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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #3441
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    Ahhh back home. Just pigged out. I was a bad boy and went to McD's! I drank a protein shake with it though. Made it seem healthy lol.

    Great shoulder workout. I was having trouble catching my breath at the end so rather than cheat my traps out of an intense session I'm doing them tomorrow with biceps.

    Pre w/o: 4.6g Arginine pyro, 4.6g Lysine, 3g Citrulline, 12mg tadalafil

    I'm listing weight so the scheme can be seen for up/down and the smith is counter weighted so 135 is actually 90 but its what I'm used to working with IE 2 plates and the bar =135lbs so that's how I'm writing it.

    Flat bench warm up:
    2x40 185 (I start every session every day with 2x40 i/f/or d bench) really gets the blood pumping for me.

    Smith front presses overhead
    2 warm up 135x20 (1 in front, 1 set behind head)
    1x8 225
    1x3 295 failed on 4th
    1x7 225 failed on 8th, r/p 2 more.
    1x14 135 failed on 15th

    Seated db press:
    1x15 60lb
    1x10 80lb
    1x8 100lb failed on 9th
    I'd like to do 120 x ? But I can't get those fvckers into the start position without a spotter. I assume I can do at least 2 or 3 based on 100 x 7 but ??. So done with these.

    Seated laterals:
    1x10 35lb side, 1x10 front, 1x10 bent over for rear back to back.
    1x10 40lb - had to do a few r/p at the end. Same for rear but only got 6 out. 6 or 7 front Failure is what I'm after. I don't count reps much.
    Pain. Veins everywhere. I love when the shoulder and trap veins pop out. Only gym rats have those and they look cool.

    1x fvkall idk lol I think I was able to eek out 5 or 6 sloppy ones at 45 or 50 idr what I grabbed at this point. They were bigger. That's all I remember.
    my shirt is soaked, the fan isn't helping much and I can't breathe. Took a 2 or 3 min rest here. Got a drink.

    Finished off laterals with drop sets starting with 35, then 20, then 15, then 7.5lb (stop calling me a pvssy!) Then no weight, just raising my arms slowly up and down. Can't lift my arms at the end. Went to total muscular failure. Owww.

    Another rest. Water.

    Grabbed the 60's to start traps but I was exhausted, hungry and in pain so I curled them instead just to see if I could. Got about 5, not very good form but still surprised myself. W/E. Time to eat. Traps tomorrow with calves or biceps haven't decided yet.
    Last edited by Java Man; 08-30-2013 at 04:01 AM.

  2. #3442
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Ahhh back home. Just pigged out. I was a bad boy and went to McD's! I drank a protein shake with it though. Made it seem healthy lol.
    A McDonald's milkshake is NOT a protein shake Java

  3. #3443
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    Great work out jm you a strong mofo on the db pressing im only after getting to 110lb ones

  4. #3444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    A McDonald's milkshake is NOT a protein shake Java
    Sure it is! Has like 15g in it

  5. #3445
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Great work out jm you a strong mofo on the db pressing im only after getting to 110lb ones
    I may be right behind you. The.damned thing of it is I don't know because I can't get them to my shoulders. Every time I try to flip anything bigger than 1c I fail on the bounce up. I guess that means I can't do it lol.

  6. #3446
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    What I do is lift one db up myself with help of my other arm. And then get someone else to bring up the other db helps a lot as you don't waste energy to lifting them up.

    Tonight is rest night going to chill can't wait

  7. #3447
    marcus300's Avatar
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    underhand pull downs

    3 warm up sets - concentrating on stretching and contracting the back muscles
    1 working set - triple dropset

    straight arm pushdowns
    2 feel sets - high reps concentrating on the mind muscle connection
    1 working set - triple drop set

    BB bent over rows
    2 feel sets -
    1 working set -triple dropset

    straight bar low pulley
    2 feel sets
    1 working set - triple drop set

    one arm db rows
    2 feel sets
    1 working set - double rest pause

    Hyper extensions
    4 sets -to failure

    20 mins light bag work

    This workout I didn't go as heavy as normal on my back, i'm very strong but wanted to go super slow and feel the mind muscle connection, also I held the contraction for a count of 1-2 seconds and really squeeze the muscle. Intensity was really high and the pumps were out of control again. I also stuck to the 1 min rest in between sets to try and get some fitness back due to heavy panting yesterday on shoulders. I still feel I need to do some cardio to help me recover faster which I have started today with the bag work.

    Really focused and zoned out again today, got myself into the same mind set as yesterday which is normal for me when going to failure or upping the intensity. I can really control my inner voice to bring out the best in my lifts. When I am zoned out I feel no one can beat me at anything I feel invincible which is all in my head but it does make the adrenalin flow which makes my strength and going to failure a lot easier.

  8. #3448
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    What I do is lift one db up myself with help of my other arm. And then get someone else to bring up the other db helps a lot as you don't waste energy to lifting them up.

    Tonight is rest night going to chill can't wait
    It's that 'someone else' component that I'm missing .

    I put them upright vertically on my knees, griping them like I'm going to throw them to the side, then kick off hard. As they.come up you can use the inertia and momentum to flip them into your shoulders, still vertical. From there its smooth sailing. I just can't do that with anything higher than 100.

    Empty your day off. 3 day weekend in. the states. Can't wait!.
    Last edited by Java Man; 08-30-2013 at 06:27 AM.

  9. #3449
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    Great morning read on yesterday and today's entries. Marcus the new avy is nasty brutha.. Very nice.

    I didn't eat a real meal at all yesterday. Literally traveled and worked from 3am to 1am.. Nuts bars, shakes all damn day. Could've easily eaten airport food but chose to stick with supplement type food instead. Making a doz eggs for today, some chicken, rice, brussel sprouts, tuna, banana, turkey burgers and I'll take some fish out for dinner with the family tonight.

    Going to get in there and hit arms today. I've been dealing with a (sometimes sharp/sometimes dull) pain in my upper forearm for months. It was masked very well part of the cycle (NPP) but that part is over and it is prevalent once again. On the airplane last night, I located the pain spot and dug into it hard, wasn't sure I knew what I was doing but it was almost like instinct kicked in and I put it through some pretty painful massage therapy. The pain was pretty intense and the spot still hurts this morning but it actually feels like a different kind of pain... Almost like I unraveled whatever that looming issue has been and the pain now is only from me breaking the muscle down as I dug into it last night. I'm gonna go ahead and hit arms today and go full force and see what happens.. May be against my better judgment but I will be careful... Wish me luck

  10. #3450
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    It's that 'someone else' component that I'm missing .

    I put them upright vertically on my knees, griping them like I'm going to throw them to the side, then kick off hard. As they.come up you can use the inertia and momentum to flip them into your shoulders, still vertical. From there its smooth sailing. I just can't do that with anything higher than 100.

    Empty your day off. 3 day weekend in. the states. Can't wait!.
    Lol just someone in the gym normally people don't mind helping. Ohh ye got a 3 day weekend nice yeh tonight is splurge night need it tbh.

    Then cardio in the morning and pain and gain in the evening

  11. #3451
    austinite's Avatar
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    Happy day

    Well, it's been years since I've seen my body fat % in the 11's. This was supposed to be accomplished in March, earlier this year. Although still super upper 11's, I'm still happy to see that number 12 go away. So progress is being made. Pretty surprising to me actually considering that my training sessions are much shorter and less frequent than they were prior to March. I've been semi-diet-conscious. Certainly not gorging into anything.

    5.9 lbs of lean mass to go. Hopefully I can maintain the BF until then. No plans to cycle until next year.

    Disregard the notes at the bottom, just having a little fun with Brazensol.


    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  12. #3452
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    Legend aust congrats

    Today was abs arms and cardio was great day hard heavy and fast.

    Supersetting mainly between
    Cable bicep curls and tricep push downs for 3 sets
    The hammer curls biceps, behind the head tricep db push ups
    Skull crushers
    And 21's

    Abs jusy hanging raises
    The crunches

    Crosstrainer and threadmill

  13. #3453
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    Nice, aus. I need to try this pod pod thing.

  14. #3454
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Happy day

    Well, it's been years since I've seen my body fat % in the 11's. This was supposed to be accomplished in March, earlier this year. Although still super upper 11's, I'm still happy to see that number 12 go away. So progress is being made. Pretty surprising to me actually considering that my training sessions are much shorter and less frequent than they were prior to March. I've been semi-diet-conscious. Certainly not gorging into anything.

    5.9 lbs of lean mass to go. Hopefully I can maintain the BF until then. No plans to cycle until next year.

    Disregard the notes at the bottom, just having a little fun with Brazensol.
    Hell yeah brutha that's very nice.. Congrats with the progress. Goal is in sight.. Go get it.

  15. #3455
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    Chest an bis tonight

    Incline Db press 2 warm up 1 feel, 2 working into 2 drops
    Flat Db 1 feel 2 working into 2 drops
    Incline Db Flys 2 working, 2 drops


    Db curls (straight no rotation) 1 feel 2 working 2 drps
    incline Db curls 2 working 2 drops
    (due to avalibility) Hammerstrength ISO preacher curls 2 working and 2 drops

    Ended up ruining this with date night with the fiancé and had some good vientamese food. But did work it off with cardio at home .

    One question, my chest was spent after the routine, was planning on 4 excersises but don't think I would have had enough energy for bi's after. Think if im going to complete failure,would those 3 movements be enough for growth? Or should I look into splitting this day up.

  16. #3456
    marcus300's Avatar
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    all I did today was heavy trieps and calves, fet ,ike my tris needed some serious overload and I can tell you they felt good.

  17. #3457
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    Slf 3 exercises is loads all I do for chest is. Flat, incline, decline and flies supersetted with push ups every couple of weeks to mix it up.

    Good man marcus

  18. #3458
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Slf 3 exercises is loads all I do for chest is. Flat, incline, decline and flies supersetted with push ups every couple of weeks to mix it up.

    Good man marcus
    Thanks dci. Felt great still just wanted ti ask here and see thoughts

  19. #3459
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Chest an bis tonight

    Incline Db press 2 warm up 1 feel, 2 working into 2 drops
    Flat Db 1 feel 2 working into 2 drops
    Incline Db Flys 2 working, 2 drops


    Db curls (straight no rotation) 1 feel 2 working 2 drps
    incline Db curls 2 working 2 drops
    (due to avalibility) Hammerstrength ISO preacher curls 2 working and 2 drops

    Ended up ruining this with date night with the fiancé and had some good vientamese food. But did work it off with cardio at home .

    One question, my chest was spent after the routine, was planning on 4 excersises but don't think I would have had enough energy for bi's after. Think if im going to complete failure,would those 3 movements be enough for growth? Or should I look into splitting this day up.
    Yes they will if you out everything into the working sets, complete positive failure, overload to your max and stimulate enough muscle tissue so it as no option but to respond with growth, feed the growth and your on the way to transforming your body. Its all about what you do on your working sets, majority of the time I do one working set but I mean everything goes into this working set and I couldn't do another even if I tried. Get your mind set right to attack the body and out it through hell and past the pain zone,, well done

  20. #3460
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    Guys what do you want?

    how big do you really want to be, forget weight/bf because it means nothing I am talking how muscular you want to be. I know guys at 260lbs who aren't really muscular so forget about give me numbers give me how you really want to look like, a pro/semi pro..

    what is it your looking for

  21. #3461
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    Also all the lurker who never post, what are your thoughts on the thread and how we train, diet etc....give us some feedback, step out of the shadows.. we want to hear it... we want to help

  22. #3462
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    To get as much lean mass as I possible can, I want to be that guy that who is massive I want to get that buzz from lifting more weight pushing yourself harder than the next guy.

    Basically if us mortels can get near the monsters that are kel kel and marcus I'd be happy. This last few months for me personally has completely changed my outlook, this has become more than just a hobby this about everything life

    I'd be happy at 230lbs lbm if I can get there Ill be beyound happy at 5ft 10 I think that size will be perfect.

    From the bbers I admire I want arnies arms, with francos back, wareens shoulders, metzger legs if can get 10% of them more than happy
    Last edited by DCI; 08-31-2013 at 10:49 AM.

  23. #3463
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    For me personally I think at 5-9 I would love to be 210. Which isnt far from my best but could never get over the hump. I was a soild 195 before. Diet was real good training I thought was great until reading this thread. Now training is getting to the top but diet is maybe 80%.

    Im a chef and at 195 in the chef jacket and everything I was getting lits of comments on how I looked. Felt great. Im stronger now but smaller. Blame it on the fiance lol. She likes her food. So we do eat out alot. But I want to be back where I was and even kill the size I was before. Pro size isn't for me but I wanna turn heads.

  24. #3464
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    underhand pull downs

    3 warm up sets - concentrating on stretching and contracting the back muscles
    1 working set - triple dropset

    straight arm pushdowns
    2 feel sets - high reps concentrating on the mind muscle connection
    1 working set - triple drop set
    A great little superset guys is doing straight arm pull downs with reverse pull downs like above. Warm up on both then max out on straight arms immediately followed by reverse grip pulldowns. It'll hurt ya good! It's old school Mentzer style actually.

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    all I did today was heavy trieps and calves, fet ,ike my tris needed some serious overload and I can tell you they felt good.
    Cause your triceps obviously are small and

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Guys what do you want?

    how big do you really want to be, forget weight/bf because it means nothing I am talking how muscular you want to be. I know guys at 260lbs who aren't really muscular so forget about give me numbers give me how you really want to look like, a pro/semi pro..

    what is it your looking for
    I'm still trying to figure that shit out.....dammit.
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  25. #3465
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Ahhh back home. Just pigged out. I was a bad boy and went to McD's! I drank a protein shake with it though. Made it seem healthy lol.

    Great shoulder workout. I was having trouble catching my breath at the end so rather than cheat my traps out of an intense session I'm doing them tomorrow with biceps.

    Pre w/o: 4.6g Arginine pyro, 4.6g Lysine, 3g Citrulline, 12mg tadalafil

    I'm listing weight so the scheme can be seen for up/down and the smith is counter weighted so 135 is actually 90 but its what I'm used to working with IE 2 plates and the bar =135lbs so that's how I'm writing it.

    Flat bench warm up:
    2x40 185 (I start every session every day with 2x40 i/f/or d bench) really gets the blood pumping for me.

    Smith front presses overhead
    2 warm up 135x20 (1 in front, 1 set behind head)
    1x8 225
    1x3 295 failed on 4th
    1x7 225 failed on 8th, r/p 2 more.
    1x14 135 failed on 15th

    Seated db press:
    1x15 60lb
    1x10 80lb
    1x8 100lb failed on 9th
    I'd like to do 120 x ? But I can't get those fvckers into the start position without a spotter. I assume I can do at least 2 or 3 based on 100 x 7 but ??. So done with these.

    Seated laterals:
    1x10 35lb side, 1x10 front, 1x10 bent over for rear back to back.
    1x10 40lb - had to do a few r/p at the end. Same for rear but only got 6 out. 6 or 7 front Failure is what I'm after. I don't count reps much.
    Pain. Veins everywhere. I love when the shoulder and trap veins pop out. Only gym rats have those and they look cool.

    1x fvkall idk lol I think I was able to eek out 5 or 6 sloppy ones at 45 or 50 idr what I grabbed at this point. They were bigger. That's all I remember.
    my shirt is soaked, the fan isn't helping much and I can't breathe. Took a 2 or 3 min rest here. Got a drink.

    Finished off laterals with drop sets starting with 35, then 20, then 15, then 7.5lb (stop calling me a pvssy!) Then no weight, just raising my arms slowly up and down. Can't lift my arms at the end. Went to total muscular failure. Owww.

    Another rest. Water.

    Grabbed the 60's to start traps but I was exhausted, hungry and in pain so I curled them instead just to see if I could. Got about 5, not very good form but still surprised myself. W/E. Time to eat. Traps tomorrow with calves or biceps haven't decided yet.
    I wish my stupid gym went over 100. That's all they got, 100lb dumbells is as much as you can go to. SOmebody said a certain gym not real far away went up to 200's. But its just too far for me to go. I guess ill have to stick with the bar. I haven't dumbbell benched in a longgg time. Might give it a go Monday and see how many times I can do the 100's. Sounded like you killed it.

  26. #3466
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Guys what do you want?

    how big do you really want to be, forget weight/bf because it means nothing I am talking how muscular you want to be. I know guys at 260lbs who aren't really muscular so forget about give me numbers give me how you really want to look like, a pro/semi pro..

    what is it your looking for
    Marcus I want size and cut. But mostly size, just not let the BF get too high, otherwise all the hardwork would be a waste of time. Never will be Pro, or semi Pro. I just want to look huge and stand out in the crowd. I think in three more years ill be close to where I want to be.
    Last edited by Cuz; 08-31-2013 at 11:43 AM.

  27. #3467
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Guys what do you want?

    how big do you really want to be, forget weight/bf because it means nothing I am talking how muscular you want to be. I know guys at 260lbs who aren't really muscular so forget about give me numbers give me how you really want to look like, a pro/semi pro..

    what is it your looking for
    I actually want ur size..... No homo and no ass kissing lol

    I've just finished my 3rd week back in the gym so I've got a ways to go yet before I'm comfortable with an extreme overload on the muscle. I don't want to tear anything......

    At my best I was happy with my "look" I suppose but I wasn't content. I've always wanted the "thick" look. Front to back, delt to delt, from every angle..... Just look big.

    I can say this though..... I'm eating right (I woke up last nite to piss....... Yes...... To piss lol and figured why not eat lmao so thanks for that) I'm training right, I'm focused and motivated...... I'm all in at this point and I'm very excited about where things are going.

    Regarding the scale..... I've said it a million times.... Numbers lie. A weight is no indication of true size. The mirror is the only thing you can trust.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  28. #3468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I actually want ur size..... No homo and no ass kissing lol

    I've just finished my 3rd week back in the gym so I've got a ways to go yet before I'm comfortable with an extreme overload on the muscle. I don't want to tear anything......

    At my best I was happy with my "look" I suppose but I wasn't content. I've always wanted the "thick" look. Front to back, delt to delt, from every angle..... Just look big.

    I can say this though..... I'm eating right (I woke up last nite to piss....... Yes...... To piss lol and figured why not eat lmao so thanks for that) I'm training right, I'm focused and motivated...... I'm all in at this point and I'm very excited about where things are going.

    Regarding the scale..... I've said it a million times.... Numbers lie. A weight is no indication of true size. The mirror is the only thing you can trust.
    Ha ha ha ha ha! Should not have made the comment a few days ago that you never wake up to pee! Came back to bite ya in the wanker, to steal a Brit term. Take a protein drink to bed with you every night. I couldn't live without it.
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  29. #3469
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Should not have made the comment a few days ago that you never wake up to pee! Came back to bite ya in the wanker, to steal a Brit term. Take a protein drink to bed with you every night. I couldn't live without it.
    I know rite..... As I was pissin I thought about you and Marcus...... Idunno if that makes u feel warm and fuzzy or not haha.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  30. #3470
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Ha ha ha ha ha! Should not have made the comment a few days ago that you never wake up to pee! Came back to bite ya in the wanker, to steal a Brit term. Take a protein drink to bed with you every night. I couldn't live without it.
    Lmao was just going to say the above, you put the kibosh on ya haz man, you'll be pissing every night now

  31. #3471
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I know rite..... As I was pissin I thought about you and Marcus...... Idunno if that makes u feel warm and fuzzy or not haha.
    Quite the opposite actually. Next time think about DSM or Sholva!
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  32. #3472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    For me personally I think at 5-9 I would love to be 210. Which isnt far from my best but could never get over the hump. I was a soild 195 before. Diet was real good training I thought was great until reading this thread. Now training is getting to the top but diet is maybe 80%.

    Im a chef and at 195 in the chef jacket and everything I was getting lits of comments on how I looked. Felt great. Im stronger now but smaller. Blame it on the fiance lol. She likes her food. So we do eat out alot. But I want to be back where I was and even kill the size I was before. Pro size isn't for me but I wanna turn heads.
    forget the weight, what muscular size would you like to be. Give us an example weight means nothing if the muscle aren't there...

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    A great little superset guys is doing straight arm pull downs with reverse pull downs like above. Warm up on both then max out on straight arms immediately followed by reverse grip pulldowns. It'll hurt ya good! It's old school Mentzer style actually.

    Cause your triceps obviously are small and
    I'm still trying to figure that shit out.....dammit.
    I felt like I had not trained them properly for ages so I did a full concentration workout on them and they felt hard as nails YOU DONT NEED TO BE ANYTHING kEL, YOU GO THE PACKAGE MY FRIEND

    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Marcus I want size and cut. But mostly size, just not let the BF get too high, otherwise all the hardwork would be a waste of time. Never will be Pro, or semi Pro. I just want to look huge and stand out in the crowd. I think in three more years ill be close to where I want to be.
    Sounds achievable

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I know rite..... As I was pissin I thought about you and Marcus...... Idunno if that makes u feel warm and fuzzy or not haha.
    Nice to know, it does

  33. #3473
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    forget the weight, what muscular size would you like to be. Give us an example weight means nothing if the muscle aren't there...

    Tomorrow I will post a pic from two years ago. I cant compare myself to anyone else. If anything I like the Arnold look. Huge up top thin waist. Different frim todays stars.

  34. #3474
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	001.JPG 
Views:	417 
Size:	502.6 KB 
ID:	143546

    Ok had time and here is me (almost 2 yrs ago) just after a pct. Im 189 in is pic, was at 196 during cycle. I would like and even spread of 15lbm's. I guess I want to be bigger the the asthetic look, but lean at same time, is the best way to explain.

  35. #3475
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    I feel like I'm built similar to Dennis wolf...... Body shape wise.

    The delts and traps are damned similar so if I can get even remotely close to this I'd be happy as hell!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image-3025001540.jpg 
Views:	194 
Size:	418.9 KB 
ID:	143547  
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  36. #3476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I actually want ur size..... No homo and no ass kissing lol

    I've just finished my 3rd week back in the gym so I've got a ways to go yet before I'm comfortable with an extreme overload on the muscle. I don't want to tear anything......

    At my best I was happy with my "look" I suppose but I wasn't content. I've always wanted the "thick" look. Front to back, delt to delt, from every angle..... Just look big.

    I can say this though..... I'm eating right (I woke up last nite to piss....... Yes...... To piss lol and figured why not eat lmao so thanks for that) I'm training right, I'm focused and motivated...... I'm all in at this point and I'm very excited about where things are going.

    Regarding the scale..... I've said it a million times.... Numbers lie. A weight is no indication of true size. The mirror is the only thing you can trust.
    Woow thanks haz. But I'm half man i was. But thank you

  37. #3477
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300

    Woow thanks haz. But I'm half man i was. But thank you
    I'm going by the avy's you post...... That arm is fvcking ridiculous lol. I can say at this point I'd be happy. Then again..... I said I'd be happy a bunch of times before so who knows
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
    - Knockout_Power


  38. #3478
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Looking good sla back then man , you can get there again

  39. #3479
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I'm going by the avy's you post...... That arm is fvcking ridiculous lol. I can say at this point I'd be happy. Then again..... I said I'd be happy a bunch of times before so who knows
    I think thats the true sign of a real bb'er being humble and never really being happy with yourself always wanting more, finding fault etc

    I read a cool quote before not sure who said it, but goes along the lines of being a body sculpturer

  40. #3480
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	001.JPG 
Views:	417 
Size:	502.6 KB 
ID:	143546

    Ok had time and here is me (almost 2 yrs ago) just after a pct. Im 189 in is pic, was at 196 during cycle. I would like and even spread of 15lbm's. I guess I want to be bigger the the asthetic look, but lean at same time, is the best way to explain.
    Looks good. Good frame and shape Sfla. Plenty of room to pack it on and achieve your goals!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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