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Thread: Creatine FAQ

  1. #81
    Taking exogenous test wouldn't increase intramuscular creatine levels at the beginning of a cycle but what about towards the end? The more muscle mass youve gained leads to higher natural creatine levels. Or am I looking at this wrong. The only reason I bring it up is because I'm about to start my first cycle and I already know that I have to jack up my protein and BCAA intake. So why not my creatine also? instead of 5 grams pre and post workout mabey 10.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Good thread. I got some stuff to add, feel free to correct me. I feel like creatine should be one of the simplest things out there, yet there's still so much confusion on it thanks to the media. I had an ex who thought I was gonna die from it, so I had to do a bunch of research about it to convince her it was safe. CSI once did an episode where they said a bodybuilder died from 'acute creative overdose'. Idiots.

    I think a lot of the bad press comes from the fact that it became popular in the news when it got discovered along with androstenedione in Mark McGuire's locker, so everyone confuses them and thinks it messes with your hormones. It doesn't. But, that doesn't mean it's new. It's been taken for years and anyone who says there isn't long term studies done is just wrong.

    Another thing that people claim is that it upsets your stomach. This isn't an effect of creatine, it's a problem of digestion. That's why people recommend 'micronized' creatine. All that means is that it's been ground into smaller pieces, so it digests and gets absorbed better. I think back in the day there where poorly manufactured products with large particles that wouldn't get digested well, which is why it gets a such a bad rap. That isn't really an issue anymore and I've never had stomach cramps or digestion issues with it.

    Another issue is that it breaks down in water over time. I think they say you have about 8 hours or so, so you're probably ok mixing it and going to the gym and then drinking it, but I prefer to drink it as soon as I mix it. So, don't premix your drink and store it overnight. But, of most concern is don't buy creatine serums or liquids. They used to market these as 'bloat-free' creatine that wouldn't dehydrate you. Yes, they don't bloat you because they don't have creatine in them, it's been broken down.

    The other thing is to understand how it work, so it's not scary anymore. They say it gives you more endurance. Here's how. Your body makes energy by the chemical reaction of releasing a phosphate atom from the molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which leaves ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Your body then steals a phosphate atom from creatine to reattach it to the ADP, making ATP again. This is how everyone's body works whether you supplement or not. Creatine is in food. However when you weight train, you run out of your creatine stores and "get tired" because you can't recycle your ADP into ATP. Make sense?
    Last edited by Wolv256; 06-09-2012 at 01:05 PM.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by TAZ98 View Post
    Taking exogenous testwouldn't increase intramuscular creatine levels at the beginning of a cycle butwhat about towards the end?
    Quote Originally Posted by TAZ98 View Post
    The more muscle mass youve gained leads to highernatural creatine levels.Oram I looking at this wrong. The only reason I bring it up is because I'm aboutto start my first cycle and I already know that I have to jack up my proteinand BCAA intake. So why not my creatine also? instead of 5 grams pre and postworkout mabey 10.
    The creatine will still help, I haven’t readtoo much on steroids recently but I think that running cycles has endurancebenefits of its own.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolv256 View Post
    Good thread. I got somestuff to add, feel free to correct me. I feel like creatine should be one ofthe simplest things out there, yet there's still so much confusion on it thanksto the media. I had an ex who thought I was gonna die from it, so I had to do abunch of research about it to convince her it was safe. CSI once did an episodewhere they said a bodybuilder died from 'acute creative overdose'. Idiots.

    I think a lot of the bad press comes from the factthat it became popular in the news when it got discovered along withandrostenedione in Mark McGuire's locker, so everyone confuses them and thinksit messes with your hormones. It doesn't. But, that doesn't mean it's new. It's been taken for years and anyone who saysthere isn't long term studies done is just wrong.

    Another thing that people claim is that it upsetsyour stomach. This isn't an effect of creatine, it's a problem of digestion. That's why people recommend'micronized' creatine. All that means is that it's been ground into smallerpieces, so it digests and gets absorbed better. I think back in the day therewhere poorly manufactured products with large particles that wouldn't getdigested well, which is why it gets a such a bad rap. That isn't really anissue anymore and I've never had stomach cramps or digestion issues with it.

    Another issue is that it breaks down in water overtime. I think they say you have about 8 hours or so, so you're probably okmixing it and going to the gym and then drinking it, but I prefer to drink itas soon as I mix it. So, don't premix your drink and store it overnight. But,of most concern is don't buy creatine serums or liquids. They used to marketthese as 'bloat-free' creatine that wouldn't dehydrate you. Yes, they don'tbloat you because they don't have creatine in them, it's been broken down.

    The other thing is to understand how it work, soit's not scary anymore. They say it gives you more endurance. Here's how. Yourbody makes energy by the chemical reaction of releasing a phosphate atom fromthe molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which leaves ADP (adenosinediphosphate). Your body then steals a phosphate atom from creatine to reattachit to the ADP, making ATP again. This is how everyone's body works whether yousupplement or not. Creatine is in food. However when you weight train, you runout of your creatine stores and "get tired" because you can't recycleyour ADP into ATP. Make sense?
    Yeah man your pretty much spot on witheverything you said, too bad CSI has to help facilitate ignorance about BB,didn’t know they had an episode about that... But the issue of the CM breakingdown, if you take a look at one of the studies I posted with the FAQ, the CMstayed 99% stable in stomach acid after 2 hours, so that's essentially a nonissue. The serums, liquids, esters, etc etc etc are all garbage attempting toreinvent the wheel.

  4. #84
    ops i have been loading over 20g, thanks for info

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I would also add that anything they market to increase the uptake of creatine is useless. The fact is it doesn't matter how fast the uptake occurs, cause after several days you are going to reach your max stores of creatine in the body, and then it doesn't matter how fast the uptake occurs, IMO.

  6. #86
    Quick question. Im taking 5g in the morning upon rising (as per stated), but i wash it down with Fresh OJ (pure orange juice), this ok? I thought i heard sumwhere that the acid in the OJ isn't good for creatine?

  7. #87
    Join Date
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    North America
    Quote Originally Posted by BruceBanner View Post
    Quick question. Im taking 5g in the morning upon rising (as per stated), but i wash it down with Fresh OJ (pure orange juice), this ok? I thought i heard sumwhere that the acid in the OJ isn't good for creatine?
    I heard that same thing, but there was a post by senior member who said something that made me think that was bs. I'll try to find it.

    Edit: Found it real fast, I just remembered that I've only viewed two creatine threads on this forum, one of them being this one.

  8. #88
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    North America
    I have a question that may be a littler specific, but still not worthy of it's own thread. Last year I had a regular physical in which my doctor had me go to the lab to get blood drawn, one of them for my creatine levels. At the time of the physical, I had been doing some minor lifting (in which I had it in my mind I was doing a lot) and I was taking whey stupidly (in cereal, randomly throughout the day, etc.). Not saying those are stupid, but just unneeded for the amount I was doing.

    Anyways, my levels came back high (or that's what he said). It was measured at over 5000, which later I thought was strange because when I looked up information on Creatine it seemed like no one was getting there measurements with a 1000's measurement scale. Anyways, I got tested again twice after that, both times the numbers coming up 1000 something, and then the last one being 500 something. When I started lifting seriously in January, I was tested again in February, 500 something, and I started taking creatine after getting tested and recently I took another test in which it was at 1000 something (I had the test to know if it was working or not). So he called me again telling me my numbers were escalated.

    Supposedly under the measuring system they have, because of my age and gender, my number should be around 250. How should I view this? My doctor keeps stressing this could be a sign of kidney problems, but I have absolutely zero pain, discomfort, etc. in that region of my body and I don't have any other signs of kidney failure/complications. Now talking to my dad, who is actually again supplements, he told me I should find a different doctor for a 2nd opinion to get a different interpretation of this. My doctor is the type that has told me not to do any heavy lifting, he has told me never to take whey protein (says I should only get whey from milk), and to stay away from stimulates. Now this may be the young guy speaking, but I basically blew him off with this whole ordeal, but numbers are numbers. What should I get from this whole thing? I have no plans on leaving strength sports, and I also have no plans on stopping my creatine use (though I'm currently cycling off of 3 months of use), but I would like to have some real info in the back of my head about this.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by zivot View Post
    I heard that same thing, but there was a post by senior member who said something that made me think that was bs. I'll try to find it.

    Edit: Found it real fast, I just remembered that I've only viewed two creatine threads on this forum, one of them being this one.
    So Whiskey it is serious tho, no mention of acidity of OJ and creatine mentioned it above link, just that u can chase it with whatever u like...

  10. #90
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    North America
    It just made me think that may be the case. When thinking about though, I'm also a little skeptical on that because if the citrus from the oranges breaks down the creatine before digestion, why wouldn't it do that with any other supplement (excluding proteins)?

  11. #91
    tahnks for the info

  12. #92
    Yeh i can't but help notice no one with greater knowledge is stepping forward to this question. Its a basic myth no one is answering.

    1) I heard that creatine monohydrate is best chased with lukewarm water (as cold water isn't as good and more likely to damage it).

    2) that the acid in fruit juices isn't ideal either.

    Months later still no one has been able to put forward their opinion on this myth. FAQ is incomplete imho.

  13. #93
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    costa del England
    Excellent post and good read!
    You say that the loading phase is needed to saturate the muscles. If a heavy/intensive full body workout has been completed would another loading phase or top up phase be used to restore levels or is 10g a day enough to supply the heaviest or workout needs?

  14. #94
    Great sticky. I've heard a lot of those myths before thanks for clearing that up for me. I was always a person who cycled creatine a few months at a time and always used a loading phaze of 20g/day, silly me!

    One question..
    Looking at the graph comparing loading vs 5g/day, I was wondering at approx how many days would it take for the standard 5g/day to catch up to the saturation of the 20g loading route?

    Thanks again!

  15. #95
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    In hiding
    Amazing post that clears up any misconceptions that i had. thanks

  16. #96
    Killer post man...great info, thanks for the post

  17. #97
    Newbies take note, this post is smart
    Last edited by TheMurphMan; 10-01-2012 at 01:31 AM.

  18. #98
    Not sure if this has been covered by someones question or not yet, but I figured I would ask it anyways.
    Creapure? Is it "better" than other creatine monohydrates or is it all hype.
    What's your opinion?

  19. #99
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Manitoba, Canada
    Fun fact about Creatine: In Canada, our regulatory bodies that govern medicine/supplements consider CM to be a legitimate supplement to improving one's health, and is marketed as such.

  20. #100
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Thanks had a lot of q's about use and difference in different forms, really glad to kno that powder is cheaper!!!! i've been using a pill and the bottles are expensive as hell and only last 10 day this will save me $60+ bucks a month, or at least shift to better use of my loot for other sup's.

  21. #101
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    I'm a division 1 college pitcher and have been using creatin for about 3 weeks. All I get from it is a lot of energy before my workouts and haven't gained a lot of muscle, just maybe a little strength gained. Idk if it's because I'm using 1 scoop a day sometimes 2. Should I take 3 a day? And does this mean I have to drink 3 gallons of water a day... Because on my directions it says drink a gallon of water with each serving. I know it may sound like a dumb question, but I dont want to **** up my kidneys.

  22. #102
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I'm sorry if this has been asked already but what about creatine pre workout since it's primary task is to help you get more reps, so what would be right dosage pre workout and do i intake it 30 mins pre workout?

  23. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Great thread. Should clear up alot of ppls questions about creatine. I also agree that creatine mono works best for me and will never go anyother route in supplementing with creatine.

  24. #104
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Sorry if this was asked already but im at work and don't have much time to browse the thread. but Im on trt and was wondering if i could take a pre workout like muscle pharm assault that has creatine in it

  25. #105
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    North Pole
    Should you change your creatine dose while on cycle or during PCT?

  26. #106
    Join Date
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    Calgary Alberta
    Quote Originally Posted by Sick_beard View Post
    Should you change your creatine dose while on cycle or during PCT?
    No need to. Keep using it as normal.

  27. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Despite reading this FAQ, I am still uncertain about whether or not take creatine. I am not too fond of the bloating effect that it apparently has, but I am in the midst of changing up my routine and diet to gain some lean muscle as I have plateaued on my current routine. I know many people who work out use creatine which leads me to believe I should. Do you guys think I can still be able to gain another 15 pounds without creatine? I would include a few links to some threads I started about my diet, routine, and possible first-time cycle; but I think that would be "hijacking" this thread.

    I appreciate any input.

  28. #108
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Beautiful , I was going to post about creatine because I a going to start taking it again, its been about 4 years since I've been on it..

    This thread answered every question I had, Thanks!

  29. #109
    Join Date
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    chicago il

  30. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne, Australia
    Great post! I have been using creatine for almost a year now and have always used the same one (APS creapure mono) but recently bought a new brand (integrated sups creapure mono) because it was on sale. They both have very different consistencies, one is light powdery like flour and the other is more grainy like really fine salt. I just thought this was odd as they are apparently the exact same product. Is this normal? Or is one dodgy?

  31. #111
    I think cycling creatine is a good idea because your body doesn't fully recover from liver/kidney toxicity each day, therefore it's progressively harmful (even in the standard 5g dosages). I know this first hand because I stayed on it for a full year after hearing the same argument about not needing to cycle. My liver/kidney enzymes were high at 6 months, higher at 8 months, and doctor directed to get off it at 12 months. Sure enough my enzymes returned to a safer state not long after. To make a long story short, be cognizant of your usage, it CAN be dangerous if your not paying attention.

  32. #112
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Thanks very informative thread

  33. #113
    Hello folks,
    what are your opinions on using creatine and clen at the same time?

  34. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by span174 View Post
    what are your opinions on using creatine and clen at the same time?
    There's no issue that I've ever heard.

  35. #115
    Join Date
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    Spring Hill Florida
    Awesome Post, very informative!!!

  36. #116
    Join Date
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    Big Trouble, Little China
    Great read, learned a lot about this. The only thing I can add is that if you are taking it and you have to go get an MRI or CT WITH contrast, let the doctors know this. They will need to do blood work on you to insure you don't hurt your kidneys. They normally only do this on older adults and DM type 2 patients. So if you do get injured, this is something that you must disclose for your own safety to the people in the ER. IMO

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    So I started on creatine about a week ago so I'm still loading. Honestly, I've felt weaker at the gym this week. Not sure it's the creatine (obviously) but wondering if anyone else noticed this.

  38. #118
    Does anyone follow the .15 X lbs formula for creatine?

  39. #119
    how do you stop the bloating effect:S?

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    great post with some awesome info. i never understood why creatine recieved uch a bad rep in the eyes of the media.

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