #1

    Is this a good steroid cycle?

    Hey guys im new here, I was wondering if this steroid cycle i received from another source is a good one.

    weeks 1-12, Test Enthenthate/500mg/week/split into two injections per week

    weeks 14-17, Nolvadex 20mg/day

    I'm 18 and have been lifting for only about 6 months and am still thinking if i should even start juicing, but if were too is this a good plan cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by robtroy99
    Hey guys im new here, I was wondering if this steroid cycle i received from another source is a good one.

    weeks 1-12, Test Enthenthate/500mg/week/split into two injections per week

    weeks 14-17, Nolvadex 20mg/day

    I'm 18 and have been lifting for only about 6 months and am still thinking if i should even start juicing, but if were too is this a good plan cycle?
    Things wrong-

    Your 18
    Been training 6 months

    Corrected behaviour-

    Wait till your ~25
    Train your ass of till then

  3. #3
    In all do respect, im not asking for a reality check, I know that there are a lot of people here who know about steroids really well and am wondering is this is a good basic program for a beginner like my self.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by robtroy99
    In all do respect, im not asking for a reality check, I know that there are a lot of people here who know about steroids really well and am wondering is this is a good basic program for a beginner like my self.
    Not many people will endorse steroid use at 18 on this forum. Unless you have your sight set on an IBBF card, proper nutrition, a well designed training program, cardio, and sleep should help you build lean body mass.

    I don't think anyone is implying you need a reality check. Steroids will mess with your blood values, lipid metabolism, contribute to hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, potential blood clots, depression, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, possible prostate enlargement, and more. At 18 your natural testosterone levels combined with a solid nutrition and training plan should get you where you want to go.

    The guys here are putting your health considerations FIRST.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    your really better off leaving this stuff alone dude.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Mountaineer Country
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    Things wrong-

    Your 18
    Been training 6 months

    Corrected behaviour-

    Wait till your ~25
    Train your ass of till then
    You might not like it but this man is correct. You've been working out 6 months. If you do a cycle a third of your entire lifting experience will be with steroids.

    How could you possibly know what works best for you lifting wise?

  7. #7
    Hey everybody, thanks for the responses. I wasn't ever really sure if i was going to start using steroids. I agree that I'm young and my hormones are high right now and it would just be an unnecessary risk. I'll save the juicing for an IFBB pro card some day, haha. Thanks again guys.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by robtroy99
    Hey everybody, thanks for the responses. I wasn't ever really sure if i was going to start using steroids. I agree that I'm young and my hormones are high right now and it would just be an unnecessary risk. I'll save the juicing for an IFBB pro card some day, haha. Thanks again guys.
    Good call !!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by robtroy99 View Post
    i'll save the juicing for an ifbb pro card some day, haha. .
    Last edited by ksingh93; 08-07-2013 at 05:24 PM.

  10. #10
    leave the test e to me I can make much better use of it.

    DUDE you are ****ing 18 years old you have super high test naturally do not even attempt a cycle. Build a base stay away from steriods for a long time.

    All you need is a lots of red meat/fish/white rice and veggies. Along with training.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon1000 View Post
    leave the test e to me I can make much better use of it.

    DUDE you are ****ing 18 years old you have super high test naturally do not even attempt a cycle. Build a base stay away from steriods for a long time.

    All you need is a lots of red meat/fish/white rice and veggies. Along with training.
    man kids these days.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Not many people will endorse steroid use at 18 on this forum. Unless you have your sight set on an IBBF card, proper nutrition, a well designed training program, cardio, and sleep should help you build lean body mass.

    I don't think anyone is implying you need a reality check. Steroids will mess with your blood values, lipid metabolism, contribute to hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, potential blood clots, depression, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, possible prostate enlargement, and more. At 18 your natural testosterone levels combined with a solid nutrition and training plan should get you where you want to go.

    The guys here are putting your health considerations FIRST.
    Ink scared him away with all these big words

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420

    Ink scared him away with all these big words
    Mission accomplished!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Glad to see you made the wise choice bro.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I would quote them all. Good advise, from the experienced members and good call if you wait. Stay wise and be cool. crazy mike

    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    Now who the F is this. If the guy sets his sites on the pros why not have a dream and a goal. I think it is great. You laugh ? What's your goal at age 20. Tell us kid. Hopefully it's to get at least to where some of our members have been and gone before you. again

  16. #16
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    Ink scared him away with all these big words
    Ha, that's funny. I know what those words mean, but I can't pronounce them let alone spell them...ha! ...crazy mike

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post

    now who the f is this. If the guy sets his sites on the pros why not have a dream and a goal. I think it is great. You laugh ? What's your goal at age 20. Tell us kid. Hopefully it's to get at least to where some of our members have been and gone before you. again
    if he sets his sites for ifbb then he should start shooting the bitter truth

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    if he sets his sites for ifbb then he should start shooting the bitter truth
    Not without a foundation of muscle and some strength. If some one does they risk a good chance of tendon and ligament damage. So that advise is bad very bad and is not supported by any mature experienced member on here. You at your age cannot claim much experience. I noticed your profile and where is your experience and maturity, even in this sport.?

    I don't believe this board would tolerate for very long the giving of BAD advise as to start shooting steroids at age 18 and only six months of working out under his belt.
    With what I hear you say I will advise you to shut up and not to continue in your giving advise that is bad advise to a kid or anyone with no BB foundation. This not being the subject of OP's thread ( you and bad advise) I will close, with just excepting you don't have a clue as to what you are doing. And leave OP to his good judgment...crazy mike

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    not without a foundation of muscle and some strength. If some one does they risk a good chance of tendon and ligament damage. So that advise is bad very bad and is not supported by any mature experienced member on here. You at your age cannot claim much experience. i noticed your profile and where is your experience and maturity, even in this sport.?

    i don't believe this board would tolerate for very long the giving of bad advise as to start shooting steroids at age 18 and only six months of working out under his belt.
    With what i hear you say i will advise you to shut up and not to continue in your giving advise that is bad advise to a kid or anyone with no bb foundation. This not being the subject of op's thread ( you and bad advise) i will close, with just excepting you don't have a clue as to what you are doing. And leave op to his good judgment...crazy mike
    i didnt gave an advice i just answered your question mate .i never claimed i have more experience then you or any other senior memeber

  20. #20
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    Dec 2012
    If the o.p dreams a goal he should know the realistic part of it

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by ksingh93 View Post
    If the o.p dreams a goal he should know the realistic part of it
    And the realistic part is to not put your body in jeopardy not even being acquainted with the sport and what it takes. Some of the biggest gains are in the first six months with NO steroids and even without a good diet. I see it all the time with and Ecto. Then the hard works starts. You know how many people change their goals after the first few years, not to mention an 18 yr old.
    So quit now kid, you yourself at age 20 have no clue as to what you want or where you will continue in your goals after age 23-25. So tell you the real fact is don't be stupid and stick your ass with potentially dangerous hormones before you know how you like training and working your ass off in a gym for your life goal. What it takes and YES the pain and the money and the sacrifices someone , like any athlete, or any professional will have to put out.
    Hell an early injury could ruin someone's chances. So again YOU ARE WRONG, very wrong.
    If you feel it's ok for you then do what you want but don't be telling someone to get started because that's the facts if you want to make it. ...I'm done with this and you kid. ...crazy mike

    Oh and the correct answer to OP's Q's was what was said by many, starting way back with MuscleInk and others that followed. So you didn't answer the Question at all correctly, but you made fun.
    Last edited by crazy mike; 08-07-2013 at 09:24 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    and the realistic part is to not put your body in jeopardy not even being acquainted with the sport and what it takes. Some of the biggest gains are in the first six months with no steroids and even without a good diet. I see it all the time with and ecto. Then the hard works starts. You know how many people change their goals after the first few years, not to mention an 18 yr old.
    So quit now kid, you yourself at age 20 have no clue as to what you want or where you will continue in your goals after age 23-25 . So tell you the real fact is don't be stupid and stick your ass with potentially dangerous hormones before you know how you like training and working your ass off in a gym for your life goal. What it takes and yes the pain and the money and the sacrifices someone , like any athlete, or any professional will have to put out.
    Hell an early injury could ruin someone's chances. So again you are wrong, very wrong.
    If you feel it's ok for you then do what you want but don't be telling someone to get started because that's the facts if you want to make it. ...i'm done with this and you kid. ...crazy mike
    u quoted my post and told me its great for o.p to dream for ifbb but u didnt told him that he cant get there by eating chicken breast and taking his multis.
    Will most probabaly wave you on a pro show
    i didnt told him to start juicing as i mentioned in above posts .

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike View Post
    but you made fun.
    you can say that but to let people know the truth is better who thinks doing 3-4 cycles will make em look like pro .

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Give you the best advise even though your not running a cycle keep up to date on browsing this forum so when its time to come its done 100% correctly

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