Me a little over a year ago, didn't start lifting until a little bit later in the summer, but this is the only pic I have from around that time.
Me a couple days ago, currently 3 weeks into my cut
I'll post leg pics later if I ever manage to cut down to a BF that makes them not look like fat pieces of unaesthetic ****
Started juicing after 7 months of lifting, ran 500mg test e and then cruised, currently cutting on 250 test 200 tren e. Shooting for a pro card in the future. Bloods have been taken 3 times, have gotten an EKG, everything checks out. Currently 18 years old.
Started off around 130, bulked natty to 185 and looked like this,
then hopped on and bulked to 236. In the third week of my cut I'm weighing in at about 220lbs morning weight, but this has been holding steady for the last week or so because I'm eatint 400g pro 0 cho and 50g fats which with the tren have been letting me grow into the cut some.