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Thread: HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

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    austinite's Avatar
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    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections


    There seems to be quite a bit of confusion regarding hCG, it's timing, benefits and risks. Per your request, I'm writing this article in hopes to clear some of the confusion up. It's entirely necessary that you understand clearly, so if anything in this article is confusing, please ask questions. Whether you choose to use this info or not, you should at least familiarize yourself with hCG so that you can make more informed decisions going forward.

    In order to understand the terminology in this thread, you will need to read at least the first segment of the HPTA article located here.

    What Is hCG?

    hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone produced in pregnant women. It's extracted from their urine.

    - Human is obviously, human.
    - Chorionic references the Chorion, which is a membrane that surrounds the fetus of pregnant females.
    - Gonadotrophins references Luteinizing Hormones (LH) in this case.

    Why you should use hCG ON cycle:

    If you listened to me in the introduction of this thread, you would have read the HPTA segment in the linked thread above. So I'm typing with that assumption.

    We know that steroids shut down production of LH at the pituitary. This means you no longer produce natural testosterone because there's nothing to stimulate your Leydig Cells in the testes. The reason your testicals normally look "full", is because they're loaded with testosterone. When your natural testosterone production is suppressed, your testes atrophy (shrink), because they're empty. Make sense?

    Injecting hCG results in a "mimicked" LH.
    So although your pituitary gland is not secreting LH, your leydig cells, in the presence of hCG, are stimulated by the mimicked LH and begin to produce testosterone. So there's your solution for preventing testicular atrophy while on cycle. But there's more to hCG than just reversing atrophy. Let's have a quick look at some other reasons to use hCG.

    Benefits of hCG during your cycle:

    1. Prevention of testicular atrophy.
    -- This is done by mimicking LH and restarting natural testosterone production in the testes.

    2. Speed up recovery.
    -- This is done by mimicking LH so that your Leydig cells remain stimulated. More on this in the next segment.

    3. Balances hormonal fluctuation. (Mainly TRT patients and dose dependant)
    -- By strategically timing hCG injections, you will prevent "dips" in serum levels.

    4. hCG in involved in the process of production for DHEA, Cortisol and Pregnenolone.
    -- A host of benefits here. These benefits will combat fatigue and stress, betters your mood, has a role in energy, reduced cardiovascular risk, immune stimulation, betters memory, and more.

    Leydig Cell Desensitization:

    Desensitization basically means unresponsive. Your Leydig cells are stimulated by the LH signal. If they no longer respond to LH, you will not produce testosterone.

    There are 2 ways that could potentially desensitize Leydig Cells:

    1. Prolonged LH deprivation: When you inject steroids, your LH production is halted at the pituitary, remember? So if you continue in a suppressed state for weeks upon weeks, your Leydig Cells could potentially become unresponsive, or desensitized. It is possible to reverse desensitization of the cells, but that has been proven to be quite a difficult task. So when you use hCG on cycle, the mimicked LH analog will maintain stimulation of Leydig cells so that you don't run the risk of rendering them useless. This level of maintenance will ensure a much healthier and speedy recovery and one of the most important reasons to use hCG on cycle.

    2. Over stimulation of Leydig cells: There is no reason to use more than 500 IU of hCG at one time. And certainly not a good idea to run even that dose on a daily basis. You do not have an unlimited-ever-flowing-supply of Leydig cells. There is only so much stimulation hCG can do. What happens when you dose hCG really high, is that you're increasing intra-testicular estrogen. So you're thinking that you could use an aromatase inhibitor in that case, right? Nope. AI's are not effective treatment for intra-testicular e2. Furthermore; high doses is a surefire way to desensitize Leydig Cells. So we have a double whammy here. And this is just another reason to use hCG on cycle, and not "blast" hCG post cycle leading up to and/or during PCT.

    ^ If either of the events above occur, you would become hypogonadal (Low T). This is called dingdong-induced Primary Hypogonadism. You're the dingdong by the way.
    But wait, there's more...

    Why You Should Not Use hCG Post Cycle:

    Let's establish what we are trying to accomplish here. You just got done with your cycle and you've been suppressed for however many weeks. We want to bring our natural HPTA back to life, can we all agree on that? If you said no, please ask Mom if she dropped you on your head when you were a baby. Moving on...

    hCG is suppressive! Since we know that hCG mimics LH, then we know that in the presence of exogenous LH, the pituitary gland will not produce LH. Hang on a minute! You see that word in blue above? It says "natural". So which one is natural? The one I just induced by using hCG, or the one coming from the pituitary? Doh! The pituitary of course! So why? Why on earth would you want to suppress your pituitary with hCG when you're trying to recover?! "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" Are we clear on this one, folks? If you said no, you know what to do...

    So next time you meet Rich Piana. Tell him that he is a dingdong, and he's hurting a lot of people with his statements. Please, Rich. stop hurting people. (Jon Stewart voice)

    SERMS! Clomid and Nolva are not suppressive. In fact, they work on your brain to help the pea sized gland pump out your precious LH. That is all you should be using for PCT. Otherwise, it would be like walking into a closed door and never being able to get inside. Would you constantly walk into a door without being able to get inside? Wait... that's doing the wrong thing over and over again. I'm pretty sure that's referred to as insane. Ok, enough comedy. Lame, I know. Sorry, I'm not kelkel.

    How To Properly Mix hCG

    As you all know, hcg comes in a powder form and needs to be mixed with bacteriostatic water in preparation for injections. In this example, we will use a 5,000 unit vial. Obviously, you need to observe the math and adjust according to how you want your hCG concentrated per CC.

    Step 1: Transfer 5 CC's of bacteriostatic water into the vial containing your hCG powder. No more than 3 CC's at once.

    Step 2: After each bacteriostatic water transfer, you'll need to draw out just as much air to release pressure.

    Step 3: Swirl the mix gently and keep it in the refrigerator.

    Once you've completed your mix above, you now have a 5,000 iu vial that contains 1,000 iu's of hCG for every CC. So if you want to shoot 250iu, that would be 0.25 CC/ML. Or 25 units on a slin pin. I personally use injectable B12 to mix my hCG. Helps me get both B12 and hCG in one shot.

    How the Math Works for Mixing hCG

    I'm adding this segment because it seems a lot of people still don't understand how to calculate their doses after mixing. Note that CC and ML are the same thing. So here is the math to prevent anymore questions about this...

    A standard insulin syringe can hold 1 CC in volume. Each barrel will have markings in 1 unit increments up to 100. So each CC displays 100 unit markings.

    Step 1: Amount of hCG units in a vial DIVIDED BY total CC's of solution added = Amount of hCG you will have per CC.
    Step 1 example: 10,000 / 10 = 1,000

    Step 2: Amount of hCG per CC (result of step 1) DIVIDED BY 100 (number of units on a slin pin) = amount of hCG per unit.
    Step 2 example: 1,000 / 100 = 10

    Step 3: Amount desired per injection DIVIDED BY amount of hCG per unit (result of step 2) = Number of units to draw from your mixed vial.
    Step 3 example: 250 IU / 10 = 25 units. You would draw 25 units, or a quarter of a CC on a slin pin.

    Hope that clears it up.

    Let's Clear Up Some Confusion About Handling hCG

    Let's get a few myths out of the way...

    Myth # 1: hCG must be injected subcutaneously. (This is not true, IM injections work just as well. SubQ is fine, but only matters if you're a TRT patient)
    Myth # 2: I cannot use hCG past 30 days (This is not true, use it for 2 months. It'll be fine)
    Myth # 3: I can use oral hCG I got at the store. (This is not true and is simply a complete scam. Avoid it.)

    hCG needs to be refrigerated for the sole purpose of preserving potency. It does not "go bad", ever. hCG merely loses potency over time, and at a faster pace when placed at room temperature.

    hCG can be used for 90 days after reconstituting it. After 90 days, it loses approximately 10% potency per month. You can leave hCG at room temperature for about a week with negligible potency loss. No loss if it's in the early stages after mixing. After 90 days, you would simply increase dose to compensate for the 10% loss per month. So for those of you who travel, do not be afraid to take your hCG. No need to go through the extra measure of keeping it cool.

    The reason hCG generally does not arrive mixed, is because in some cases, it is frozen in powder form, which would preserve the compound for millions of years. This way you can thaw the powder and use it at your convenience. Some manufacturers ship premixed compounds, such as the HUCOG brand, which is extracted from pregnant rat urine.

    hCG is not as "fragile" as most of us are led to believe. If you prefer to minimize injections, you can combine your steroid compounds with hCG into the same syringe and inject. The only real way to destroy hCG is by freezing and thawing pre-loaded/premixed syringes, as the ice crystals tend to destroy the proteins. If you decide to freeze your mixed hCG, be sure not to re-freeze it, ever.

    The expiration dates are merely the length of time the potency was tested. This is also used/marketed so that you purchase more of this compound.

    How To Administer hCG

    How Much hCG do I need on cycle and when do I start?

    Start using it from week 1. Timing does not matter, just spread it out. For cycling, 250 iu two to three times weekly will suffice. Do not use hCG back to back. If you choose twice weekly at that dose, run it every 3.5 days, just like you would with Test cyp. If you choose 3 times weekly, run it Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There's only so much stimulation that can occur with hCG, so you should never bother with doses in excess of 500 iu at once. If you're injecting 250 iu and after several weeks you're still experiencing some issues, increase your dose 100 iu's at a time, not to exceed 500 iu's twice weekly. Your weekly grand total should never have to exceed 1000 IU, ever.

    If you inject your hCG subcutaneously, always be sure that you do not inject more than 0.6 CC at once. Volumes greater than 0.6 CC will result in lumps under your skin that can be quite uncomfortable and in some cases painful to the touch. This goes for anything that is injected subQ, including testosterone, B12 & hCG. This is volume related, not iu or milligram related. So be sure to mix your hCG with a concentration resulting in about half of a CC or less.

    Injections in subcutaneous fat should be administered using a syringe with a high gauge. Some folks use a 27 gauge syringe, but I prefer a 29 gauge. Even a 31 gauge works great. Water based compounds get through the tiny bore with ease.

    If injecting in a muscle, do not flex it. Just relax and inject. If injecting subQ, just find a good spot about 2 to 6 inches from the naval and inject.

    That's all folks. Have a powerful day,

    ~ Austinite
    Last edited by austinite; 02-27-2014 at 06:06 PM.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  2. #2
    Thank u for such a thread really explains every thing

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Outstanding again! Even though you picked on me.

    People really have fat 6 inches from their navel?

    pm coming your way.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Great write up as usual austinite. Myself being such a big advocate of hcg it's really nice to have this info to refer to and the bonus I just enjoyed reading it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Great thread austinite! Seems like I see a new thread each week with someone needing info on using hcg...I see a sticky in the near future!

    "Ain't nobody got time for dat!"

    Last edited by tgunn; 09-01-2013 at 03:49 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Great write up. Now there is a one post response tto all those inevitable newbie questons abut HCG that have been answered here many times over but I don't think any of the older stickies explain all aspects of it in one place as yours does.

  7. #7
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    Great read!

    One question. So you mix your b12 with the hcg instead of bac water? or both? I would assume it depends on the concentration of B12. The B12 does not effect the HCG?

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by probuild42 View Post
    Great read!

    One question. So you mix your b12 with the hcg instead of bac water? or both? I would assume it depends on the concentration of B12. The B12 does not effect the HCG?
    Just B12. Works great.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
    Great post! I have one question, here in my country I get the vet version very cheap but it brings 3750 iu of gc, is too much to use one every week?

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post
    Great post! I have one question, here in my country I get the vet version very cheap but it brings 3750 iu of gc, is too much to use one every week?
    Answered in the article, bud.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
    Oh sorry I just read it. Can you tell me what are the risks of exceed 1000 i.u. per week? Thx!

  12. #12
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post
    Oh sorry I just read it. Can you tell me what are the risks of exceed 1000 i.u. per week? Thx!
    Answered in the article, bud.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  13. #13
    Increase intratesticular estrogen! Got it Thx

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    And what if you couldn't store your HCG in the fridge? Like say you didn't want questions as to why you have a vial of something in the fridge that might be linked to gear?

  15. #15
    Can't u hide it somewhere in there? I'm the master of hidden the insuline vial between the veggies, Copperfield style!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post
    Can't u hide it somewhere in there? I'm the master of hidden the insuline vial between the veggies, Copperfield style!
    Might have to give it a try. That is once I find some legit HCG.

  17. #17
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    so the oral HCG is just crap...dammit. If it sounds too easy then it is.

  18. #18
    Yeap, no way the peptide chain can survey the digestive process

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Good to know that it works for 2 months. That was always one i was not sure of. Thanks for the article!

  21. #21
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    So hcg is to be used each week on cycle, then discontinued immediately after last test injection of cycle? This is important for me to find out since my previous trt protocol called for hcg in the two weeks between end of cycle and beginning of pct

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    If you're on TRT you do not need PCT, ever and your HCG protocol does not need to change.
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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    If you're on TRT you do not need PCT, ever and your HCG protocol does not need to change.
    I'm no longer on trt. However, I was once on a trt protocol. When I exited this program I had to go through pct. I was advised to blast hcg at 500iu/day between my last test injection and commencement of my pct

  24. #24
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluPhin View Post
    So hcg is to be used each week on cycle, then discontinued immediately after last test injection of cycle? This is important for me to find out since my previous trt protocol called for hcg in the two weeks between end of cycle and beginning of pct
    Yes, discontinue when your steroid injections end.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by uoflcards View Post
    And what if you couldn't store your HCG in the fridge? Like say you didn't want questions as to why you have a vial of something in the fridge that might be linked to gear?
    lol. I guess I forgot to list stashing solutions?

    Get a mini fridge for your room, move out of moms house, or locate your gonads.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  26. #26
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    lol. I guess I forgot to list stashing solutions?

    Get a mini fridge for your room, move out of moms house, or locate your gonads.
    Exceptionally funny for you!
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Exceptionally funny for you!
    lol. Trying to keep up with you.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post

    lol. I guess I forgot to list stashing solutions?

    Get a mini fridge for your room, move out of moms house, or locate your gonads.
    I redecorated the house adding a mini bar with a fridge under it ...i hide my gh underneath the cranberry cans...

    HCG is left at the pharmacy as i inject it questions asked

  30. #30
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    awesomeness right there.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    lol. I guess I forgot to list stashing solutions?

    Get a mini fridge for your room, move out of moms house, or locate your gonads.

  32. #32
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    I have been doing 100iu ed. So do you think 2-3 per week is better?

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JinNtonic View Post
    I have been doing 100iu ed. So do you think 2-3 per week is better?
    Use the least amount that works for you. No reason to hCG daily though.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814
    Can't u hide it somewhere in there? I'm the master of hidden the insuline vial between the veggies, Copperfield style!
    You need to visit the lounge and comment on hiding your hobby . Good stuff

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post

    You need to visit the lounge and comment on hiding your hobby . Good stuff
    lol, ok sure! I'm going to reveal the secrets behind the magic, it includes lettuce bags and brocoli ;D

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by BluPhin View Post
    I'm no longer on trt. However, I was once on a trt protocol. When I exited this program I had to go through pct. I was advised to blast hcg at 500iu/day between my last test injection and commencement of my pct
    curious, how long were you on the TRT when you ended it? and how long did it take for you to recover?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post

    lol, ok sure! I'm going to reveal the secrets behind the magic, it includes lettuce bags and brocoli ;D
    Looks like you could hide it under your peck
    The chest muscle of corse.

  38. #38
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    And we're back. On topic, that is

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    And we're back. On topic, that is
    Hmm... Yes yes... Hcg very good read. Thank you. Completely agree.

  40. #40
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    Aust quick would the mixing formula become if the HCG came in 1500iu vials?

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