Ok, today I pinned oil based for the first time...
At first I was like, Won't be too different than with B12... a bit thicker and that's all...
I've pinned before in the glute with a 25g, Injection pain was minimal, and all went smooth. steady hand and everything, went great with B12.
this morning I did 1.5ml of prop.
During drawing... I was like "well... it's thick" but nothing too bad.(I draw with a 22g)
I switched needle and start injecting with a 25g.
Strangely, this time enter the needle into the glute hurts... like I said I pinned before with 25g and it was ok, this morning it hurt(not alot but I clearly felt it going in). I think I just contracted the muscle due to stress or whatever...
I aspirate and nothing comes out... After that I injected...
GOD DAMN IT'S THICK! I've often read that 1ml/minute is a good speed to minimize PIP. I thought that we had to do it super slow and that we could do it way faster...
I wasn't expecting it to be so thick and so hard to push it in. so That made me move the needle a bit too much, it hurts... at mid injection I stopped and removed the needle. I get myself comfy on my bed and reinsert the needle and finish the oil... it hurt way more than with water based...
My hand was NOT steady at all...
It hurted quite a bit, but next time will be better and so on. SO I call that beginner's pain XD
It makes 2 hours of it now and I feel a little discomfort. I can touch/push the injection site with no pain.
However, contracting hurts a little.(I would not train my glute today). I don't know WHEN the PIP is suppose to appear. but...
virgin muscle + prop = I should know soon enough.
all that to ask, when the PIP is suppose to happen and how long it last ??
It will help me schedule my training and injection site.
Thanks, and I hope my little adventure of this morning makes you laugh a bit.